Traffic Fms 050209



This is our presentation made on feb 5,0029 at Tatva 2009 (Amity Business School Business Plan Competition)

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Traffic Signal ControllersFault Monitoring and Controlling

About US

We started as a design company and now shifted to manufacturing and complete solutions selling.

A team consiting of students, faculty members and professional electronics engineer.

We have experience on Electrical Chimney, House hold itmes, Bath tubs, Automobiles, Elevators, Some parts for Delhi Metro and of course 50 Traffic Signals controllers.


Executive Summary

Problems as reported by news articles

What is being done overseas/India

What is our solution



Market Size


Executive Summary

Problem is Fault Monitoring and timely repairs of traffic signal controllers.

Solution is Remote Monitoring by GSM/CDMA/WiFi/Landline connectivity.

This system needs intelligent electronics

We have proven experience in that area

Problems reported

Look at the ads, news paper stories in next few slides

Recall your problems when driving due to defective traffic signals.

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What others are doing

US Patents office has first patent related to Traffic Fault Monitoring filed in 1965 and recent one granted in 2008.

US has adopted a standard traffic protocols so that systems sold by any company can be mantained even by third party using standard functions.

What India is doing

You have read reports about Delhi, Just imagine the state of siganls in smaller cities.

There is no patents or innovation (may be there is no incentive as buyers are Govt Agencies) or quality

There are no standards within country

What is our solution

Complex design with central monitoring and control.

Which is simple to use and easy to maintain and repair

Is based on open source technology so that buyers are attracted towards it.

Market Research

We have worked with one Traffic Signal Supplier for installation of 50 traffic controllers.

We have met Jt C P (Mr S N Srivastave), Local heads on Traffic Signal Vendors and news paper reporters in last 2 months

Every one is waiting for some one to provide solution.

Now let’sTalk Technology

Technology is simple

We have used technology as used in elevators and automobiles.

It is reliable and quick to repair/replace even by a local technician.

We monitor all parameters and in case of mismatch report to central server by GSM/CDMA.

What we will sell

We will sell an electronic board with a built in SIM card and antenna, few sensors

How will unit function

It will monitor all critical paramters in real time.

In case of deviation from accepted tolerance, an SMS or pre-recorded voice language will be sent to concerned persons.

Messages are sent as per priority.

All faults are records and can be accessed from a website also.

IP Status

We have files for Patent on Traffic Signal Controller Fault Monitoring on Jan 6,2009.

There are not even a single patent in Fault Monitoring in India.


At present, large companies like BEL, CMS and KELTRON are there.

Being large, multi product company, they have no clear focus, no incentive to perform well.

There are few small regional companies. Focus is more on installation and managing the tenders and Govt Deptt and not on long term issues like innovation.

Available market

Delhi needs all 1000 to be replaced. All india basis it is 20000 units to be replaced in next 10 years.

At existing prices there is a profit margin of 15 k per Fault Monitoring Systems of traffic signal

Who are buyers

Govt Agencies

Private companies (advertisersing agencies) who get order to install and maintain signals on BOT basis against advertising space.

Buyers in other ASIAN countries.

Why will we get orders

For existing companies, Traffic is not their focus areas.

New customers (read advertising agencies) need reliable system and better support.

It is a new emerging business. need are changing, buyers are changing.

Existing sellers have no experience on dealing with small retail buyer.

Revenue model

Buyer needs reliability and support

We sell them our services on monthly rental basis to assure them guarnteed up time.

Buy hardware at 30K and pay monthly rent fo Rs 1500/- per traffic signal.

This is self sustaining business model.

Investments (FMS)Year 1 2 3 4

Development Tools 12 L 3 L 6 L 9 L

Man Power Cost 12 L 5 L 10 L 15 L

R & D Material 8 L 2 L 4 L 6 L

Total 30 L 10 L 20 L 30 L

Expenses (FMS)Year 1 2 3 4

Operational Expenses

15 L 50 L 150 L 300 L

Qty 300 1000 3000 6000

Raw Material 45 L 150 L 450 L 900 L

Total 60 L 200 L 600 L 1200 L

Sales Figures (FMS)Year 1 2 3 4

Qty 300 1000 3000 6000

Sales Value 90 300 900 1800

Rentals 0 54 234 774

Cost 90 210 620 930

PBT Nil 144 514 1644

PAT Nil 93.6 334.1 1068.6RENTALS @ 1500 PER INSTALLED UNIT


Addons to Traffic

Traffic Signal Controller has lot of add ons. Few examples are

- Current news and advertisments and status of next signal on displays

- SMS query from users about waiting time at signal

- Alternate energy usuage for running system

Alternate Use

And they are alternate use of same technology in

- Bus Shelters and Advertising hoardings

- Cold Storage, Unattended places like Transmission towers

- Security systems in office, banks and and malls

- Residential Areas


Already invested 25 L

- Self funding - 5 L

- by first traffic customer - 17 L

- by other customers - 3 L

Need - 90 L( 30 L for next model development and 60 L for material and first 300 units)


15 L from self funding

15 L from DST TePP funding

15 L from prospective buyers

15 L from prospective partners/manufacturers


We see a good opportunity in this area as there is a vaccume

We are confident and excited.

Thanks for your time.....