Holiday Social Selling



We review some powerful social promotion strategies you can use to drive holiday traffic and sales. Plus, we'll give you tips on how to optimize your promotions for mobile. Join us to learn how to: Create engaging, shareable social content Optimize your social media campaigns for mobile Boost your SEO with social-mobile promotions Capture more social sales with a smooth checkout process and abandoned cart strategy

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Holiday Social Selling Increase your sales with powerful social promotion  

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Social & Mobile Drive Holiday Sales

-  Social determines gifts desired

-  Social answers “What do I buy?”

-  Mobile = shopping any place and time

“36% will use social media to help them make Christmas buying decisions while 2% of direct buying traffic will come from social media.” - Adobe Digital Index 2013 Online Shopping Forecast

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Who is shopping on mobile?

“In 2016 mobile will account for $87 Billion of ecommerce.” -Morgan Stanley

More than 50% of store traffic is mobile Average order value on tablets: $329, smartphone: $250 Men: 45%, women: 35%; Men during office hours, women after

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Buying via mobile

-  31% purchase if product information is easy to get

-  Less steps = more checkouts

-  Who does the work now: You or your customers?

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Second screen trends

Usage while watching TV or gaming:

85% once a month 40% daily

19% shop for products seen in shows while

watching TV

79% visit Facebook while watching TV

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Power Holiday Sales with Pinterest

-  Generates 28% of all social shopping referrals

-  $170 average order size from Pinterest users

-  81% of women trust reviews of products found on Pinterest

-  80% of American users are women

-  Moms are 61% more likely to visit

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How to interact with customers

−  Contests and cause marketing −  Real life product usage and ideas

−  Check engagement with content from your store −””

“70% of brand engagement on Pinterest is generated by users not brands.” — Digitas

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Is your content working in Pinterest?

•  # of pins from your store

•  # of repins of products from your store

•  Top pins from your store

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Where we wish for and search for holiday gifts

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Shopping at the right time

Facebook only promotions

-  Exclusive access; motive to share

-  Drive engagement

-  Digital gifts for last minute giving

-  Events to drive new shoppers

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A little birdy will boost your sales

Holiday shopping with Twitter users

-  55% discuss gift ideas, 64% purchase when discovered new product

Make sure every product is easily shared on Twitter

-  57% determine where they should buy & would purchase via mobile

Make sure it is easy to purchase via mobile and get listed on local search

-  2% tweet about the purchase just made

In purchase confirmation enable people to tweet about it

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Use #hashtags or not to use #hashtags?

•  Started on Twitter but crossed into most social media

•  Use same # if running contest in multiple social media tools (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest)

•  Social Media users know it as short hand to search on

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Speaking your customers language


Holiday terms

Gifts for Moms, Mother in law, etc.

Search reaches all social media

Make sure the words on your store are following the searching trends. Research using Google Trends and Ad Words

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Short Tail vs. Long Tail Keywords

Short Tail Keywords Long Tail Keywords

•  A short tail keyword generally consists of one to two keywords

•  Often have higher search volume

but generally not as close of a match as a long tail keyword

•  A long tail keyword is generally defined by less search volume, but close to the searcher’s specific intent

•  Generally more conversion and

longer time on site

Seed List Examples


1. Dog 2. Dog Toys 3. Dog sweaters

1. Handmade Bamboo Dog Collar 2. Organic Dog Toys 3.  Cold Weather Dog sweaters

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Title Tags & Meta Description for your store  Complete Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for your...

o  Homepage

o  Category Pages

o  Product Pages

o  Web Content Pages

o  News Items

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Did they make it to purchase? Close the deal with abandon cart reminders 

Missing out on the holiday purchase?

If 70% of all shopping carts are abandoned, how much in sales are you losing in your store?

Abandon cart functionality can return up to 15% of the sales left in the shopping cart.

56% leave product in a cart because they are saving them to access later.

Customer Case Study: Bulk Apothecary •  16% of abandon carts made it to pay •  Recovered 25% of lost revenue for store •  11% of store revenue came from abandon cart

What makes an effect abandon cart email?

•  Timely (20 minutes) and simple is most effective •  Mobile friendly and easy to purchase •  Show your humor and personality •  Don’t always lead with a discount or free shipping

You recently visited our online store and we noticed that you didn't complete your order for the following items:

1 x Cocoon Polarized Pilot (L) Black & Grey $49.95 each

To complete your order right now, just click on the link below: Complete Your Order

We can only assume two things ... you got pulled away on an enjoyable dog walk or your dog ate your credit card. First the homework, and now the plastic! No worries, we saved your order so you can quickly jump back in and gather up products that your four-legged friend will love!

Step up to free shipping! You are only $5 away from free shipping for the items in your cart. Consider these items to enjoy free shipping!

Social Promotions Checklist þ  Turn on mobile view and update with custom mobile templates desired

þ  Review text on your store and update for holiday friendly SEO

þ  Connect Social (Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter) Sharing widget on product pages and store

þ  Register store domain with Pinterest and create theme boards not just products

þ  Engage with How-To’s, infographics and contests

þ  Create a connection to shop directly from Facebook (pop up store or offer)

þ  Consider a Facebook only promotion/special discount

þ  Establish a # hashtag around a product track social activity

þ  Upon purchase make it easy to tweet about gift just purchased

Start selling with Social Media!

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