How to add or edit keywords for category pages



goo2o store owner has provision to add or edit keyword for category pages

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Goingo2o Wiki for Store Owners

How to add/edit keywords for category pages

Category: Store Promotion

What you will learn here

What are meta keywords

Why to add or edit keywords for category pages

How to add or edit keywords for category pages

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1What are meta keywords

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Meta keywords tell the search engines by what keywords you want your

store page to be found in the search results

It is a brief and concise list of the most important keywords of your store

page that a user may use while searching online

For example, for ‘Category’ store page type, you can set keywords like

‘apparel, electronics, cosmetics, etc’

What are meta keywords

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2Why to add or edit keywords

for category pages

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Why to add or edit keywords for category pages

You can set keywords for each category type on your store, which may

contain common keywords for every sub category under it, that a user

may use while searching

It will save the time that you spend over writing the same keywords

for each sub category under that category

Setting better keywords helps in optimizing your store pages in search


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3How to add or edit keywords

for category pages

A Goingo2o Wiki production. © All Rights Reserved at Goo2o Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

When you write meta keywords for your category pages, start by

reading through the page

Make a list of the most important words you see on that page

Read through the list and pick up 10 to 15 words that most accurately

describe the contents of the page

The keyword density should be between 2% to 4% of the total

number of words on each page type

You can also generate the most prominent keywords for your category

pages after publishing them, by copying the page URL & pasting it on “


” A Goingo2o Wiki production. © All Rights Reserved at Goo2o Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Step 1:

Log in to your store admin panel with your login id and password

Click on the ‘Promote’ tab and select ‘SEO suite’ from the drop down


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SEO suite

Promote tab

How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Step 2:

Click on the ‘PAGE INFO’ link

How to add or edit keywords for category pages

A Goingo2o Wiki production. © All Rights Reserved at Goo2o Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

SEO suite page

Page Info link

Step 3:

Select ‘Meta Keywords’ from the list, under the ‘PAGE INFO’ link

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How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Meta Keywords link

Page Info link

Step 4:

The ‘Default Formats’ tab would be selected by default

Use it to set default keywords for all the categories on your store

To learn more on how to set default keywords for category pages follow:

“How to set default keywords for different pages”

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How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Default Formats tab

Step 5: Setting keywords for individual category pages

Select the ‘Categories’ tab

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How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Select the Categories tab

Step 5.1: Setting keywords for individual category pages

Click the ‘edit’ button against the category type, for which you want to

add or edit keywords

Add or edit the desired keywords in the field provided besides the

category type

Click ‘update’

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How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Add or edit keywords

Click update

Click edit

Step 5.2: Setting keywords for individual category pages -

searching using category name or ID

You can also search a category, by entering the category ID or name in the

search option on the top left of the page and clicking ‘Go’

Your searched category will appear

A Goingo2o Wiki production. © All Rights Reserved at Goo2o Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Enter to search by category name or ID

Click Go

Step 5.2.1: Setting keywords for individual category pages -

searching using category name or ID

Click ‘edit’ to add or edit keywords in the field provided and then click


A Goingo2o Wiki production. © All Rights Reserved at Goo2o Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

How to add or edit keywords for category pages

Click edit

Click update

Add or edit keywords

Good to know

Avoid any capital letters, exclamation points, spaces and punctuations

Maintain a good keyword density by keeping your list of keywords

down to 2%-4% of the total number of words on your page

Include store name, store domain and business location

Arrange your keywords in such an order that the most prominent

keywords appear at the beginning of the keyword list

The changes you make in your meta keywords will take time reflecting

in the SERP

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