There’s this kid…Including kids with emotional, behavior and developmental challenges in your...



One in five kids in the U.S. meet criteria for at least one mental health disorder, one in four experience a traumatic event by age 16, and a majority of the one in 68 kids diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders have average to high intelligence. For many, the environments in which we “do church” present subtle, but very real barriers to participation for kids with mental illness, trauma or developmental disabilities and their families. In this session, we’ll help Awana leaders identify potential pitfalls to kids with common disabilities becoming involved and staying involved with ministry, while exploring ideas for welcoming and including ALL kids in your ministry…many who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the hope of Christ.

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Stephen Grcevich, MD!

Director of Strategic Initiatives, Key Ministry!Awana 2014 Ministry Conference!First Baptist Church, Oxford, MS!

August 23, 2014!

There’s this kid…Including kids with emotional, behavior and developmental challenges in your ministry

Expanding our definition of “all”!

¨  …and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.!

!Acts 1:8b (ESV)!

What comes to mind when you think about “disability?”

How we view disability ministry…

How we view special needs ministry…

Most disabilities identified in kids are “hidden disabilities”

¨  Hidden disabilities are significant emotional, behavioral, developmental or neurologic conditions lacking outwardly apparent physical symptoms.

¨  It’s not a “hidden disability” if you can recognize it in a still photograph of the child.

Examples of “hidden disabilities”

¨  ADHD!¨  Anxiety Disorders!¨  Attachment Disorders!¨  Autism spectrum disorders!¨  Bipolar Disorder!¨  Mood disorders (depression)!¨  Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder!¨  Learning disorders!¨  PTSD!¨  Social pragmatic language disorder!¨  Sensory processing disorder!

Kids with “hidden disabilities” are often disabled in some, but not all environments…!

“It is our culture that disables.” “When one is disabled, the problem is not really that they have impairments and social skill deficits. The issue at stake is that they live in an ‘ableist’ culture that rarely affords them the space or opportunity to make their unique contribution to society and does not lift up the value of choosing them as friends.” Ben Conner…Amplifying Our Witness (2012)

A look at data on kids here in “Judea”

¨  22% have one (or more) mental health disorders ¨  11% of kids ages 4-17 have been prescribed ADHD

medication ¨  8% of teens have anxiety disorders…less than 20% are

treated ¨  13% have at least one developmental disorder ¨  One child in 68 will be diagnosed with autism spectrum

disorder…the majority of average/superior intelligence

Carter, AS et al. J. Am Acad. Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2010;49(7): 686-698 Visser et al. J Am Acad. Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2014;53(1): 34-46 Boulet, SL, Boyle CA, Schieve, LA. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163(1):19-26.

The barriers to church are different for kids with hidden disabilities and their families…!

What barriers keep kids with “hidden disabilities” and their families from “doing church?”!

What keeps them…and their families from church?! Where does she fit at church?!

¨  Social isolation!¨  Difficulty with social

communication!¨  Poor impulse control, capacity for

self-regulating emotions!¨  Sensory processing!¨  Reluctance to self-identify!¨  Fear of being singled out as

“different”!¨  Past experiences of church!¨  Parents with disabilities !

Meet the Phillips Family…!

The Phillips family lives down the street from your church. Tammy (a single parent) is raising her son Josh (age 9) and daughter Jennifer (age 6). Josh was invited to VBS by his friend (Matt)…Josh had a great time and wants to come to church every Sunday and to Awana on Wednesday night.!!Josh is on medication for ADHD and receivers special education services for dyslexia.!Jennifer struggles with separation anxiety!

Tammy has social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia (predisposed to anxiety attacks in noisy, crowded environments) !

What are some of the potential barriers they would face in regularly attending your church and participating in your Awana activities?!Photo courtesy of"!

How would your church serve them?!

Key Ministry provides knowledge, innovation and experience to the worldwide church as it ministers to and with families of children impacted by mental illness, trauma and developmental disabilities. !

Stay in Touch!!Key Ministry Website:!Church4EveryChild…Key Ministry Blog:!Key Ministry Training Channel:!Front Door (Online Church Campus):!!!!!!www!!/drgrcevich!/KeyMinistry

Additional Resources: ¨  Resource page on ADHD and spiritual development (includes video from Dr. Russ


¨  Resource page on anxiety and spiritual development

¨  Resource page on Asperger’s Disorder and spiritual development (includes video of 2012 Children’s Ministry Web Summit presentation)

¨  Resource page on Pediatric Bipolar Disorder (includes link to 2010 Grand Rounds presentation at Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron)

¨  The Mission Field Next Door (2011 Inclusion Fusion presentation with Katie Wetherbee)
