Freedom Comes from Within


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FREEDOM COMES FROM WITHIN Attaining Inner Emancipation

We all long to be free.

Freedom is an eternal state, not an external situation.

Most feel that freedom means being able to act instinctively, to do whatever you want,

following every impulse without restraint.

In the real world, there are rules to follow and behaviors to adhere to. Only when your heart is free can you do so

without being constrained, limited, or imposed upon.

Freedom does not look like anything in particular on the surface. Freedom is a deep spiritual state.

It’s called spiritual emancipation for a reason. When we awaken to the depth of our being, we attain emancipation

regardless of what the surface of life looks like.

Proper behavior in life facilitates the awakening to freedom,

to spiritual emancipation.

But what is proper behavior? Who can tell you what is proper? Opinions point in every direction.

The path to right action is found within. Upbringing and cultural orientation must be considered.

Yet Truth is found within, not in books or guidelines.

Only do what you feel is right. But after thoughtful reflection, if you’re still not sure,

don’t do it.

Remember that anything can be justified with the intellect. Truth can only be found when

your heart is unfettered, unagitated, and peaceful.
