Man modified ecosystem



There are many different types of ecosystems. Ecosystems can be found in tropical rain forests, saltwater marshes, coral reefs, kelp forests, and deep in the ocean. Each ecosystem is unique, but each also requires a delicate balance between the plant and animal species in order for the ecosystem to remain healthy.

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Problems of man-modified ecosystem

English lesson

ELT Trofimova E.V.

1. Warming up. Quotation

“If you don’t think about

the future

you will not have it.”John Galsworthy

2. READING. Read the text. Answer the


1. What is an ecosystem consists of?

2. Healthy ecosystems are in balance, aren’t they?

3. What can threaten the health of our earth's ecosystems?

3. WATCING. 3.1. Video “Biotic ecosystem components”

3.2. Make a test:1. A system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with its environment

A) Ecosystem

B) Ecology

C) Community

 2. The living part of an ecosystem called

A) Living things

B) Species

C) Community

3. All the members of a species in an ecosystem are

A) Living things

B) Biotic

C) Population

4. A community is consists of

A) Living organisms

B) Species

C) Groups of organisms

5. A natural community is consists of

A) Animals and plants

B) Species

C) Groups of organisms

Right answers: 1.A; 2A; 3C; 4C; 5A.

4. TALKING. Are you worried about the nature?

4.1. Give russian equivalents

• Protect nature

• Destroy wildlife

• Throw away litter

• Reduce pollution

• Damage nature

• Spoil the environment• Disturb wild animals

4.2. Problems 4.2. Problems man-modified ecosystem

Land, air and water are important for the life on the Earth. But what is happening now?

Water is polluted.

Land is polluted.

Air is polluted.

Are you worried about nature? What can you say about man-modified ecosystem?

People pollute the environment.

People cut down trees.

People disturb the animals and birds.

People poor the waste in water.

People leave litter in the country.

People damage nature.

4.3. Describe these pictures (is/are+V3)

Papers and plastic packets are thrown out

Bottles, cans and tins are

left everywhere

The water is polluted

The baby-trees are cut

4.4. What should we do to save the nature?

Code of Ecological Rules

-Don’t break trees.

-Don’t leave litter.

-Keep the country tidy.

-Respect the life and work of the countryside.

-Keep dogs under control.

-Put litter away.

-Grow trees and flowers.

-Don’t frighten birds and animals.

-Don’t cut wild flowers.


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