How Google HummingBird Works



This is a part of the 'Getting Over Google HummingBird' course from Cyril Gupta. This course is available in the form of video lectures at

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Beat Google HummingBird!

Lesson 2 – How HummingBird Works

Beat Google HummingBird!

HummingBird is the new Google

The earlier updates were tweaks that changed search results while maintaining the core.

HummingBird is a replacement algorithm. It keeps only some of the old formula.

200 Factors that determine Rankings. Contextual and Semantical analysis the important factor.

Google is trying to understand what is in your content, and how it relates to the world.

Beat Google HummingBird!

HummingBird and Semantics

Semantic : Something related to the meaning of a word.

Google is trying to see beyond the arrangement of alphabets into the meaning.

If Google understands the meaning, it will be able to serve more accurate results.

Google will priority to the content it UNDERSTANDS. So be understood.

Beat Google HummingBird!

HummingBird and Context

Context : The circumstances or situation in which a concept should be understood.

The result… Search results will feature content other than the keyword.

If your website isn’t a part of the context, you’re losing visitors.

Google is trying to understand exactly what you’re talking about to give you filtered / suggested results.

Beat Google HummingBird!

How do Context and Semantics Change Search

You’re trained to search for word combinations online. That’s not how it works in real life.

When the search engines understands concepts, it will return information not data.

Google will favor what it can understand, over what it can’t.

On Page optimization is going to be very important.

HummingBird will answer questions better.

Beat Google HummingBird!

HummingBird & Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph is the world’s biggest database of connected information.

Uses a special algorithm to find how things are connected.

Sources its data from Freebase, Wikipedia and other websites.

With Knowledge Graph powering Google, search is not just about words.

Beat Google HummingBird!

HummingBird and the Mobile Web

On mobile it’s frustrating to redo queries, searching for information again and again.

Social is big on mobile, but search is not? Why?

Want to be found? Be mobile friendly.

Google doesn’t want to lose out on the Internet’s future. Android, voice search, HummingBird…