Turnberry CC LinkedIn Event - 8.25.10



Learn about this Shift in the way consumers are communicating with brands - before you get lost in the social media platforms. It's about helping people solve problems...with no strings attached - not targeting people with information. Enjoy!

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THE SHIFTCustomer Engagement and Marketing

in the Age of Me Media

The Push…

The Shift…

The New Rules of Engagement

Today It’s About Me Media

• “Inbound” vs. “Outbound”

• Trust vs. Doubt

• Permission vs. Interruption

• On Their Terms…Not Yours

1. Find A Problem Worth Solving

2. Solve Problems Unsolicited

3. Connect A Tribe

4. Lead A Movement

5. Listen, Learn & Change

5 Gears To Gaining TrueCustomer Engagement

3.Leverage your network for important biz decisions

1.Bridge between valuable face-to-face biz conversations

2.Help…don’t sell!

“Too many organizations care about numbers, not fans… true leaders have figured out that the real win is in turning a casual fan into a true one.”

Seth Godin

“Brand Journalism is the creation of Web content—videos, blog posts, photos, charts, graphs, essays, ebooks, white papers—that deliver value to your marketplace and serve to position your organization as one worthy of doing business with.”

David Meerman Scott
