Containerized Storage for Containers


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Persistance^2 A few thoughts about DevOps (ChatOps), Communities, and OpenEBS

Containerized Storage Meet-up #1NASSCOM Bangalore 1/25/2017

Why DevOps? So what?

Who dat?

2001 2008 2016

Why DevOps? So what?

Why DevOps? So what?

Why DevOps? So what?


Don’t rage quit (yet).

Do find a way to embrace DevOps.

You deserve to be happy (and productive).

Yes, devs have all the power now.

They also have pagers!

A few thoughts:

- There is one system. James White.

- Amplify feedback loops. Shift left.

- Blameless post mortems.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

- Listen


ChatOps: your environment chats with you

A shared CLI that everyone sees. And everyone learns from.

That gets smarter thanks to systems like StackStorm that make it easy to a) tie together your environment and b) do increasingly powerful imperative stuff.

A way to keep the humans in the loop as you set off on Xeno’s journey towards “complete automation” & full DevOps.

ChatOps: your environment chats with you

Where does OpenEBS fit?DevOps and containers are the future

Which is already here, but unevenly distributed

Real computing needs persistenceBut - persistence for DevOps & containers is broken

OpenEBS - Word of mouthContainerized storage for containers

Calico / Flannel owns networking for K8S. OpenEBS owns storage.

The only open source solution built for this. CEPH is not built to be containerized.

I run (use) OpenEBS just like I run (use) K8S (EBS).

OpenEBS got the storage ops off my back! Because of OpenEBS we are rolling into production.

OpenEBS - now what?




Make it easy to try

Make it as easy, or easier, to use than K8S & EBS

Innovate in public. Take QoS & storage technology into container space to make containers really work.

Listen as a community

John Boyd & OODA

Ties action and contemplation together

Can we act as a team?

Unicorns and rainbows!

Unicorns and rainbows!

Yes, we are hiring.

Unicorns and rainbows!
