Learning foreign languages with text-to-speech IVONA



1. IVONA TTS gives you access to native speaker 27/7/365! 2. Listen and read at the same time - you should know that learning is more effective if you read and listen at the same time! 3. Proof reading - you can test your text, if there are any mistakes.

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What is text-to-speech?

Text-to-speech is a software, which can read any text!

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How does IVONA work?

Incredible, human-like quality of the voice

The IVONA TTS analyses and interprets the text using the algorithms of artificial intelligence and reads it out loud:

Flexibility – it will read any text

Let's test it!

Let's test it!

Having regained, in 1918, its independence - so very much desired after 150 years of partitions - Poland was still lacking access to the sea. It was only on l0th February 1920 that nuptials of Poland with the sea could be performed. It was a symbolic act meaning that our nation's dreams of regaining access to the Baltic, of having its own fleet, of being a sea power could start coming true. Under the Treaty of Versailles a small portion of the Baltic coast was granted to Poland...

Playing sample of TTS IVONA... You can always test our TTS at www.ivona.com

IVONA in e-learningu?

Learning is more effective if you read and listen at same time

Wiedza i życie, numer specjalny „Jak się uczyć”

Why should we use IVONA Text-to-speech?

Access to native speaker on you computer or by webpage 24/7/365

when you integrate IVONA TTS with your e-learning platform or desktop application, access to TTS will be fast and easy

IVONA let you generate speech, which can be used in:

Power Point presentations

applications for education

web-based games

education podcasts (portable!)

e-learning courses

movies with lectors

wherever you want...

Multimedias with lector

... without recording your voice!

Virtual Teacher with human-like voice!

How can I test IVONA TTS?

Just visit www.ivona.com !

Thank you for your attention!

email: ivo@ivosoftware.com
