Do's & Don'ts for WordPress Theme Development



Everyone loves a well constructed WordPress theme. Learn about the things you should and shouldn't do when coding up a WordPress theme. Not only will it make your theme more awesome, but your end users will love you for doing things the right way!

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Do's & Don’ts for WordPress Theme Development


Anthony Hortin@maddisondesigns

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Just don’t Ok!

That’s what stylesheets are for!

Don’t Use Inline Styles

Wednesday, 11 September 13

If you really must have 25 sliders, only load the script for the one that’s used, not all 25!

Don’t Load scripts on pages that don’t need them.

if ( is_front_page() ) wp_register_script( ... ); wp_enqueue_script( ... );}

Don’t Load Scripts if they’re not Required

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Do Make Sure Child Themes Work Properly

Make sure your theme works with child themes.

This includes ‘Template Builders’, Theme Options etc.

‘Nuff said.

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Don’t just add scripts & stylesheets to header.php or footer.php

Use wp_register_style() & wp_enqueue_style()*

Use wp_register_script() & wp_enqueue_script()*

*If your scripts have dependencies, you don’t need to enqueue those dependencies. WordPress is smart enough to automagically do that for you

Do Enqueue Scripts & Stylesheets Properly

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Don’t Remove Core Functionality

Never ever, ever remove (or override) core functionality.

Just don’t ok!

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Don’t Read or Write to the Database Directly

If you need to query the database, WordPress has a function for that!

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Don’t Change Functionality of index.php

This is the file that produces your blog archive.

If you need a custom homepage, use front-page.php

Don’t break the Reading Settings functionality

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Don’t have Theme Options Overload

You don’t need one million different theme options

No really, you don’t!

Wednesday, 11 September 13

Do follow WordPress Coding Standards

PHP Coding Standards

HTML Coding Standards

CSS Coding Standards

Wednesday, 11 September 13


You can find me here...

Wednesday, 11 September 13