Gotuit Finalist Interview



MITX interviews Gotuit about their spot as a finalist in the Technology Awards Rich Media category.

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How do you feel about being named a finalist in the 2010 Tech Awards?

It is an honor to be recognized again by MITX as a finalist in the Rich Media category. With so many deserving companies and innovative technology in Massachusetts, being selected is a testament to the hard work and ingenuity of the dedicated team here at Gotuit.

If you could describe your innovation in one succinct sentence, how would you describe yourself?

Gotuit helps publishers unleash the full value of their video by generating rich metadata describing each scene within the original source asset.

How was your company founded, and what inspired its creation? The founders of Gotuit started the company back in 2000 after the initial patents governing the use of metadata to improve the presentation, search, manipulation, and monetization of stored media were granted. The vision was to allow the consumer to instantly go to whichever moment within the media they were most interested in (hence the name “Gotuit”).

What makes your company different from other companies in your market space?

There are three primary differences. First, our Video Metadata Management System allows a person to author structured, complete, and correct video metadata in a fraction of the real time of the asset. In addition to defining all the advertising points within the video, this metadata is also used for ad targeting, improving the packaging and presentation of the video library, and delivering a superior video search. Second, our system has open APIs and is broken into components to allow publishers to integrate it into their existing video workflows. Third, our software is backed by a broad and deep intellectual property portfolio.

What has been your company's greatest accomplishment in the past year?

The past year has seen major brands using Gotuit to unleash their video. This includes ESPN, Turner, NBA, Sports Illustrated, CBS, and most recently ABC. In many cases, customers are building Gotuit into their core video workflow. This allows the publisher to scale the Gotuit benefits across their entire video archive.

What is your greatest asset?

Our greatest asset is our history of unleashing video across VOD, mobile and broadband environments. Our people, technology and IP are all battle-tested and proven to increase the engagement that viewers have when watching video with Gotuit metadata and the returns that publishers realize from their video offerings.