Geekend 2011 - Latest Trends in Application Development using the foursquare API



Presentation at the 2011 Geekend in Savannah, GA. Contains an introduction to the foursquare API and various types of applications that are leveraging the platform. Presented by Chad Elkins @ratpack and Adam Steinberg @Adams472.

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Latest Trends in Application Development with the foursquare API

Adam Steinberg - @Adams472 Chad Elkins - @ratpack

Geek-End 2011

foursquare API Introduction and Overview

Check-in and share where you are.

Leave tips at venues.

Created lists of places.

Get personalized recommendations.

Build location-aware applications and products with the Foursquare API.

Get started at

Foursquare check-in data available via API.

Check-In Response Data.

Incorporate location-specific recommendations and content.

Explore API Response

Tips API Response

Building a database of places?Don’t.

Search for Coffee Venues.

Foursquare pushes check-in data in real-time.

Examples of the foursquare API in use today

images sources: untappd, iphone headlines, beer street journal

images sources: foursquare, tasti d lite, inventorspot

images sources: brandtalk, morpheus media, brand flakes for breakfast

images sources:tformers, aboutfoursquare

images sources:eater, gizmodo, pc authority, mashable, online dating post

Hypothetical Use Case of Multiple Ways to Interact With the API

images sources:talentplus, 123rf, Laure Bielecki, hotel designs, ballpark tours, vicioysabores, uconnwelcome,torontette, about,


Adam Steinberg - @Adams472 Chad Elkins - @ratpack

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