Keep Yourself Safe Online


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Learn to protect your data online.

Social Media





Why is Online Safety Important?

Keeps things private that

should be kept private.

Social Media Sites Supporting 2FA:







Enable 2FA on all supporting accounts!

Set your profiles to private!

Avoid posting location and other sensitive information!

Make sure your photos don’t include personal information!

Remember to log out after using your account!

Log Out

Log Out

Limit exposure. Attackers collect phone numbers from the web.

Enable security features, including passwords, encryption, and remote wipe.

Log Out Set Bluetooth devices to non-discoverable so others can’t find them.

Ensure GPS features are properly configured and not disclosing your location.

Be careful what apps you download and keep those secured too.

Hi Jane, You won a trip to the Bahamas! Click here to claim your prize! Your buddy, John

From: To: You

Check the “From” address. Is it really who you think?

Encrypt attachments if possible, and never send sensitive information unsecured.

Don’t leave your email password lying around.

If the offer is too good to be true, it probably is!

Think twice before you click. It could be a phishing attempt!

! Use caution

when connecting

to WiFi Networks.

Keep your devices secured

when unattended –

lock devices and use a safe. Don’t share

your vacation plans on

social media.

Turn off as many geo-tagging and location features on your devices as you can.


Error: • Must contain at least 16 characters

• Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols

• Should not contain personal information, like a pet’s name

• Should not be reused across multiple accounts

• Keep your password in a password manager

• Enable 2FA whenever possible

Everyone is a target, including you.

Knowing is half the battle. Educate yourself to spot threats.
