Earth and relief_ pablo delgado


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  • 1. The Universe,by Pablo Delgado
    • The universe is composed by stars, planets and satellites. One planet is the Earth.

2. Stars

  • The stars are celestial bodies that have their own light, like the Sun, which is why we can see them in the sky at night.
  • The star of the Solar System

3. Planets

  • The planets of Solar System
  • The planets are bodies without their own light that circle a star. The Earth goes around the Sun.Earth

4. Satellites

  • The satellites are a bodies without light that go around a planet.
  • The Moon(Earths satellite)

5. The Earths representation

  • The Earths shape is spherical. Its represented by a globe. We use parallels and meridian to do this.

6. Parallels are circles perpendicular to the Earths axis. The main is the equator, divides the Earth in two hemispheres, north and south

  • The meridians are semi-circles in direction north-south.

7. The Earths rotation

  • Is the turning of the Earth around its imaginary axis. A full rotation takes 24 hours. The main consequence is the change from night to day.
  • Night

8. Day 9. The orbiting

  • Is the turning of the Earth around the Sun, it takes a 365 days and 6 hours. This 6 hours is add and become a extra day every four years in February, this year is called Leap Year.

10. Core

  • Is the deepest, it is composed by iron.

11. Core 12. Mantle

  • Is the intermediate layer composed by magma.Mantle

13. Crust

  • Is the external layer composed by solid rock and soil.Crust

14. Hydrosphere

  • Is the Earths mass water.

15. Biosphere

  • Is where living creatures exist.

16. Continent

  • Are large mass of land surrounded by seas and oceans.Continents

17. Island

  • Are smaller than the continents and thery are completely surrounded by water.Island

18. Plain

  • Are flat areasand whose altirude does not exceed 200 metres above sea level.Plain

19. Plateau

  • Are plain higher than 200 metres above sea laval.Plateau

20. Mountain

  • Are elevation of terrain whose altitude exceeds 600 metres. Where are grouped are called sierras, massifs or montuain ranges.Mountain

21. Depression

  • Are sunken. They are often crossed by rivers that gouge, long depression called valleys.Depression

22. Beach

  • Are flat areas on the shoreline formed by sand and stones.Beach

23. Cape

  • Are parts of the coastline that extend into the sea.Cape

24. Gulf

  • Are parts of the sea that extended into the coastline.Gulf

25. Peninsula

  • Is a landform surrounde by water on all sides but one, named isthmus.PeninsulaIsthmus
