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to our STARTUPand the (FREE!) tools we use for them


first things first

• the ones that enhance the work you're doing as an organization • the ones that simply slow everything down

two kinds of processes

• the ones that enhance the work you're doing as an organization • the ones that simply slow everything down

It's not always easy to distinguish between those two processes. Because sometimes it's not that obvious.

two kinds of processes

• the ones that enhance the work you're doing as an organization • the ones that simply slow everything down

It's not always easy to distinguish between those two processes. Because sometimes it's not that obvious.

And at other times there are forces (read: people) at work by either doing their utmost best to mask the complete lack of effectiveness of a bad process or by doing their utmost best to destroy the real intrinsic effectiveness of a solid process.

two kinds of processes

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“it's how we've always done it”

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“it's how we've always done it”“it was taught to me that way”

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“it's how we've always done it”“it was taught to me that way”

“i don’t know why we do it like that, but we’ve never had complaints”

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“it's how we've always done it”“it was taught to me that way”

“i don’t know why we do it like that, but we’ve never had complaints”


learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“it's how we've always done it”BAD PROCESS“it was taught to me that way”

“i don’t know why we do it like that, but we’ve never had complaints”


learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“oh, i didn’t know the deadline was today”

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“oh, i didn’t know the deadline was today”“but this file format works fine too right?”

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“oh, i didn’t know the deadline was today”“but this file format works fine too right?”

“so what was this meeting about again?”

learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“oh, i didn’t know the deadline was today”“but this file format works fine too right?”

“so what was this meeting about again?”


learn to separatethe person from the process and identify how the two act at their most core self

“oh, i didn’t know the deadline was today”


“but this file format works fine too right?”

“so what was this meeting about again?”


the good process

• great processes become a second nature • are scrutinized often and never perfect

logical, simple, direct

• great processes become a second nature • are scrutinized often and never perfect

Implementing good processes takes time and is often a process in itself. Don’t expect perfection.

logical, simple, direct

• great processes become a second nature • are scrutinized often and never perfect

Implementing good processes takes time and is often a process in itself. Don’t expect perfection.

Especially at a startup there are many moving parts (read: people, tools, resources). Processes therefore should be fluid and open to change. At the same time a few core processes also serve as the anchor for daily operations. Those should be protected.

logical, simple, direct

our core processes


eat, sleep, test, repeat.

Let’s look at the most essential proces going on in any tech startup: the development process. If you’ve been following us, you should know that we believe in this thing called ‘on demand work’. It’s an efficient way of working, especially for a startup.

eat, sleep, test, repeat.

Let’s look at the most essential proces going on in any tech startup: the development process. If you’ve been following us, you should know that we believe in this thing called ‘on demand work’. It’s an efficient way of working, especially for a startup.

Our developers work together with different people from around the world, and use Github to keep everyone on the same page.

eat, sleep, test, repeat.

eat, sleep, test, repeat.

When we’ve actually built something, the real fun begins: testing, testing and testing. And after that, testing some more. It’s the modus operandi of every startup. If only there was a way to categorize bugs and keep a good overview of who encountered which bug. Well, fear not. We’ve found that Trello is great for exactly that.

eat, sleep, test, repeat.

When we’ve actually built something, the real fun begins: testing, testing and testing. And after that, testing some more. It’s the modus operandi of every startup. If only there was a way to categorize bugs and keep a good overview of who encountered which bug. Well, fear not. We’ve found that Trello is great for exactly that.

And this might be a no-brainer, but use Skype or Screenhero for quick meetings. The latter is the preferred option for when you like to work in your jammies. Make sure you’ve closed those NSFW tabs though before accepting the Screenhero invite.

eat, sleep, test, repeat.


Communication may seem simple, but a lack of it is often a big problem for organizations. That’s because we all assume too much. We assume that someone is in the loop or that certain information is shared and therefore common knowledge, but that’s exactly the problem. We assume and assumption is the mother of all f*ck-ups.

general communication

general communication

Communication comes from the Latin communicare, which literally means ‘to make common’. So when it comes to communication, sharing is caring.

general communication

Communication comes from the Latin communicare, which literally means ‘to make common’. So when it comes to communication, sharing is caring.

