Astro Tarot Reading



Tarot is a wonderful way to get clarity about your life. It is more than just divination or fortune telling; it offers you a larger insight about your life, who you are, where you are headed, and if you are aligned with your soul’s purpose. These are just some of the questions that the tarot answers for you. This doesn’t mean you can’t use this divination tool to answer day-to-day, practical questions- Do I need a job change or will my boyfriend propose, for example.

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  • Astro Tarot Reading: : Is Astro-Tarot Reading From Fortune Alexander Legit

    Program? We all desire a joyful, peaceful and abundant life and we enhance our life experience by knowing when we are manifesting our soul-power. Everyone is manifesting soul-power in greater or lesser measure, but how do we know when we are living according to the vision and mission of our soul?

  • Tarot is a wonderful way to get clarity about your life. It is more than just divination or fortune telling; it offers you a larger insight about your life, who you are, where you are headed, and if you are aligned with your soul’s purpose. These are just some of the questions that the tarot answers for you. This doesn’t mean you can’t use this divination tool to answer day-to-day, practical questions- Do I need a job change or will my boyfriend propose, for example.

    If you are weighed down with questions and are seeking reliable, Higher-self answers, look no further as Astro Tarot Reading is your trustworthy friend for life. It is a divination product for your soul. If you are struggling to find answers, looking for signs from the Universe to signify what you should or should not do in a given situation, read on further while we tell you all you need to know about this awesome tarot reading website.

    About Astro Tarot Reading:

    This is a tarot and divination website that works with astrology and a bit of numerology to solve your pressing life problems. It offers a slew of readings like Astro birth card reading, relationship reading, health reading and more under the Grandmaster Astro Tarot reading.

    This unique tarot reading website works on the supposition that the mysterious energies around you hold all the answers to your questions, whatever they may be. And all that you have to strive for is to forge a way to connect with these spirits, angels and guides. This is what Astro Tarot Reading claims to do.

  • The readings available on this site reveal significant truths about existence. They help you tap into the mysteries of the Universe to see the true path for yourself.

    About The Creator Of Astro Tarot Reading:

    Fortune Alexander is a Soul Path Intuitive reader. He is a man who has survived many hardships and struggles in life and has risen above them all. He has seen days of complete darkness and struggled with his social orientation, but has persevered and is now a world acclaimed Guide and Master.

    He has learnt most of what he knows today in the lap of the Himalayas, where he moved as a child. He finally returned to the US in 1988. He finished his education

  • and did a Bachelor’s degree in Astronomy. Soon he began doing astrological readings for his family and friends. He was finding his true purpose in life.

    Working of Astro Tarot Reading:

    The Astro Tarot Reading guide book works as a Guide and a fortune-teller both. It tells you what is expected to happen in your life before it happens. It guides you through the various phases of your life and helps you overcome the obstacles that are holding you back from achieving your Soul’s purpose.

    This guidebook has directions for your health, personality, self-connection, improving your relationships, and what’s more, it also offers you personalized guidance based on numerology.

    This guidebook gives you a 360 degree tour of your inner life. It helps you understand the minute intricacies of your life. The Astro Tarot Reading guide book also makes you aware of the energies acting for and against you and prepares you to deal with them to forge ahead in life.

    It takes you towards true abundance and joy.

  • The Astro Tarot Reading guide helps you forge a connection with the Universe and align your energies with the right direction, filling you with positivity and optimism.

    This reading finally is an amalgamation of Astrology, Tarot, and Numerology. These three divination tools help predict events using hitherto hidden signs and messages from the Universe.

    How Do You Get A Reading?

  • The process is very simple. As soon as you open the web page, you see a spread of cards and you are asked to select two cards thinking about the problem or the most important issue in your life.

    Once you select two cards as required, the tarot cards are revealed. These are the cards that tell you the most important facts about yourself.

    Next, you are asked to pick cards for a problem that you are facing in any specific area of your life like relationships, work, health, finances etc.

    More Information on Astro Tarot Reading Can Be Found On The Official Website Here

    Astro Tarot Reading Benefits:

    You get aligned with your soul’s purpose.

    The readings help you decipher the messages being sent to you by the Universe.

