Smart Premium Platform



Our Smart Premium Platform is designed to manage premium numbers and it is based on PHP, Java, Ajax, MS SQL Server technology and on Microbase CommServer PBX Platforms. The statistics management and monitoring is delivered through a Web graphic design interface where all basic parameters of the daily functioning are implemented. Has a two level management and configuration environment, “architect” and “manager”, while at the same time provides statistics to “partners”, “call centers” and “call center agents”.

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Piece of the Puzzle

Smart Online Services By Andreas AnastasopoulosCEO Smart Online Services LTD

Smart Premium Platform

Smart thinking


Smart Online Services, has invested in creating on demand cost effective Telecom

application services, based on the SaaS model, delivering to our partners and

clients the best solution with the minimum investment.

It is a challenge to pioneer the development of new cost effective services. The

SaaS model, which is the base of our services, eliminates the financial

investment, which is replaced by a monthly or yearly fee or even by a shared

revenue model.

Our customer oriented corporate philosophy and our experienced professionals

are the tools to guarantee the successful design, implementation and delivery of

any project and to achieve our ultimate target a 100% satisfied customer /


What is Premium Platform?

Premium Platform is a web based resource management and programming of premium rate numbers which provides functionality for:

• Real Time Telecommunication Infrastructure• Programming and Provisioning• Real Time Cost and Revenue Share Calculation• Real Time and Off Line Statistics• Monthly Clearing Functionality• And Many More …

How does it works ?

• Premium Platform is a turn key solution which includes telecommunication infrastructure and web based portal for administration and user access.

• The Platform accepts the inbound calls to a premium number, detects the number dialed and plays a free of charge message announcing the cost of the call. At the same time, the system knows what to do that call. Transfer it to a call center, to an IVR service, to an Agent or even to a External Application.

• When the call ends, the platform calculates the cost, revenue share and any other income or outcome from that call giving the exact expected income in real time.


• Real Time Resource Administration and Monitoring

• One Unified Platform for Telecom and Service Administration

• Zero time Clearing and Monthly Statistics

• Real Time Statistics for Administrators and Users

• Real Time Revenue Calculation for Administrators, Users and Agents

• Quick Learning Curve and Easy Administration

• Minimum Technical Knowledge for Administration

• Openness and API for Service Development

Quick Look of Admin Features

Administrator Features

The previous screenshot shows the available options of the

Administrator. The Administrator of the Platform is able to:• Manage Administrator, User and Agent Accounts• Create, Assign, Programming Premium Numbers• Create, Assign, Programming Premium Services• Create, Access Lists• Create Content Providers• Programming Shared Revenue Schemes• Create and Manage Telecom Trunks• Create and Manage Agents• Create and Manage Intro Messages• Create and Manage Premium Number Charge Zones

Quick Look Of Real Time Stats (1)

Quick Look Of Real Time Stats (2)

Real Time StatisticsReal Time Statistics are divided in sections which are visible based on User’s Role. Main Sections are:

• Administrator Statistics• User Statistics• Content Provider Statistics• Premium Service Statistics• Agent Statistics

Each section has a number of reports based on grouping. Some of those are reports based on:

• Premium Number• Number Of Calls per Period• Call Duration• Type Of Service• And Many More…

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Lets solve the puzzle Together.Together, we will build your Premium Platform.Email to:

Smart Premium Platform: HOW-TO

Meet with our Professional Services Team to discuss customer requirements, enterprise needs.

Smart thinking
