Social Business - Why? What? How?



Why should we become a Social Business? What is a Social Business? How do we become a Social Business?

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« Arne Sigurd Rognan Nielsen loves to call himself a ‘Wild Duck’ as he tries to think differently about life. He has held a multitude of positions in his career: a photographer, journalist, chief editor, writer, sales manager, personal productivity consultant, military professional and, now, is a collaboration and senior social business advisor and evangelist at IBM. Arne has also written several books on themes such as sales, marketing and key account management, and is a hard core blogger.»

TEDx 0047 41535313 @Arne_S_Nielsen

The Value of Social Business:

What? Why? How?


Don’t make social your business!

Make your business social!

IBM has changed dramatically

We have changed the way we work

And that has changed our culture, our focus

and our strategy

One of the things we noticed is that with the emergence of social software inside the company,

we have moved on from collaboration that is private and in silos - which is very powerful

inside that team but outside of that nothing else happens - and we’re breaking down those silos

and actually fostering an enterprise-wide collaboration on a wider scale.

Luis Suarez

The use of these social tools has helped people understand that work no longer happens through

the traditional corporate driven top-down approach, but that work actually organizes itself around networks and communities informally

Luis Suarez

So what is all this talk about social really about?

Jungle drums!

Open Dialogues!

Social collaboration has been here since the

beginning of mankind!

Now we just do it in another way that reaches

all over the world - instantly!

So, what is social business?

Social business is just about ordinary business!







Competition! Marketing! Information!


But in a new and more productive way..

Social business is about connecting brains

Because none of us is smarter than all of us

1 + 1 = 3

It is about utilizing the total corporate IQ

Crowd Sourcing Open Dialogues Communities

Activities Innovation

Social collaboration is the new way we do work

Social collaboration is the new production line

We call it IBM Connections…

Why? !

Because it pays off! !

If I give you one dollar - and you give me one dollar - then we have one dollar each!


But, if I give you one idea - and you give me one idea - then we have two ideas each!



It is a mathematical fact that if the average number of relations between people in an

organization increases by 20 percent - the value creation in the organization

increases by appx. 40 percent! !

Lars Kolind, Jacob Bøtter, UNBOSS

Lars Kolind is a mathematician and business professor at Århus University, Denmark and board member of many danish industry companies. The quote is from his book, UNBOSS, which is a «must read»!


Source: McKinsey Global Institute July 2012: The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies

When adopted at scale across an emerging type of networked enterprise and integrated into the work processes of employees,

social technologies can boost a company’s financial performance and market share, respondents say, confirming last year’s survey results.




McKinsey Quarterly:

Executives at internally networked organizations note the highest improvement in benefits from interactions with employees; those at

externally networked organizations, from interactions with customers, partners, and suppliers.

Executives at fully networked organizations report greater benefits from both internal and external interactions.


Some important points..

Top Down

Bottom Up

It is a matter of strategy

It is a matter of change management

80 % psychology 20 % technology

Sharing documents only is NOT social


Documents do NOT create business value

Activities create business value People do activities

Be people and activity centric!

It is the collaboration between employees with different competencies, that makes

the best knowledge based organizations flourish! !

Lars Kolind, Jacob Bøtter, UNBOSS

Move employees out of silos..

..into an open, social culture!

Set the brainpower free! Empower your employees!

Create engagement! Use social tools!

Internal social dialogues!

Internal social communities!

Internal activity sharing!

Internal file sharing!

External social tools - cloud!

Mobile on many platforms!

IBM Connections on iPad + iPhone and Android devices

Updates - example

IBM Connections on iPad + iPhone and Android devices

Files - example

IBM Connections on iPad + iPhone and Android devices

Activities - example

External Cloud

IBM To-Do’s on iPad + iPhone and Android devices

To-Do’s - example

External Cloud

IBM Sametime on iPad + iPhone and Android devices

Chat, Awareness, Video, Phone

Integrated social tools

* Gartner

The future of email is social! *

Awareness Chat

Clippings File transfer

Phone Web meetings

Video meetings

Instant communication

Find People

Send SMS

External Social Media

Open Social Plugins

Sales Tools

Reading News

Drag & Drop

Track TravelsBook Travels

Integrate 3. part plugins

Share Activities & Files

Some principles..

Cloud first Mobile next *

All platforms ** Open Social Standard

* iOS, Android, Blackberry, (Windows Mobile) ** Windows, Linux, MacOS

What did we achieve?

IBM world wide market leader within social for

enterprise 4 years in a row! IDC

# 1 - # 1 - # 1 - #1

Get Social. Do Business.

Thank You! 0047 41535313 @Arne_S_Nielsen

Hope i didn’t waste your time…