    The readings help you make the right choice.

    The readings help you take the much-required action in your life aligned with your Guardian angels.

    They also make you feel comfortable in your skin.

    They help you appreciate yourself.

  • Astro Tarot readings help you realize your real aim in life.

    They give you a sense of direction in your life.

    They help you achieve your ultimate goal in life.

    The reading helps you become successful.

    The Astro Tarot Reading includes-

  • Astro Personality Roadmap: This map helps you realize who you really are. It helps you get to understand your capabilities.

    Astro Health Roadmap: This helps improve your health.

    Astro Connection Roadmap: This helps you develop a connection with your authentic self and touch base with the universal energies.

    Tarot Birth Card Story: This card identifies what you are on the planet for.

    Your Sacred-Number: This numerology reading helps you to achieve the things which the Universe has planned for you.

    Who Is Astro Tarot Reading For?

    Astro Tarot Reading is for anyone, especially if he or she is having a tough time figuring out their lives. It helps seekers who want to benefit from guidance instead of letting time just pass by.

    The reading can help you a lot if you are someone who feels that you are simply existing and not living. The Astro Tarot Reading will certainly help you figure out what you came into the world to achieve. You will finally know what your calling is too.

    This reading program also helps people who are struggling to find their rightful place in society. It helps men get acceptance from their family and peers.

  • Soul Manifestation - AstroTarot reading:

    Everybody can arrive at a point in life when they have totally forgotten about their most profound wants. They are no longer worth their enthusiasm, and they just spotlight on bringing in cash. They do what society needs them to do and start to fear disappointment. Each time individuals commit an error or fizzle at something, it is their characteristic reaction to attempt to abstain from having a similar involvement with what’s to come. Be that as it may, truly, this dread doesn’t benefit them in any way. It prevents them from attempting again to accomplish their objectives.

  • In any case, in the event that they kick back and ponder when they were kids, they begin accepting from their heart that they resulted in these present circumstances earth with a reason.

    Manifestation is about exploring your inner self and exploring it to that extent where your dreams can become part of your regular life. This is true and it is very much possible because there are people who have learned the art of manifestation and they have made their dreams come true and there is a law known as the law of attraction.

    Soul Manifestation:

    The Soul Path Report from Soul Manifestation can be extraordinarily useful for the individuals who have a profoundly established lament that they didn’t follow their fantasies. Here its advantages:

    ● Lessons about the innate blessings ● Settling past injuries ● Recuperating wounds from a past poisonous relationship ● Understanding the greatest wellbeing challenges ● Discovering genuine affection ● Giving melodic recuperating

    At the center of Soul Manifestation, the Soul Path Report is a basic perusing of tarot reports and birth cards that will uncover a Personal Soul Code for every person. This code mentions to people what is keeping them away from following their sincere interests. The dynamic Health Soul Code additionally assists people with understanding the impediments and qualities of their physical structure. Just when they know this data, are individuals really ready to depend on their capacities and release them indiscriminately.

  • The Love and Romance Soul Code can assist anybody with showing signs of improvement comprehension of what characteristics their perfect partner ought to be their optimal match. On the off chance that they had a sweetheart once yet by one way or another things didn’t work out, odds are they have some open injuries they have to mend. The report will give individuals a careful comprehension of the apparent multitude of elements engaged with finding the ideal perfect partner.

    In this day and age, materialistic delight is significant. To a few, their preferred book brings them tremendous delight, though, for other people, a pleasant supper at an extravagant eatery works. Now and again, individuals must burn through cash on materialistic delights, so any individual can enormously profit by the Material Abundance Soul Code remembered for the Soul Path Report from Soul Manifestation.

    Prefer to read:

  • If your ultimate aim in life is freedom, limitless freedom, then you must learn to manifest your personal greatness, your soul-power.

    How much personal greatness are you currently manifesting? One can have greatness and one can have goodness. Goodness is always supported by the soul; greatness is not always supported by the soul.

    Work for goodness first; greatness may come with ease. Work for greatness first; goodness may never come. Goodness comes from inner power. Greatness is an outer power.

