Google Glass and the Future of Wearable Computing



Google will release a wearable heads up display this fall, and it may help to usher in a new era of augmented reality and wearable computing. What does this mean for us as designers and developers? How do we build for the next generation of computers? Who was here before us, and how can we learn from them? From it’s birthplace at MIT and PARC research, the field of wearable computing has focused on augmenting the human ability to compute freely. As pioneer Steve Mann and calm technology pioneer Mark Weiser wanted, “to free the human to not act as a machine”. Mann didn’t like the idea of crouching over a desktop computer. He instead felt that the computer should contort to the human naturally, so he began his own wearable computing mission. This talk will focus on trends in wearable computing starting from the 1970’s-2010’s. I’ll cover various HUDs (heads up displays), new tech from Motorola, Google, various invasive and non-invasive tech and how mobile interfaces should take advantage of location, proximity and haptics to help improve our lives instead of get in the way. These are the machines that will be a part of our lives in only a few years from now, and the best way to learn about the future is to dig into the past. Speech given at OSBridge 2012 by Amber Case:

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Future of Wearable Computing: Constraint, Context and Location OSBridge 2012

Amber Case @caseorganic

Flickr: cybertoad

Flickr: soylentgreen23

Univac 1 ~1950’s iPhone ~2000’s

I. Problems

Persistent Paleontology


II. History

Self-Portrait of Steve Mann with Wearable Computing Apparatus 1981.

Diminished Reality vs. Augmented Reality •  Adding your own layer onto reality •  Replacing public messages with your own

Adblock: Image recognition, processing and replacement.

Collaborative Reality

Remember the Milk Contextual Notification Systems

Virtual Post-It Notes with Image Processing 1995 @caseorganic

Computer-Mediated Reality: Face Recognition and History

Sousveillance: MaybeCam

Evolution of Prosthesis

Present-Day ��� Steve Mann

•  Extremely lightweight equipment

•  Most people have this in their pocket


Text goes here

Present-Day ��� Steve Mann

•  Extremely lightweight equipment

•  Most people have this in their pocket

Text goes here

III. Persistent Architecture

Englebart’s Cyborg Glove

Text goes here

Twiddler by HandyKey Corporation One-Handed Key Chording USB Keyboard



Thad Starner

Borg Group – MIT Media Lab

Sandy Pentland

GA Tech

IV: Next?

V. Non-visual wearable computing

Haptic Compass Belt

Heat Sink


Mann’s EEG Orchestra

Mann’s EEG Orchestra


IV. The Future


your phone is a remote control for reality.

Calm technology

•  Actions as buttons •  Invisible interfaces •  Trigger-based interactions

The Invisible Interface



A Collection of Invisible Buttons

Types of Interactions

•  Entering •  Exiting •  Dwelling at a place

Proximal Notification

Ambient Notification

Location-based AR (Spotmetrix)


Real-Life Gaming

Real-Time Hyperlocal


Bringing Wikipedia

to Life

“Dave, who is normally in New York, is in town. Both of your schedules are free at noon”.

Monitor significant events not all events

The interface disappears

•  Actions are Reduced •  Queries are Eliminated

Thank you.

Amber Case @caseorganic Slides:
