He is no fool jim elliot


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Jim Elliot, October 28, 1949

Lived: October 8, 1927 – January 8, 1956

Jim Elliot, October 28, 1949

Lived: October 8, 1927 – January 8, 1956

Love Above All

Performed by Mount Carmel Bible-

Presbyterian Church, Singapore

The story of Jim and

Elisabeth Elliot

Other videos taken from

‘Beyond the Gates of

Splendor’, a video on the

life of Nate Saint and his


Love Above All

Performed by Mount Carmel Bible-

Presbyterian Church, Singapore

The story of Jim and

Elisabeth Elliot

Other videos taken from

‘Beyond the Gates of

Splendor’, a video on the

life of Nate Saint and his


College at Wheaton (1945)

Majored in Greek

President of Student Foreign

Missions Fellowship

Met and was interested in

Elisabeth Howard

Attended Camp Wycliffe


Met a former missionary to the

Quechua people in Ecuador

Choosing Ecuador over local


Parents wanted him to be a youth minister

“The church here is well-fed”

Planned to go with Bill Cathers (1951)

Planned to go with Ed Mccully (1951)

Finally went with Pete Fleming (1952)

Move to Quito, then Shandia

Studied the Quechua language

Ed and Marilou McCully joined him

there (Sep 1953)

Married Elisabeth in 1953

Daughter Valerie born in 1955

Secret planning to reach

Auca (Operation Auca)

Former missionary had told

him about a “Stone Age


Nate Saint was recruited to

help locate them

Studied the 5 missionaries

killed by the Ayores in

Bolivia (1944)

To avoid the same result

A Village Found

Start by Bearing Gifts

The pilot Nate Saint had had an ingenious idea in college

Gifts From Above

Jim Elliot







A Gift Returned

A Gift


This was taken

as a sign of

friendship, and

they decided it

was time to

make contact

Jan 3, 1956 – Palm Beach

Waiting at Palm Beach

The missionaries waited

for some of the Auca to

come to see them

Jan 6, 1956 – Visitors at last

Two women (Gimade, Mintaka) and one man (Nenkiwi)

Nenkiwi was brought for two plane rides

All three were very curious

Jan 6, 1956 – Visitors at last

Jan 7, 1956 – Waiting again

Gimade and Nenkiwi left abruptly

Mintaka stayed till late at night

The missionaries continued to wait…

Jan 7, 1956 – Waiting again

During the last war we were

taught to recognize that, in order

to achieve our objective, we had

to be willing to be expendable…

Yet when the Lord Jesus asks us to pay the price for world

evangelism, we often answer “it

costs too much!”

Nate Saint’s journal, Dec 18

Final radio contact said

“we are hoping for visitors

at about 2:30, I’ll call you

again at 4:35”

All 5 men were speared to

death on Jan 8th, 1956 by

Gikita, Dyuwi, Nampa,

Mincaye, Kimo and Nenkiwi

What does Scripture say?

Matthew 16:24-26Then Jesus said to his disciples,

“Whoever wants to be my

disciple must deny themselves

and take up their cross and

follow me. For whoever wants to

save their life will lose it, but

whoever loses their life for me will

find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole

world, yet forfeit their soul? Or

what can anyone give in

exchange for their soul?

John 12:25-26Anyone who loves their life will

lose it, while anyone who hates

their life in this world will keep it

for eternal life. Whoever serves

me must follow me; and where I

am, my servant also will be. My

Father will honor the one who

serves me.

Today is Palm Sunday

Palm Beach Auca territory, willingly entered

Betrayal by self-serving lies

Attacked and killed

Refused to retaliate

Jerusalem Jewish leader’s stronghold,

willingly entered

Betrayal by Judas

Arrested and sentenced to death

Did not save Himself

Giving your life for the

Kingdom of God

Giving your life for the

Kingdom of God

Palm Sunday

Jesus was welcomed to Jerusalem

Holy Wednesday

Jesus was betrayed

Good Friday

Jesus was crucified

Easter Sunday

Jesus rose from the dead

That was not the

end of the story

That was not the

end of the story

That was not the

end of the story

That was not the

end of the story

What did the families do?

What did the families do?

Marilou McCully, Barbara Youdarian (Jerry), (Stephen), Marjorie Saint (Philip), Olive Fleming, Elisabeth Elliot

Dayuma’s life

Fled after her father was speared

Ran with cousins Aepi and Omi

Rescued by Quechua Indians

Sister to Gimade and Nampa

Accepted Christ while teaching Rachel Saint the Huaorani


Taught the other missionaries the language in secret

Dayuma visited

In 1958, two Huaorani women emerge from the jungle, looking

for Dayuma

Mintaka (elder woman from Palm Beach)

Mankamo (sister of leader of the attack)

They wanted her to return to her mother, Akawo

After some months, she follows the women back into the


Dayuma returns

3 weeks later, a Huaorani

delegation comes with an


“But will your people spear us


No, because you are friends!

Rachel Saint, Elisabeth Elliot, and

Valerie enter the tribe

Entering the jungle

Dayuma preaches

The Huaorani believed in a creator God – Waengongi

Dayuma told her people Waengongi had marked a trail with


Following those carvings would lead them to His house when they


These carvings said they should not kill

Dawa (Kimo’s wife) and her husband the first to accept

Dayuma would gather the tribe on Sunday for Bible Study

In the week she would learn from Rachel

Living your Life for the

Kingdom of God

Baptism of Stephen Saint

Stephen Saint



Kathy Saint

Friendship of Mincaye and

Jesse Saint

Nate Saint’s grandson

Bonded with Mincaye,

called him grandfather

Both cried when Jesse left

to go to college

Mincaye attended Jesse’s

graduation on Jesse’s


Big problems

Land grabs (legal and otherwise) for oil

Intermarriages with other tribes enables encroachment

Influx of disease

Low educational achievement (50% are in school)

Rampant drug abuse

Dependency on aid

Tagae’s group retreated into the jungle

A large protected zone around them to prevent killings

Big problems

Positive results

A Huaorani church, led by their own community

Some have university-level education

Ancestral lands recognised by government

Being trained to self-dependence


God’s Kingdom will


Dan 2:44 – Daniel interpreting

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream


Practical suggestions

One or more of the following:-

Draw up an annual/weekly schedule

Keep accounts on spending

Keep a journal, with notes on how you react to things that


Grade the effort you put into your actions

Does it tally with your priorities?

Is that all?

Whoever wants to

be my disciple must

deny themselves

and take up their

cross daily, and

follow me

Whoever wants to

be my disciple must

deny themselves

and take up their

cross daily, and

follow me


Reproduced with permission


Reproduced with permission


Reproduced with permission


Reproduced with permission


Reproduced with permission

Give me all! I don’t want so much of your time, so

much of your talents and money, and so much of

your work. I want you! C.S. Lewis

Jesus Christ, Saviour, Lord