When it comes to big discussions, email is still our number one pick. Take the time to write down your thoughts and send the mail when you feel the message is clear. When we work, we mainly use Slack. We know, it’s the industries darling but there’s a reason for that. It works. It’s easy to create different channels and to keep track of all the discussions within your organization. You can give quick updates or share files. And use giphy if you like totally random and often disturbing gifs popping up in your channel.

general communication

general communication

And of course, don’t forget good old Whatsapp. It’s still a great way to share information, but we admittedly use it to discuss more informal topics.

general communication

And of course, don’t forget good old Whatsapp. It’s still a great way to share information, but we admittedly use it to discuss more informal topics.

Nonetheless a good way to keep everyone on board, because all work and no play makes us dull boys.

general communication

And of course, don’t forget good old Whatsapp. It’s still a great way to share information, but we admittedly use it to discuss more informal topics.

Nonetheless a good way to keep everyone on board, because all work and no play makes us dull boys.

general communication

hold up, wait

we’re about to share an exclusive in-depth look into our processes

just push the button underneath to make sure you get it into your mailbox for FREE

get ready for the next episode



content creation & sharing

So we’ve got the internal communication covered. But we mustn’t forget to also communicate with the people outside of our organization. Usually referred to as customers.

content creation & sharing

So we’ve got the internal communication covered. But we mustn’t forget to also communicate with the people outside of our organization. Usually referred to as customers. Luckily, there are literally a million ways to do this.

content creation & sharing

content creation & sharing

Let’s start with the traditional channels. You need Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and… okay, maybe throw Google+ in the mix just to be sure. But don’t sweat it, there’s no need to micromanage all those different channels.

content creation & sharing

Let’s start with the traditional channels. You need Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and… okay, maybe throw Google+ in the mix just to be sure. But don’t sweat it, there’s no need to micromanage all those different channels.

Use Buffer to schedule posts upfront and manage the channels you want to use at that moment.

content creation & sharing

Let’s start with the traditional channels. You need Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and… okay, maybe throw Google+ in the mix just to be sure. But don’t sweat it, there’s no need to micromanage all those different channels.

Use Buffer to schedule posts upfront and manage the channels you want to use at that moment.

Don’t forget that all channels weren’t created equal. So don’t post a tweet with hashtags on Facebook people. Just don’t do that anymore. #StopIt. #Now.

content creation & sharing

content creation & sharing

And then there’s the matter of content. These days everyone can shoot proper pictures and movies with their phone. Most of the time, those phones already offer good editing software and if not, you can always turn to the web or your desktop. Use Picmonkey, iMovie, Pixlr or Soundcloud for all your multimedia creations. Even Twitter has its own editing tool nowadays.

content creation & sharing

And then there’s the matter of content. These days everyone can shoot proper pictures and movies with their phone. Most of the time, those phones already offer good editing software and if not, you can always turn to the web or your desktop. Use Picmonkey, iMovie, Pixlr or Soundcloud for all your multimedia creations. Even Twitter has its own editing tool nowadays.

Always keep in mind though that people will not just like your content or follow you for no reason. So don’t use these channels to just blatantly spam people. Always add value by creating insightful or entertaining content.

content creation & sharing


collaborative documentation

Do you remember those big, grey file cabinets that used to occupy every office a few years ago? Let us thank the gods, the old ones and the new ones, that documents are digital now.

collaborative documentation

Do you remember those big, grey file cabinets that used to occupy every office a few years ago? Let us thank the gods, the old ones and the new ones, that documents are digital now. Also, we love trees!

collaborative documentation

collaborative documentation

Let’s face it. Everybody hates paperwork, but it’s a necessary evil. You need to document certain processes and work strategies for future employees or to fall back on when things become unclear. It’s the first step to create structure for your company.

collaborative documentation

Let’s face it. Everybody hates paperwork, but it’s a necessary evil. You need to document certain processes and work strategies for future employees or to fall back on when things become unclear. It’s the first step to create structure for your company.

How to make a digital file cabinet you ask? Well, we like to use Google Drive. We know, Google has become an omnipotent behemoth by now and basically George Orwell’s worst nightmare, but they do make great things. And privacy is overrated anyway. Or not, we’re a bit conflicted about that.

collaborative documentation

collaborative documentation

Anyway, it’s easy to create and share documents on Google Drive and to work together on documents. Or spreadsheets. Or presentations. Or forms. Just anything basically. You can insert comments, give feedback and once everybody’s happy, you can finalize the document.

collaborative documentation

Anyway, it’s easy to create and share documents on Google Drive and to work together on documents. Or spreadsheets. Or presentations. Or forms. Just anything basically. You can insert comments, give feedback and once everybody’s happy, you can finalize the document.

