GTD Presentation



Description of the usefulness of the Getting Things Done systematic approach (GTD) and tools to use to implement the system.

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“The Art of Stress-Free Productivity”Getting Things Done (GTD)

in your job….and your life in general

2012 WLIA Spring ConferenceMinocqua, WI

Presented byJeff DuMez

Brown CountyGIS Coordinator/Land Information Officer

Presentation OverviewWhat is Getting Things Done (GTD) and why is it so popular?

•It is about a systematic approach to your work

•It's not about “gear” (planners, gizmo apps, etc)

GTD is a process that’s popular partly because it is “gear-agnostic”; you can use any tool you want (OneNote, Lotus, Excel, Outlook, etc..even paper!)

My preferred tool:

Demonstration of my GTD system within Evernote


How will you benefit from this presentation?

Does GTD make you a productivity superhero?


GTD isn’t so much about becoming a superhero

The GTD process DOES help you:•Work with less stress and a clear mind•Absorb more input / Capture more ideas•Systematically process more input and ideas to create more or better results•Find things back faster (you’ll build your own “personal google” full of YOUR STUFF that can be quickly and easily recovered). Especially when used with an awesome tool like Evernote.

Relax. And get things done too.

GTD lets you be more strategic and more relaxed while dealing with stuff coming at you from many directions in your job (and life)

What’s different about GTDObviously, management systems, day planners, and other scheduling systems have been around for years & years…

GTD isn’t really a system, but more of a systematic approach.

It fills in gaps left by these other systems.

Systematic ApproachWith GTD you can use your favorite tools (Gantt charts, Covey Planners, mindmaps, Microsoft Outlook or Project, mobile apps, etc)

Keep using these things if you like them.

Even plain paper works for GTD

The GTD approach works with many tools

Psychology of the GTD approach

It helps to write things down

Almost everyone has made lists and felt at least a little bit better….

….At first anyway….

… long as the lists are efficiently managed…

Of course, writing more stuff down can be a burden in itself….

Don’t be this guy

The Transformation of Stuff

Writing it down is great, but don't create useless clutter and make things worse!

GTD enables you to capture, process and store your notes with much less 'friction'

Easy to input, smooth to organize, and quick to recover notes and action items.

CalendarsCalendars are an example of a “trusted system”

Calendars help you stay relaxed

Why? You get the appointments off of the mind

…“OK, where do I have to be today at 11 AM and tomorrow at 6 PM and a week from Thursday at 2 PM and ….”

Like most people today, life is complex enough that you have learned to trust your calendar at least to some degree.

Trusted, Complete System

Implemented properly, GTD becomes your “Trusted, Complete System”

All Encompassing

GTD helps you capture ALL things that need to get done—now, later, someday, big, little or inbetween…

And easily manage them.

Especially when it hits the fan.

A word on planners/organizers

Many people buy a planner & calendar and think, “There!” I'll be organized now”

However, techniques on how to use things like planners is sorely lacking, so the tool isn’t as effective as it could be

It’s like buying GIS software (the tool) but unless you are putting things into it and applying proper technique, there’s really no point in buying the tool!

GTD is more nimble

GTD is flexible, unlike the standard prioritized “to-Do” lists that must be constantly re-prioritized.

You can adjust and renegotiate at any moment with GTD

Focus, Context, Time & Energy

GTD also lets you successfully "spin many plates" by:

•Accounting for different levels of focus

•Accounting for context (work, home, people, etc)

•Accounting for time & energy

OK, so how does GTD work?

The basic GTD process

Basic Steps:1. Collect2. Process3. Organize4. Review5. Do

Simple, yes?

The nuances of making the practices effective can take some time to master and habituate though.

Step 1: Collect

Get it out of your head. Complete “Mind Sweep”

Even the stuff like “ahh, I should.....” that stuff will gnaw at you---if not conciously, subconciously---unless you get it out of your head.

There will be a feeling of relief by doing even this first step

Gather the “incompletes” in your life

(What’s on your mind at this moment? What’s nagging you, distracting you? Write it down!)

Collection Tools

Collect with anything you like!–Just make sure it's simple & easy

Nothing wrong with paper and white boards to start—Remember, it has to be quick and easy.

Note: Your email inbox(es) will help you collect SOME of your stuff, but likely not everything that should be captured. Your input will be more than just emails. More on handling email later…

Collection with Evernote

Getting your “stuff” -into Evernote is super easy (and even fun!)

There’s so many ways to easily capture stuff … Not just from emails, but many other ways.

Step 2: Process

Goal is to drive your collection bucket(s) to EMPTY•Is it actionable?•Is it trash?•Is it potentially useful as reference?•Might I want to do it someday?

2nd stage of getting control is "corralling your stuff"

Having your stuff in Evernote makes the process really easy.

Process your inbox(es) to empty--regularly.

Step 3: OrganizeThe outer ring of the diagram (handout) shows the 8 discrete categories of reminders and materials that will result from processing all of your “stuff”

Together these make up a total system for organizing just about everything that’s on your plate---

--- or could be added to it---

on a daily and weekly basis.

These organized items need to be physically contained in some form— for use as “reviewable sets of reminders” or for reference.

Here again during the Organize phase,the Evernote tool shines brightly

Organized Containers

Step 4: Review

Make “Action Choices” based on:•Context – most actions require specific locations (work, home, in the car, with certain people, etc)

•Time available is usually another factor

•Energy Available is good to manage your state of mind

•Priority can be assigned in review(and given the context, time, energy)

A review of your system at least once per week is strongly recommended (the “Weekly Review”)

Weekly Review

Use any tools / processes you are comfortable with for your Weekly Review:– Brainstorming / whiteboarding– Outcome visioning– Mind Mapping– Ghant charts– Whatever works for you…

...Just be sure the end results (the resulting "stuff"-- (action items, etc) goes into your GTD system!

