The Duty of Authenticity


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The Duty of Authenticity

Devrelcon London 2016Jess Rose






1:1 or 1:many exchanges that

feel real and hold value




Does it scale?


How can we measure it?


Humans can’t scale and retain



You can only measure

authenticity by documenting



If real human exchanges didn’t

matter, we wouldn’t have jobs.


Unscientific polling time…


Who here has been at more than 15 events this year?Who has forgotten names of someone you’ve met along the way?Who has an extremely important email they’ve dropped the ball on this year?


How can we do more real things?


Listen more.


We’re here to listen to our communities

and users and speak for them.


Do less.


You need space to take care of

yourself to care for others in real ways.


Slow down.


Give people the time their viewpoints deserve.

Give yourself time.


Focus on things that matter.


Your company has a values

statement. You need one too.


Compromise knowingly.



Be aware as you balance your

professional image with yourself.


Frame your work as service.


Serving communities and a

better version of our industry is the best we can do.


Keep things in perspective.


Our jobs are fantastic*.


*Overall. Work in outreach can also be stressful, demanding and not all jobs are going to treat you


Take care of yourself.


We get paid to write about, talk about and think about tech and



76% of us make £60k or over.


Thank you. 💖