Building an Internet Radio on the RaspberryPI




These slides walk you through the process of building an Internet Radio on your Raspberry Pi using: C#, Mono and VistaDB.

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The Raspberry Pi – Building an Internet Radio

Gary ShortHead of Gibraltar Labs


Who the Hell’s this Guy?

• Gary Short• Head of Gibraltar Labs– Skunk works division of Gibraltar Software

• Social Network Analysis and Computational Linguistics research

• @garyshort••

We Need a Repository of Radio Streams…

And we Need a way of Playing them…

apt-get install mplayer…

Do the Simplest Thing that Works…

And Check that it Does …

So Now we Need a “UI”…

apt-get install mono-complete…

On your Dev. Machine Code the App…

Main() Method…

GetData() Method…

BuildMenu() Method…

PlayStation() Method…

Run it in Visual Studio to Test…

Open WinSCP…

And drag across the .exe, the DB file, and the VistaDB DLL…

Run the Exe on the Pi…

You’re Done!