    All real power is internal. You can manifest your personal greatness by overcoming all beliefs that are limiting and binding. Your internal power originates in your soul. Once you access the powers of your soul and begin to identify with and utilize them, you will be in touch with your personal greatness, your soul power.

    Your soul-power is your personal greatness. Each person tends to manifest his or her greatness according to the specific qualities the soul wants to bring forward during this lifetime.

    The qualities of the soul are always positive and always divine in nature. The soul’s qualities range from the very soft (inner poise, love, light, peace and joy) to the more powerful (dynamism, responsibility, courage, playfulness and transformation.)

  • Actually, all qualities of the soul can be either soft or powerful. Inner poise can be extremely powerful; the quality of love can be extraordinarily powerful! At the same time, some of the more dynamic qualities such as playfulness and courage can have a softer side to them. All of the soul’s qualities can be powerful, each in its own way.

    Manifest Money And All The Wealth You Desire:

    Can you use the law of attraction to manifest money? Absolutely! In fact, I would venture a guess that 99.9% of everyone that discovers the law of attraction did so out of their inherent desire to manifest money into their lives. This is not so because money itself is the most important aspect of life. It is because the lack of money is the most commonly used excuse for not living the life we want. As stated throughout this site, it takes a high degree of awareness to fully use and direct the power of the law of attraction. This is true whether you want to manifest money or a cup of coffee. The difference is the cup of coffee is so easily accessible and readily available to us that we are presently mentally prepared to receive it. You’ve surely had a hundred cups of coffee so why should there be any reason you could not produce one now, right? Whereas for the majority of people out there, to manifest money is not so easy, or so it seems.

    The truth is that everything is thought. Before anything is created or experienced there first must be a thought. Thoughts lead to feelings and feelings become moods, habitual emotions or responses, and finally thoughts solidify themselves in your subconscious as “beliefs”. Beliefs can be learned, programmed, and altered over time through exposure and repetition. It takes a lot of work to reprogram your subconscious but it can be done and works wonders when done successfully. The subconscious is quite simply the most powerful operating system on the planet and is your direct link to the universe. The subconscious(among other things) is responsible for sending out the signals or “requests” that it receives from you out into the universe, which in turn, gives you exactly what you want! Your mind is a manifestation machine and it runs on beliefs.

  • Think of your current situation. What beliefs about money were you raised with? The people around you, family, friends, co-workers, all have similar if not identical mind-sets and views about money. As well as their capacity for gaining more money, and their feelings towards those who have money. What does this tell you? It simply highlights the fact that for better or worse you are operating on a subconscious belief system about money which has been inadequate! Furthermore, you have naturally attracted around you a complete network of people who unknowingly are reinforcing these limiting beliefs for you. Thus leaving you desiring more. Which is good because desire must be present first if you are to manifest anything, and to manifest money is no exception! This does not mean that your friends and family are your enemies to be avoided at all costs. It just means that you have never been aware of the fact that the result of your limited financial situation is a result of your limited financial belief system. Because you have been born, raised, and are currently surrounded by it!

    So, to be clear, it is entirely possible to manifest money. Actually, it is not even that hard at all(it is more difficult deciding what you want most in life!). However, to manifest money requires that you first identify and change your limiting beliefs about money. Why? Because wealth, joy, happiness, health, safety, excitement, all of these feelings are born in your mind as thoughts and “ideas” first and foremost! Because if you can’t feel love for wealth now you will never feel it later. Because if all you feel is helpless inadequacy about being broke all the time, then that is all you are attracting! If you really want to manifest money, this is step one; Be patient, learn and study the law of attraction, and above all, BELIEVE.

  • To manifest anything, money included, is to have a desire for it. Which obviously means there is a lack of something, money in this case. As a student of the law of attraction, the immediate action you need to take is to identify any and all negative feelings you are harboring towards money, and stop it! You must understand and accept the fact that your present circumstances and financial duress is a direct result of your conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings regarding money! If you lack credit or cash then stop thinking of the lack. If you want something expensive like a new car or dress then stop the immediate, reactionary, emotional *sigh*, and the negative feeling of NOT having enough money for it. When you react emotionally in this way you are sending a clear and powerful signal to the universe to give you just that…not enough. It is really that simple. You get back everything you send out. Give out negative feelings about money and that’s what you will attract back to you. Like attracts like.

