Save the world with your coffee competition


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Operation: Rainforest Alliance

• Task: Attract College students to the cause

• Strategy: Contest over load!

How is it going to work?

• We are going to launch a nationwide competition!

• Videos will be released on you-tube and facebook offering an opportunity for sustainability groups from different colleges to compete to see which school can produce the longest petition list to get their school to only buy and sell Forest Alliance approved coffee.

( See Following slides for examples)

Petition for your School to serve Coffee

stamped with the Rainforest Alliance

Certified seal of approval.

S a v e t h e f a m i l i e s t h a t r e l y o n c o ff e e f a r m s S a v e t h e w i l d l i f e t h a t h a v e v a n i s h e d b e c a u s e m o d e r n c o ff e e f a r m s

P r e v e n t d a m a g e t o s t r e a m s p o l l u t e d b y s i l t a n d a g r o c h e m i c a l s d u e t o m o d e r n i z e d f a r m i n g

Petition for your School to serve Coffee stamped with the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal of approval.

Petition for your School to serve Coffee stamped with the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal of approval.

Nice idea! How will we do it?

• Videos will need to be made and advertised by flooding Facebook, twitter, and you-tube with notifications about the competition

Okay, What is the Incentive? • We will offer a prize! The sustainability group that

wins will get to pick a current program run by RA and will be invited for a lunch meeting with the expert that runs the program to discuss ways to implement their choice in their school, plus a tour of R.A. headquarters to get the inside scoop!
