Factor affect language learning strategy (lls) Najihah Bt Mohd Ismail Eh


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Factor Affect Language Learning Strategy (LLS)

Najihah Binti Mohd Ismail Eh A143850

Motivation!! Factor Affect LLS !!

AgeLevel of



Experience in studying a Language


• Goh and Kwah (1997) , Gu (2002) , Hong-Nam & Leavell (2006) , Mochizuki (1996) , Wahrton (2000) ;

A number of studies reported significantly more use of learning strategies than their male counterparts. These studies postulated that female students used Compensation and Affective Strategy than male ones.

• Politzer (1938)Do a survey on 19 undergraduate foreign language learners, found a minor differences between female and male learners with females making a greater use of social interaction strategies.


• Wong-Fillmore (1979)A study of young children showed that cognitive and social strategies were very important.

• White (1993)A study of LLS by using specific age groups a learner of French and Japanese in New Zealend and found that learner aged over thirty used metacognitive self-management strategies more than those who were younger.

Level Of Proficiency

• O’Malley et al. (1985a) A study on ESL school beginners reported using more strategies than did the students from the intermediate level.

• O’Malley and Chamot (1990)A study conducted on school learners of Spanish and Russian, found that beginners reported less use of strategies than did those from the intermediate level.


• Gardner (1985)Motivation and attitude are the primary sources contributing to individual language learning.

• Dornyei (2001)Motivation can be a matter explaining why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity, and how hard they’re going to pursue it.

• Oxford and Nyikos (1989)Learnes with high motivation to learn a language will likely use a variety of strategies.

Experience in Studying a Language

• Opper, Teichler, and Carlson’s (1990) – a study on Experience in studying a language as one of factor affect LLS : confirmed by Purdie and Oliver (1999) ; comprehensive study investigating studying abroad program in Europe and United States. As a result, studying abroad give high influence in thought, learning style and the ability of learning language.

• Purdie and Oliver (1999) - Reported that there LLS used by bilingual school-aged children coming from 3 main cultural group Asian, European and a speaker of Arabic. The result showed that who had been in Australia for a longer period of time ( 3 or less years and 4 or more) obtain significantly higher score for Cognitve and Memory Strategy.

Thank You ! By Najihah Bt Mohd Ismail Eh

A143850Faculty of Education / TESL

National University of Malaysia