September News Online Exchange - Welcome Emails and the world of Marketing




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Whether someone has just subscribed to your newsletter / ezine, blog RSS feed, or

company emails, or has registered for your upcoming webinar, sending a welcome

email directly after a recipient has subscribed proves to be a golden opportunity to

share your business message.

According to an article on, Experian Marketing Services reported that "welcome

email data found high performance across metrics, including opens, clicks, transactions and

revenues." Speci�cally, the study found that welcome emails are almost four times more likely to be

opened than other forms of mailing with a 14.4% click rate. The study further found that "sending

real-time welcomes was even more powerful than adding a special o�er in raising transaction rates

and revenues."

News Online Xchange (NOX) is the o�cial monthly business newsletter of New Media Services Pty. Ltd. It serves to give up-to-date information on the products and services under the NMS brand, as well as news involving the Web and Mobile industries.

Selling with just one email.

News Online Xchange

Once viewed primarily as a secret language used by teenagers, instant messaging (IM) is maturing into a viable

communications tool for small businesses.

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Welcome emails and the world of marketing


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17% Customer Retwntion

32% Customer Aquisition

5% Transactional Messaging

17% Brand Awarness

27% Lean Nuturing

1% Cost Reduction

Speed up Conversation

Minimize List

Strengthen brand perception

Reduce Inactivity

Goals and Purpose


Educate Subscriber

Reward / Incentive

Instill / Reinforce trust

Enable immediate “email”


Elements of a Welcome Email

“Posts” and “Jobs” are the most clicked subject line words.

Click Through Rate (CTR) is higher when using the recipient’s �rst name in the subject line, over no use of the �rst name.

88% prefer to receive HTML emails vs. 12% who prefer plain text from companies.

65% prefer emails that contain mostly images vs. 35% who prefer mostly text.

Most recent subscribers are the most likely to open a welcome email.

Saturday has the highest CTR at over 9%. Sunday is second just under 9%.

6 AM has the highest CTR of any hour.

“Click Here” button gets the highest percentage of clicks over “Go” and “Submit” buttons.

It takes 90 minutes for a recipient to respond to an email.

Mobile email opens increased 34%, while opens on webmail and PCs decreased by 11% in 2012.

17.71% of users will open an email on a mobile device once or more per month.

82% of smartphone users check and send emails with their device.

52% of companies let people sign up for email or text alerts about products and o�ers, as a path to purchase in mobile.

Over 50% say they read “most of” their emails.

“Secrets” is the most clicked lead nurturing subject line word.

Source 2012 BtoB’s State of Email Marketing survey.Fielded December 2011 and January 2012. N= 332

Attracting clients is all about searching for ideal

opportunities to connect with them when their

attention is within reach. As more and more

information is added to the Internet every

second of the day, the attention of web

users is often tugged from one item to

the next within mere seconds. Because

of this small attention span, it's

important to present yourself to

prospects whenever the opportunity

presents itself because, often, that

opportunity is gone within seconds.

If you grab your subscribers' attention with a

welcome email, you've already got a foot in the door.

Now it's time to make an even deeper impression by

engaging these prospects through your welcome

email. They've come this far to open your email,

you've piqued their interest, now take this golden

opportunity to encourage them to spend

more time with you Whether your

welcome email gets them to read,

click through another link within the

email, or pick up the phone and call you,

holding their interest is key.

Elements of Welcome Emails





Goals of a Welcome Email

15 Facts You Should Know About Email Reading Behavior

What is the most important purpose of your email program?

1. 6.














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Auto-responders, also known as mail bots, automatic email and email on

demand, may be excellent in conserving time. But email responding is not

all about time. The success of an email lies heavily on how genuine and

sincere the email appears to the recipient.

Why do we discourage you to use auto-responders?

1. Instructing the responding system to include the name of the

recipient in the “hello” line of the message does not guarantee personal-

ization. The body of the email should talk about speci�c information

needed by a speci�c recipient. When using auto-responders, there is no

way that we can personalize an email.

2. It is easier for spammers to collect email addresses when using

auto-responders. A spider software easily gets auto-responder’s address,

then extract the database of email addresses in the auto-responder’s

contact list. These leaked data are sold to other companies, leaving

everyone without a clue about what is happening around.

3. Recipients ignore emails that appear like “automatic” and “do not

reply” messages. Most auto-emails are categorized as junk or spam mails

and are more likely to be deleted immediately.

4. Customers who contact a business via email want their �rst email

response from the business the grati�cation of their concerns. They get

irritated when they receive auto-response emails. Moreover they need to

exchange emails with real people, not with robots.

5. Automated systems need 24/7 maintenance to make sure that no

errors are occurring. Once erroneous emails are sent, the business

cannot withdraw these emails. It’s the loss of the business, not the

auto-responding system!

Welcome Email Subjects That Sell

Using clichés is boring. Recipients are not thrilled with subject lines like

“Hello From Us”, “Dearest Recipient” or “Welcome To Our Forum”. Why not

try these suggestions to see the di�erence!

1. Use lines that uplift the morale of your recipient. Ex. “Gorgeous (Name)”.

2. Mention 3 desirable things on earth. Ex. “Cash, Dream House and Honey”.

3. Surprise the recipient, but still be real (lying is a sin). Ex. “You Won…

Our Trust”

4. Use rhyming words. “Welcome to Our Site, Your Choice is Right”

5. Cite everyone’s enemy. “Tired of Being Broke? Welcome to Our Site”.

Always remember that email users are �ooded with tons and tons of welcome

messages. Try these new techniques to get your recipients opening your emails

in just a snap of a �nger.

Say No to Auto-responders?



Loop Direct is a form of “Proactive Messaging” via our LOOP Inbox Email Platform.

Next month on NOX: Web design and Development: Lifeline of business websites