You can even maintain the file cabinet structure by creating different maps and sub-maps on the Drive and decide who you want to share those maps with. Oh yes, where would we be without Google? Working on an AltaVista Drive probably.

collaborative documentation


presenting… presentations

Presentations are the way to go when you want to convey something that involves a couple of different steps or want to create an overview of a difficult topic. Like a handy list of things you could use for free when starting a startup. Or some tips and tricks to help you survive the next ten years.

presenting… presentations

Presentations are the way to go when you want to convey something that involves a couple of different steps or want to create an overview of a difficult topic. Like a handy list of things you could use for free when starting a startup. Or some tips and tricks to help you survive the next ten years.

But they’re also great for presenting more complex ideas internally. You can usually click through a Slideshare in a few minutes and still come away with a different point of view.

presenting… presentations

presenting… presentations

First thing you need to create a Slideshare though, is coffee. It’s the fuel on which we run and you’re going to need it for the first brainstorm session. Don’t overthink it, decide which topic you want to discuss and go to work.

presenting… presentations

First thing you need to create a Slideshare though, is coffee. It’s the fuel on which we run and you’re going to need it for the first brainstorm session. Don’t overthink it, decide which topic you want to discuss and go to work.

You’re gonna need some content so do the research. Luckily, that’s never been easier. JFGI. But what’s matter without form? A question for the philosophers, that’s for sure. Aristotle would agree that you need some visuals to keep people interested. Because often it’s not about what you say, but more about how you say it. An old cliche, but cliches are cliches for a reason. Another good cliche.

presenting… presentations

presenting… presentations

For the visuals, Pixlr and Keynote should help you come a long way. Share early drafts on Slack for some feedback from your team or ask your colleagues to comment on your content using Google Drive.

presenting… presentations

For the visuals, Pixlr and Keynote should help you come a long way. Share early drafts on Slack for some feedback from your team or ask your colleagues to comment on your content using Google Drive.

Once you’re finished and happy about the final result, use your social media channels to spread the good word on your creation.

presenting… presentations

the foundation

• we understand the value of meeting people face-to-face and the benefit of everyone working together in the same office

• but we also love new technology

is social productivity

• we understand the value of meeting people face-to-face and the benefit of everyone working together in the same office

• but we also love new technology

We are big ambassadors for the future of work and adopt a lot of new technologies to enhance our lives. We are a resilient bunch of on demand professionals, working from any location at any time. But it would be a mistake to think that you can build a business while hanging on the couch with your laptop in your sweatpants.

is social productivity

is social productivity

Technology has changed the way we live substantially and the next 10 years will disrupt our lives and the way we work even more. People will take charge of their lives and manage it the way they want to. Our time, or more precisely, our availability will become more important than our possessions in this new economy.

is social productivity

Technology has changed the way we live substantially and the next 10 years will disrupt our lives and the way we work even more. People will take charge of their lives and manage it the way they want to. Our time, or more precisely, our availability will become more important than our possessions in this new economy.

The problem however is that most companies are still streets behind when it comes to this. They want to own their employees and decide when they need to work, even when they cannot guarantee any form of job security. That’s why it’s time to turn the table and make the individual the focal point of work and life. Instead of planning your days around your work, plan your work around your life.

is social productivity

is social productivity

Until now, a platform to facilitate this new way of working and living wasn’t available. That’s why we took it upon us to build such a platform and we’re closing in on the release date as we speak. If you feel that time is slipping away while your working or want to take control over your life, follow us and sign up for the early release.

is social productivity

Until now, a platform to facilitate this new way of working and living wasn’t available. That’s why we took it upon us to build such a platform and we’re closing in on the release date as we speak. If you feel that time is slipping away while your working or want to take control over your life, follow us and sign up for the early release.

is social productivity


“It's sad that we live in a society that has the refrain 'thank God it's Friday'. That means you despise 5/7ths of your life”

- Wendell Berry

Always Know Who’s Available


Always Know Who’s Available
