Youth Anglers of Ohio Presentation 2014

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The Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock derives its name from the waxed neck feathers of the jungle fowl shown below . This bird is currently on the endangered species list.

The Brotherhood was founded in Maryland in the late 1930’s by a group of sportsmen dedicated to teaching the love of fishing and the importance of conservation to our youth. Our purpose is well summarized by the following lines taken from our official Creed, drafted in 1939: Enjoying as we do, only a life estate in the out of doors, and morally

charged in our time with the responsibility of handing it down unspoiled to tomorrow’s inheritors, we individually undertake annually to take at least one child a-fishing, instructing him or her, as best we know, in the responsibilities that are soon to be wholly his or hers.

The Ohio Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock was organized in 1948 as the first official chapter.

Participants learn how to clean their catch and how to cook it. They learn how fish tastes good when you were the one who caught it. They learn how to enjoy their catch at home with their families

Students in their second year learn to make their own spinners and jigs. They can make as many of these as they like and can take home what they’ve made to try at home

Students in their third year learn how to tie flies and are able to take home what they have tied plus they take home their own fly tying kits

Students in their third year learn to fly fish and spend time learning how to cast and catch a fish

Students in their fourth or fifth year learn how to make their own fishing rods which they’ll take home after their weekend.

Students in their fourth year learn to make their own landing net, which they’ll take home after the weekend

Students in their fourth or fifth year can make their own filet knife and sheath

A big part of our program is conservation and education about the world around us. Students learn what makes a healthy stream and what lives in a healthy stream

We stock a pond with lots of nice rainbow trout and provide bait for the students to use. Every student gets a chance to catch a nice trout, and they can take them home to enjoy

The Grand Finale for the Weekend

May 23-25, 2014 – Memorial Day Weekend Canters Cave 4-H Camp, Jackson Ohio
