Introducing Saltstack



These are the slides I used in my local libre user group meetup to introduce Saltstack to my friends and users from varied backgrounds.

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NOV 2013

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1.Introduction2.Product Architecture3.Components4.Prototype Architecture5.Prerequisites6.Install & configure Salt server7.Install and configure Salt clients8.Configure LAMP Software repositories9.Create web site template10.Configure Apache web server11.Configure PHP12.Configure MySQL db server13.Create sample database14.Create script to import database15.Configure sample database import16.Apply states to target clients


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Saltstack is a● Configuration Management System

Keep the hosts configured the way we want them. Maintain hosts in a defined state

Manage packages, config files, services, users, groups etc in an easy to read syntax at central locations

Provision cloud computing instances● Remote Execution System

Execute commands and query data on remote nodes

Receive results from remote nodes asynchronously


Product Architecture

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Salt Master

Halite(Web UI)



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● Master - The central server from which Salt commands are run and States are applied

● Minions - The hosts you are managing, they maintain a connection to the master and await instructions

● States - Express the state of a host using small, easy to read, easy to understand configuration files. Directives used for configuration management

● Modules - Collections of functions which can be run from the Salt CLI (and are also run under the hood by States)

● Grains – Static information collected by minions about the system. The grains interface is made available to other components to make right commands are automatically available to them.


repo(Centos6/ Repository)

Prototype Architecture

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

For simplicity and ease of demonstration below changes are made in prototype. These options should be avoided or carefully considered in a production deployment

1. All the hosts are installed with Centos6.3 minimal install cd.

2. Disable SELinux on both server and client# vi /etc/selinux/configSELINUX=disabled

3. Disable firewall on both server and client# chkconfig iptables off

4. Add host entries on server, client and software repository10.10.10.2 repo10.10.10.3 salt10.10.10.4 minion

5. Reboot server and client hosts


Install & configure Salt server

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1. Install salt server and web-ui on yum install salt-master# yum install python-halite

2. Configure salt server# vi /etc/salt/masterexternal_auth: pam: halite: - .* - '@runner' file_roots: base: - /srv/salthalite: level: 'debug' server: 'cherrypy' host: '' port: '8080' cors: False tls: False


Install & configure Salt server

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3. Create a user to login to web-ui# useradd halite# passwd halite

4. Create directory for configuration store# mkdir /srv/salt

5. Start salt server# service salt-master start# chkconfig salt-master on


Install & configure Salt clients

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1. Install salt client (called minion) on yum install salt-minion# service salt-minion start# chkconfig salt-minion on

2. Log into salt server and accept SSL key from minion for authorization# salt-key -L# salt-key -a minion

3. Try a test connect from salt server to salt client# salt minion

4. View details (called grains) of salt client from server# salt minion grains.items


Now, let us deploy a simple LAMP using


LAMP – Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP

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Configure LAMP Software Repositories

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1. Create webserver yum repo file in salt server# mkdir /srv/salt/softdepo# vi /srv/salt/softdepo/httpd.repo[httpd]name=httpdbaseurl=

2. Crete dbserver yum repo file in salt server# vi /srv/salt/softdepo/mysql.repo[mysql]name=mysqlbaseurl=

3. Create php yum repo file in salt server# vi /srv/salt/softdepo/php.repo[php]name=phpbaseurl=


Configure LAMP Software Repositories

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4. Create software repository state files in salt server# vi /srv/salt/softdepo.sls/etc/yum.repos.d/httpd.repo: file: - managed - source: salt://softdepo/httpd.repo

/etc/yum.repos.d/php.repo: file: - managed - source: salt://softdepo/php.repo

/etc/yum.repos.d/mysql.repo: file: - managed - source: salt://softdepo/mysql.repo


Create web site template

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1. Create a php web page template in salt server to display some mysql database values. This web page will be ultimately hosted in our LAMP server# mkdir /srv/salt/webserver# vi /srv/salt/webserver/index.php<?php

$con = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'root' );$db = mysql_select_db( 'solarsystem' );

$sql = "select * from planets";$query = mysql_query( $sql );

echo "<table>";

while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query) ){echo "<tr><td>$row[id]</td>";echo "<td>$row[name]</td></tr>";}

echo "</table>";



Configure Apache web server

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2. Create state files in salt server for installing Apache web server# vi /srv/salt/webserver.slshttpd: pkg: - installed service: - running - require: - pkg: httpd

/var/www/html/index.php: file: - managed - source: salt://webserver/index.php


Configure PHP

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1. Create state files in salt server for installing PHP# vi /srv/salt/php.slsphp: pkg: - installed

php-mysql: pkg: - installed


Configure MySQL db server

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1. Create state files in salt server for installing MySQL# vi /srv/salt/dbserver.slsmysql-server: pkg: - installed

mysqld: service: - running - require: - pkg: mysql-server


Create a sample database to import into db server

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1. Create a database dump file in salt server to import data to mysql server# mkdir /srv/salt/dbcreate# vi /srv/salt/dbcreate/dbdump.sqlCREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `solarsystem`;USE `solarsystem`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `planets`;CREATE TABLE `planets` ( `id` int(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;LOCK TABLES `planets` WRITE;INSERT INTO `planets` VALUES (1,'mercury'),(2,'venus'),(3,'earth'),(4,'mars'),(5,'jupiter'),(6,'saturn'),(7,'uranus'),(8,'neptune'),(9,'pluto');UNLOCK TABLES;


Create a script to import sample database

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2. Create a shell script in salt server to import sample database# vi /srv/salt/dbcreate/! /bin/bashmysql -u root < /tmp/dbdump.sql


Configure sample data base import to db server

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1. Create saltstack state files in salt server for importing data to db server# vi /srv/salt/dbcreate.sls/tmp/dbdump.sql: file: - managed - source: salt://dbcreate/dbdump.sql/tmp/ file: - managed - source: salt://dbcreate/ cmd: - run - name: | chmod +x /tmp/ /tmp/


Apply states to target client

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1. Create a top.sls file in salt server to map state files to target hosts and specify execution order# vi /srv/salt/top.slsbase: minion: - softdepo - php - dbserver - dbcreate - webserver

2. Apply states to target client from salt server# salt minion state.highstate

3. View hosted website at



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