Introduction to Business English - Day 7




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Day 7

Ethical Question time…You are on the management team of a rapidly

growing, privately-held apparel company that had $80 million in sales last year and is projecting $150 million for next year. The company’s operations are entirely U.S.-based, an anomaly in an industry that has moved almost all manufacturing to foreign countries in search of cheap labor. Your company has succeeded by targeting a niche market that will pay more for fashionable styles, making the speed and flexibility of operations more important than the price. Your company is also unique in its employee policies.

This summer your team found the company could not keep pace with orders. You added a second shift and hired 1,000 new sewers to staff it, bringing the total number of sewers to 3,000. During the summer months, all employees worked fulltime (eight-hour shifts, five per week) and often overtime to meet sales needs and replenish dwindling inventories.

It is now September and you have completed the summer inventory needs. You now have an additional 1,000 workers that are no longer needed for the slow winter days. What do you do with them?

What are Charts and Graphs for? To inform To sell To motivate To persuade

Graphing VocabularyX–axis The horizontal axis that goes across the bottom of the graph.Y–axis The vertical axis that runs up and down the side of the graph.Unit A word or symbol used in a data table/graph that tells how

the information was measured. For example, the variable of length can be

measured in the unit of meters, feet, inches, kilometers, etc.Variable A word that describes what information is being collected or

measured. For example, variables can include Length, Height, Time, Temperature.

Independent Variable A variable that is manipulated by the user to find the result.

(dependent variable)

Dependent variable The variable in an experiment that changes

(responds ) in response to changes in the independent variable.

Data A collection of information (measurements) from

observations.Range The difference between the highest and lowest value

of a variable.Axes labels The axes labels tell us what information is presented

on each axis Key Shows the different parts of the data and what the

units mean.

Bar Graph

Purchases for the m


Column Chart

Describing line graphs

Going up Increase Rise Climb Improve

Stay the same Level out Stay the same stabilize

Going down Decrease Fall Decline Deteriorate

Points Peak Hit bottom fluctuates

Different terms

Increased rapidly Went up a bit Climbed slightly Increased steadily Dropped markedly Declined a bit Rose dramatically

Venn Diagram

Pie Chart




Bar Graph

Flow Chart

Map PlanPie


Important things about creating visuals

Graphs and charts are given to show people exactly what information might be hard to understand.

When showing data, you need to choose the right visual.

Consider your audience and what information is needed for them.



Using PowerPoint

Make sure you use it to your advantage.

Don’t always write everything you say on your slide.

Make key points on your slides. Don’t make the PowerPoint slides

become distracting. KISS