Leveraging Android for the Internet of Things with Eclipse M2M



The Eclipse M2M (Machine-to-Machine) open source initiative delivers a stack of open source building blocks that accelerate the development of connected solutions. In this session, you’ll be briefly introduced to the Eclipse M2M projects and discover cool end-to-end examples (Augmented Reality anyone?) combining the use of Android API with Open Hardware platforms (Arduino, Raspberry Pi…) for doing fleet tracking, remote monitoring, home automation, and much more.

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Leveraging Android for the Internet of Things with Eclipse M2M

Droidcon London 24-27th October 2013 Benjamin Cabé | Sierra Wireless

Who I am

•  Benjamin Cabé •  Open Source M2M

Evangelist at Sierra Wireless •  Eclipse M2M WG chairperson


M2M? IoT?

❝ Technology that supports wired or wireless communication between devices

Typical architecture Healthcare example



However… It’s not as easy as it looks

Network is unreliable

Network is unreliable

Objects need to be ID’d

Network is unreliable

Objects need to be ID’d

Embedded is complex

When all you want to do…

POST /turnOn

GET /temperature

Eclipse M2M building blocks




Eclipse M2M building blocks

Network is unreliable



MQTT? M = Messaging

MQTT? M = Messaging

Publish/subscribe protocol

MQTT? M = Messaging

Publish/subscribe protocol

Lightweight (bandwidth, battery, …)



Show me the code! embedded device

Show me the code!

var mqtt = require('mqtt');var c = mqtt.createClient(1883, 'm2m.eclipse.org');

client.on('message’, cb);client.subscribe('/kettle232/switch');client.publish('/kettle232/temp’, '72.2');var cb = function(topic, message) {// turn the kettle on/off


Show me the code!

var mqtt = require('mqtt');var c = mqtt.createClient(1883, 'm2m.eclipse.org');

client.on('message’, cb);client.subscribe('/kettle232/switch');client.publish('/kettle232/temp’, '72.2');var cb = function(topic, message) {// turn the kettle on/off


Show me the code!

var mqtt = require('mqtt');var c = mqtt.createClient(1883, 'm2m.eclipse.org');

client.on('message’, cb);client.subscribe('/kettle232/switch');client.publish('/kettle232/temp’, '72.2');var cb = function(topic, message) {// turn the kettle on/off


Show me the code!

var mqtt = require('mqtt');var c = mqtt.createClient(1883, 'm2m.eclipse.org');

client.on('message’, cb);client.subscribe('/kettle232/switch');client.publish('/kettle232/temp’, '72.2');var cb = function(topic, message) {// turn the kettle on/off


Show me the code! Android device

Show me the code!

MqttClient c = new MqttClient ( "tcp://m2m.eclipse.org:1883", MqttClient.generateClientId() );

mqttClient.setCallback(…);mqttClient.connect();mqttClient.subscribe("/teapot24232/#");// the rest of your app

Show me the code!

MqttClient c = new MqttClient ( "tcp://m2m.eclipse.org:1883", MqttClient.generateClientId() );

mqttClient.setCallback(…);mqttClient.connect();mqttClient.subscribe("/teapot24232/#");// the rest of your app

Show me the code!

MqttClient c = new MqttClient ( "tcp://m2m.eclipse.org:1883", MqttClient.generateClientId() );

mqttClient.setCallback(…);mqttClient.connect();mqttClient.subscribe("/teapot24232/#");// the rest of your app

Show me the code!

MqttClient c = new MqttClient ( "tcp://m2m.eclipse.org:1883", MqttClient.generateClientId() );

mqttClient.setCallback(…);mqttClient.connect();mqttClient.subscribe("/teapot24232/#");// the rest of your app

Show me the code!

mqttClient.setCallback(new MqttCallback() {@Overridepublic void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage message) throws Exception { // process received message // e.g. display temperature value}// ...


Callback code:

Show me the code!

mqttClient.setCallback(new MqttCallback() {@Overridepublic void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage message) throws Exception { // process received message // e.g. display temperature value}// ...


Callback code:

Simple but not Stupid

•  QoS – at most once, at least once, exactly once, …

•  “Last will & Testament” – automatically publish a message when a client

goes offline

More about MQTT

http://mqtt.org http://eclipse.org/paho

Network is unreliable

Objects need to be ID’d

So… now my objects talk … to me?


Bluetooth LE QR Code

How about AR*? * Augmented Reality

Demo! Connected greenhouse

Raspberry Pi + NodeJS MQTT client

Raspberry Pi + NodeJS MQTT client

MQTT broker m2m.eclipse.org

Raspberry Pi + NodeJS MQTT client

MQTT broker m2m.eclipse.org

Raspberry Pi + NodeJS MQTT client

MQTT broker m2m.eclipse.org

Raspberry Pi + NodeJS MQTT client

Nexus 10 + Java MQTT client +

metaio SDK

Network is unreliable

Objects need to be ID’d

Embedded is complex

Simplifying embedded for home automation

with .


Eclipse Smart Home

•  A flexible framework for smart home and ambient assisted living (AAL) solutions.

•  Easy to extend (based on OSGi)

•  Smooth Android integration

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Data consolidation

Ready to Play?

Data consolidation


Ready to Play?

Data consolidation


User management

Ready to Play?

Data consolidation


User management


Ready to Play?

Management dashboards

System diagnostics

(Big!) Data history

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Benjamin Cabé bcabe@sierrawireless.com | @kartben
