Crowd sourcing using gis for disaster management sharma amit (38)


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Crowd Sourcing using GIS for Disaster Management

For Spatial Decision Support System

- Sharma Amit KailashPRN - 11030342038

Through Crowd Sourcing, needed services, ideas, or content can be obtained by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community.

Thus, with GIS, Open source and Crowd Sourcing, Disaster management activities can be carried out for the benefit of people, economy, infrastructure etc.


Crowd Sourcing for geospatial inventorying in disaster response

using Open Source Geospatial Tools


Also called as

Neo-Geography Volunteered Geographic Information Collaboration GIS

Crowd Sourcing in GIS

Mapping Using Crowd Sourcing


Undesired Outcome of Planning after Disaster Management

Unplanned Survey = Time = Loss of Capital / Life

Crowd Sourcing and Disaster ManagementUser uploads data = Data for planning team

Crowd Sourcing and Disaster Management Data(VGI) = Saves Time for Survey

Crowd Sourcing and Disaster Management Data(VGI) = Saves life

Haiti Earthquake Messaging service “4636” was developed

“My name is J. W. my brother is working in Unicef and I live in Carfour 11 Alentyerye I have 2 people that is still alive under the building still ! Send Help!”


Life Health Infrastructure Economy etc All can be saved to a greater extent using

GIS, open source and Crowd Sourcing during a Disaster Scenario.

Results and Conclusion

Thank You