Clare Edwards - The Neuroscience of Leadership - Latest Fad or Lasting Future? (#ExecLN Event)


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The Neuroscience of Leadership Latest Fad or Lasting Future?


A theoretical period beyond the information age where creativity and imagination will become the primary creators of economic value. This contrasts with the information age where analysis and thinking were

the main activities (Rita J King/Charlie McGee)

Emotion Regulation –Staying Cool under Pressure

Decision –making and

Problem –Solving

Facilitating Sustainable Change

Collaboration and Engagement

Dr Roy Baumeister University Florida – ‘Bad is Stronger than Good’ 2001 & Dr Evian Gordon 2000 – ‘Integrative Neuroscience’

The Brain’s job is to keep us Safe

The Brain is a Social Organ

Attention is a Scarce Resource

‘An intelligence that, when highly developed, allows you to effortlessly but ‘mindfully’ notice where your attention is at any moment and to intentionally choose where you want it

to be’. Linda Ray

Attentional Intelligence

1. What am I thinking right now?

2. What am I feeling right now?

3. What do I want?

4. How am I getting in my way?

5. Now I know this, what will I change?