  • The beauty of this law is that it works both ways. The universe is intended to work for you without fail. As easy as it is to feel negatively about money, with a little practice, you can feel the opposite. As the parachuting cyclist feels the rush of free-falling off a cliff in his mind before actually doing it. So must you learn to feel the emotions attached to having the money you desire now BEFORE you have it. The thought must exist first and if it’s a positive thought you are trying to manifest then you must feel the positivity in it for it to blossom. It is easy to feel the negativity associated with thoughts of what you don’t want, right? People do it everyday and never consider that they are misusing the most powerful universal tool of all time against themselves. The power of feelings.

    What you feel is real and will manifest in the future as such. If you “need” money it is only because you have felt that need more than the feelings of abundance and wealth you desire. Practice feeling thankful for the money you do have no matter how small it may be currently. Practice feeling wealthy all the time and see what miracles fall into your lap!

    Finally, it is important for you to know exactly what you want most in life. This sounds easy but proves difficult for most. This is so because most people stop believing they CAN do, or have, or experience whatever they want in life as they grow older. As a child it is easy to daydream about adventures and who we will be, do, and meet, and all the wonderful things we will have. We sacrifice this freedom of imagination and feeling of love for our desires to the Gods of responsibility, ignorance, laziness, and fear. This is a tragedy to the human race. In this lost ability lies the salvation of every hope, dream, and desire most individuals declare dead before they’ve even given themselves a chance to succeed! For it is in the youthful exuberance of a child’s imagination that the manifesting power of thoughts exist.

    Sit down with a pad and pen and list everything that you want. All the material things, physical attributes, adventures, and relationships. You may spend days listing them all! Then go through each one and think about them thoroughly. Feel how wonderful they make you feel and rate them 1–10(10 being strongest) on

  • emotional strength. Re-order your list highest to lowest. Then go through your 10’s and put them in order of what you want most. Again, take your time and really feel the emotions as though they are real right now. Use any belief reinforcing techniques that you can come up with. Keep doing this until you have discovered your number one top desire over all others. Mentally feel how thankful you are for having this desire now. It should be clear now what it is you want most in life. Congratulations! The majority of people in life never find this out!

    Wanna know a secret? Typically, the top desire is almost never money, and here’s why. If you are thinking of money as your top desire you are fooling yourself, because money is paper, ultimately. If all you had in the world was all of the money under the sun and nothing else you would have nothing but the kindling to an enormous bonfire! It is the feelings that money can buy that you are thinking of when you think of wanting money. You want the “option” to buy any vehicle, house, jewelry, or “thing” that you want. You want to feel exclusive, important, successful, proud, powerful, safe, and financially secure. All of these feelings money can bring. Yet it is useless to attempt to manifest money without feeling these emotions. It is far more effective to think of the greatest desire you have AS IF money were not a factor. In this way you are honestly attracting your deepest desires in harmony with the law of attraction. If money is needed for you to have what you want, then the universe will find a way to manifest money for you. Money is a tool available to all who have the courage to dream and fuel those dreams with the love of an over-imaginative child. It will find a way to you and you will manifest money as a means, rather than a necessity.

    If you want to manifest money. Think of abundance and feel thankful for all the money you have. Dare to dream and OWN your desires in your mind as though you have access to all the money in the world. And in doing so you will indirectly manifest money into your life. Stop thinking of what you DON’T have! Instead, build the habit of feeling grateful for what you DO have. Manifest money by feeling the love and gratefulness you would feel WITH all the money you want as though you already have it now!

  • Lastly, if money really is your top desire, put a number on it. Don’t just say “I want to manifest money”. Rather, be specific, say I want to manifest $32,000,000 dollars! To manifest money, or anything for that matter, is to order it from the universe. You don’t order “food” when you go through a drive-through. You order exactly what you want and you get what you pay for, every time.

    To manifest money is to manifest your desires. When you realize just how simple the process really is, it is like holding the energy of life itself, in the palm of your hand.

  • Click Here To Start Manifesting Wealth…