Top Facebook Timeline Tips from TabSite



Top Tips from TabSite in a concise 2 Page PDF to help you maximize your new Facebook Timeline setup. Includes images sizes and strategies for the new features in Timeline.

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Tips for Facebook Timeline

Top tips and valuable information to help you best utilize your Facebook Timeline Page

Leverage Timeline’s unique features to build an engaging narrative for your visitors to help turnthem into a engaged community.

Cover Photo [851 x 315]

Timeline’s cover photo allows you to create an eye-catching, descriptive visual of your company.

Use the large real estate available (851 x 315 pixels), and change the image occasionally, in

step with campaigns or other events relevant to your brand. Keep it clean, clear, and uncluttered.

Be sure to adhere to Facebook policy as this area cannot include a call-to-action or phone number.Be sure to adhere to Facebook policy as this area cannot include a call-to-action or phone number.

Pro le Image [180 x 180]

This image represents your brand’s identity and should remain xed. Most often this will be your

logo and be aware that this is used to represent your brand in other locations on Facebook.

About Section

Your Page “About” section is important! This is focused text that should be clear and succinct. It is

the intro and nutshell message of who you are that helps guide visitors to dig deeper. You can

include a url in this area. include a url in this area.

Feature Tabs [111 x 74]

Timeline sets your Page Photo Album as the rst large tab image to the right of the About

area. You then get the opportunity to highlight up to 3 more visible custom tab images

that link to custom tabs you have created. Additional tabs can be seen by clicking the

drop down arrow next to the tab image furthest to the right.

Best uses of the large tab images are:

• Make them visually eye-catching• Make them visually eye-catching

• Be clear and concise, “Enter to Win!” is much better than “Click this tab to enter our Contest.”

• Assign names to your tabs that clearly indicate to users the content the tabs are driving to.

• Drive web and twitter traffic directly to tab urls with a Like Gate to help build your fan base.

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Tell Your Company Story and Utilize Imagery

Tips for Facebook Timeline Page 2

Top tips and valuable information to help you best utilize your Facebook Timeline Page

TabSite App - Facebook Page Custom Tab Builder Platform -

Pin Posts, Milestones, and Stars

Timeline provides your brand with new options for self-expression! You can use

milestones, pinning, and stars to create a cohesive narrative for your audience.

Pin Posts

Timeline allows you to pin a post to the top of your Timeline for 7 days at a time. This is a

great way to curate your content and highlight important items so they are “top of mind”

(and Page!) for visitors. Be sure to make the most out of this tool by: (and Page!) for visitors. Be sure to make the most out of this tool by:

• Pinning key events and key posts, linking them to your custom TabSite tabs where they can

get the full information.

• When running a sweepstakes or contest, pin a post that calls attention to a particular

phase of the promotion, again linking to the custom tab to drive visitors to it.


A milestone is a major event that is particularly relevant to your company, such as a product

launch, store opening, or other moment in history that is signicant to your brand’s launch, store opening, or other moment in history that is signicant to your brand’s

growth and development. Be sure to add milestones for company start date and other key

moments! You can make the most out of this feature by doing the following:

• Use photos & videos

• Customize the content to your industry

• Ask open ended questions to prompt comments and engagement

Highlight [Star]

Highlight an important post on your brand’s Timeline by “starring” it. When you star a post, it Highlight an important post on your brand’s Timeline by “starring” it. When you star a post, it

will expand to the full width (doublewide) of your Timeline and always be visible. To star a post

on your Timeline, simply hover over the post and click the star icon that appears. This is a

great way to showcase product image photos and other important visuals. Note that Milestones

cannot be starred.


Timeline gives users the ability to send private, direct messages to brand pages. You should

view this new capability as an enhanced customer support channel, and ensure that the messages view this new capability as an enhanced customer support channel, and ensure that the messages

your page receives are responded to or escalated in a timely manner.