“Horizons of Focus” help with your Weekly Review /


Step 5: Just Do It!

The power of knowing “The Next Action”:•Planned out, clear Next Actions in context

•Good examples pulled from context-based lists: @Work-Next Actions: “Call Jim re: Stillwater plat”@Home-Next Actions: “Send Phil a check for the TV”Errands-: “Pick up 8d galvanized nails for the deck project”

•Bad examples: (too vague):•“Jim”. •“Taxes”. •“Nails”

Your new “Control Panel”The GTD system is your control panel allowing you to just get busy DOINGYou will have your clear and concise “Next Action” items in front of you, based on context, energy, and Priority.

Your projects, to-do lists, and reference materials will all be in 1 system, well-organized by context

Use Checklists, just like airline pilots do (for Use Checklists, just like airline pilots do (for good reason!)good reason!)

Evernote makes this all very easy.

GTD “control panel” benefitsDecreases procrastination by feeding you manageable, complete- able, bite-sized actions to move larger projects forward.

The system allows you to more easily absorb interruptions and new input while still staying in focus and on track

“Mind like water”

You will not have to ‘switch gears’ as often•Frequent loss of focus has been proven to lead to stress!

Go with the flow, man

…(YOUR flow)…With GTD, you will achieve better “flow” • When ideas or other input hit you, capture them

easily without skipping a beat.

• Reboot your brain: Mindsweep/brainstorm regularly.

• Organize the thoughts & review them later when you have a chance. A little preparation is an investment.

Reduce the drag• Do the action items in the proper context and

in bite-sized chunks

• Go ahead and spin some more plates….While keeping focus and control.

• Find stuff back much more easily where & when you need it

Evernote as a GTD toolEvernote benefits•Easy to use•Free (for most features)•Works on ANY device or operating system

Desktop:•Windows, Mac, any web browser

Mobile:•Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile, etc•Any cell phone•Text or email messages in•Call into voice transcription services like Jott (converts to text, includes the original voice msg)

More Evernote benefits

•Synchronizes between machines (regardless of OS)

•There's a local copy of your notes (for off-network use)

•Use tags for time, energy, anything

•Virtually unlimited storage (with paid account-- $5/mo. or $45 / yr)

•Encryption is possible

•Can export out: Core value of Evernote is that this is the CUSTOMER's memories and notes, we're free to take them out at any time. Not proprietory.

Evernote as a processing tool for all GTD phases

•It's easy to input, process, review and organize

•Simply drag & drop items around between “notebooks”

•Use Check boxes (check lists)

•Automatically tags date & location

•Automatically indexes your notes so you have ready-reference material

Evernote as a GTD Reference System

Easily retrieve anything, anywhere– Most people use Evernote simply for this– Search capabilities are awesome– Finds text even within images (photos, screen

shots, etc)– Finds words within documents such as Word or


Here’s where HUGE efficiencies can be gained.

A note on projects…Most people like to have an “all-in-one” project plan, Gantt chart, etc.

That's fine, but you need to pull out “Next Actions” organized by context in a better control panel

GTD fills the gap between planning and action

Large plans break down when you're busy DOINGFor example: You won't go through a large project plan to find "buy nails" or "call Fred". Too unweildy.

Instead, pull out the Next Actions and put in your context lists

Is GTD too complicated?GTD might itself seem overwhelming but need not be that complex

It is scaleable. Basic practices is all you really need

The beauty of GTD is that you can take the few basic principles and set them up however you want

Nobody's GTD system is exactly the same

In a complex occupation like ours, GTD works beautifully if properly implemented

Just right“Make everything as simple as possible, but no

simpler” ~Albert Einstein

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree I'd spend six sharpening my axe“ ~Abraham Lincoln

Generals, NFL players, and others who know the power of a clear mind to help them just DO in the heat of action have praised GTD because they know productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax.

Is GTD too much organizing……and not enough DOING?

Once you get into this, it's relief, not extra work.

Doing GTD becomes easier than NOT doing it.

Staying on track

Making a habit of it• Get rid of ‘brain scuzz’. It becomes a habit, for

literally the same reason you brush your teeth.

• Even after catching on to the principles of GTD, it may some time to really make it work for you.

• Don’t fret, read the book—listen to the podcasts, etc.

• You’ll want to customize your system

What’s on your mind?

Usually the reason something is “on your mind” is that you want it to be different than it currently is

Even “non-stressful” things can add stress……simply because you’re trying to remember too many things at once.

Take a second and write it down. If you’ve got more time and the thoughts are flowing, keep going!

Clarify the outcome

For each thing, be sure to clarify exactly what the intended outcome is.

What needs to happen for you to check this off as “Done”?

What’s the very next step?What’s the next action required to move the situation forward?

Would you pick up the phone and make a call? Go to your computer and write an email? Talk face to face with someone? Go to a specific location?

OrganizeCapture the “project” (if more than a couple steps are needed)

Put the “Next Actions” in your “context” lists (eg @Work or @Home or Errands).

Usually, it is unlikely you’ll be able to just DO everything for all projects right then and there.

You likely have MANY projects going on all at once – with this system, you’ll be have reminders of the outcome and action required in a system you trust.

DoWhen you’re at work, or at home, or wherever most appropriate to Get It Done, go to the “control panel”, find those context lists you’ve made, and get things done.


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