Ignition five 29.11.10



This weeks ignition 5 from Claire and Vanessa

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29th November 2010

1. Asics personalised messages

The Asics NYC Marathon campaign centered around creating personalised supporter messages for loved ones in the race,

which would be triggered with RFID tags, displaying the individual messages on massive LED screens as runners

passed selected sensor checkpoints in the Marathon.ASICS setup a campaign site dedicated to taking images,

video, messages, texts, tweets and Facebook comments of support for runners in the event. They also setup live video booths at the event, allowing friends and family to record

their personal message in style.The New York Marathon is the worlds biggest Marathon event, with over 45,000 runners and 2 million people cheering them


2. They are us

They are us is ‘public tribute to Dublin’, coming from graffiti artist Maser in collaboration with

Damien Dempsey. An exhibition of the work has also been held, with proceeds from the sale of

prints going to the Simon Community.

In a country which has been accused of not protesting enough in the face of what’s gone on,

this is one of the few visible signs of anger around.

2. They are us


C 3. Victorias Secrets experiential

If you’ve ever dreamed about strutting down the runway during one of the most highly-publicized fashion shows of the year, then New York City is going to help you partially indulge in that fantasy. From November 19th through to the 30th Victoria’s Secret’s SoHo store will be displaying nine different sets of wings that have been worn by models like Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima, and giving passersby the opportunity to pose in front of them and have their picture taken. The photos will then be uploaded to the Victoria’s Secret Facebook page so you can share them with friends.

If you’ve ever dreamed about strutting down the runway during one of the most highly-publicized fashion shows

of the year, then New York City is going to help you partially indulge in that fantasy. From November 19th through to the 30th Victoria’s Secret’s SoHo store will be displaying nine different sets of wings that have

been worn by models like Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima, and giving passersby the opportunity to pose in front of them and have their picture taken. The photos will then be uploaded to the Victoria’s Secret Facebook page so

you can share them with friends.

4. Facebook Messages

We’ve all heard Facebook messages is being improved and updated, but will it kill

gmail, yahoo and hotmail? Maybe so.....

This video explains what it’s all about. In essence, we’ll no longer have to choose how our contacts receive messages from


4. Facebook Messages


5. Bouygues telecom facebook book

A week ago you may have seen my post about “A Life On Facebook“, which was a seriously cool short film, so here is the next best thing from Bouygues Telecom in France, a Facebook App that lets you create a physical book, of

your Facebook life.This app was part of a campaign that celebrated the launch

of Bouygues Telecom’s Facebook Platform. After ticking a few boxes and selecting your desired date range, you

were able to create and have printed, a physical Facebook book of your life. Great idea and great

execution. Would love to know how many physical books were created!