Ux final!!




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User ExperienceFinal presentation

2014193007 박지현2014193001 송영웅

Index System Concept Statement

Flow Model

Social Model


Some sketches


UX metrics


Ux evaluation report

System Concept Statement

     The ‘M-bus E-ticket system’ will innovatively replace the current pa-per M-bus ticket, by developing smartphone applications. There are many reasons why paper M-bus ticket should be removed.

     First, ‘M-bus E-ticket system’ will make M-bus ticketing more conve-nient. Now, students of Yonsei university must get their tickets in desig-nated time and place. However, if E-ticket system is adopted, students can get tickets at any time, any place.

      Second, this project will reduce workloads of school guards. There are so many students trying to get tickets but I will not be necessary anymore.

       By integrating barcode scanning function of cameras and web-based programming, these problems can be improved.

Flow Model

Social Model

Persona (main persona)

이름  : 이강현  / 나이  : 21 / 성별  : 남자1. Life Cycle

     평범한 연세대학교 14학번 신입생이다 . 월요일부터 목요일까지 송도에서 생활하고 , 목요일 저녁에 집에 간다 . 집이 신촌 근처이기 때문에 매주 연세대학교 셔틀버스인 Y-Bus나 광역버스인 M6724를 이용하는데 , 손이 느려서 Y-Bus 예약을 거의 성공하지 못한다 . 할 수 없이 M-bus를 자주 이용하는데 ,  저녁 7시쯤에 기숙사에서 나와 티켓을 수령하고 집에 가려고하면 , 티켓 수령시간이 오후 6시까지여서 수령하지 못하는 일이 자주 발생한다 . 수령장소와 거주중인 기숙사가 떨어져 있어서 , 수령하는데 시간이 드는 편이다 . 처음에는 티켓 수령시간을 늘려달라고 요구한 적이 있으나 받아들여지지 않았고 , 송도 기숙사 생활에 익숙해진 요즘은 티켓을 미리 수령해 놓는 편이다 .

2. System Application Prediction

    M-Bus E-ticket 이 도입되면 자주 M-bus 를 이용하는 이강현의 입장에서는 많은 부분이 편리해질 것이다 . 정해진 장소와 정해진 시간에 맞추기 위해 , 먼 거리를 일부러 걸어갈 필요도 없어지고 , 티켓을 수령하기 위해서 따로 시간을 들이지 않아도 된다 . 이제는 M-bus에 탑승하러 걸어가는 길에 스마트폰을 이용해서 자가 발급을 하고 , 바로 기사분께 보여드리면 된다 .

3. Etc

     매주 이용하고 , 사용하는 횟수도 가장 많다 . 따라서 주 사용자이다

Persona (sub persona)

Name: Han Do-Yeon / Gender: Male / Age: 20

1. Life Cycle

    He is a freshman of Yonsei university. He does not use smartphone or Social networking services (SNS) at all. He rather reads educational books for his hobby. He sometimes watches sports using DMB while he is outside. His friends told him it would be better to watch sports as High-Definition quality with smartphones. However, he will not buy one anyway.

    First, he knows that smartphones are expensive to keep one. Second, his activities are not re-lated to smartphones, so he thinks smartphones are not necessary for him. For these reasons, he did not buy a smartphone even he became a university freshman.

2. System Application Prediction

    In school these days, there is news that paper M-bus ticket will be replaced to E-tickets. E-tick-ets are provided to smartphone users only. He is in a trouble now, because he does not have one. He is now demanding rights to use paper M-bus tickets as a non-smartphone user. 

3. Etc

    He is not a member of M-bus E-ticket system, but this persona is so important in the respect that he is showing a loophole of the system.

Some skteches

기존 M-Bus 티켓 시스템의 문제점

정해진 시간에만 발급 받을 수 있다 . ( 월~금  09:00~18:00 )

정해진 장소에서만 발급 받을 수 있다 .

(국제캠퍼스 제  1학사 , 제  2학사 )

티켓 사재기 현상이 일어난다 .

(사용하지도 않을 티켓을 나중을 위해 미리 발급받는다 .)

티켓이 타 학교 학생에게 양도가 가능해 M-Bus 티켓 시스템 도입 목적에 어긋나게 티켓이 사용된다 .

하루에  6매  (2매 *3일 귀찮아서 한꺼번에 주심 ) 까지 발급이 가능해 사재기가 용이하다 .

M-Bus E-Ticket 시스템의 장점

시간과 장소에 상관없이 티켓을 발급 받게 해 준다 .

티켓 사재기 현상을 방지하고 , 특정한 날에만 M-Bus 탑승자가 기하 급수적으로 느는 것을 막을 수 있다 .

타 학교 학생에게 양도하는 것이 불가능해져서 , 본래 M-Bus 시스템의 취지를 잘 실행할 수 있다 .

하루에  2장까지만 발급이 가능해 진정 필요한 사람에게 티켓이 돌아갈 가능성이 높아진다 .

M-Bus E-ticket 시스템의 필요성 .

(실제 사례 ) 글로벌융합공학부 주점이 끝난  5월  29일 , M-Bus 티켓을 소지하지 않고 있던  13학번  xxx와  14학번  xxx가 티켓을 달라고 요청하여  20여 개 중에서 총  4개를 양도하였다 .

만약  E-ticket 시스템이 도입 되었다면 , 티켓을 양도 받을 필요도 없이 바로 발급받아 사용하면 되었을 것이다 . 또한  20여 개씩 이나 가지고 있는 연세대학교 학생 또한 문제이다 . 사실상 M6724를 이용할 일이 없는데도 불구하고 티켓을 계속 발급받기 때문이다 .


UX metrics

Instruction안내문에 따라 다음의  Application을 설치 해주시고  YSCEC에 등록된 계정으로 로그인 하시기 바랍니다 .

Task1·      System의 기반은 Application입니다 . 효과적인 Application의 설치를 위해 제일 먼저 핸드폰을 켜주시기 바랍니다 .·      Google Play Store/ App Store 에 접속하여 검색합니다 .·      ‘Yonsei M-bus’  Application버튼을 눌러 다운받습니다 .

Task2·      Application 의 설치가 완료되면 네트워크에 연결하여 주십시오 . 그 후 , ‘Yonsei M-bus’  아이콘을 눌러  Application 를 실행시키시기 바랍니다 .·      연세포탈에 등록된 계정 (학번과 비밀번호 )으로 로그인 하십시오 .·      로그인하면 , 자신의 인적 사항과 M-bus 티켓 발급 내역을 확인하실 수 있습니다 .·      예약하기 버튼을 누른 뒤 달력에서 오늘의 날짜를 클릭한 뒤 , 매수를 선택하면 발급 받으실 수 있습니다 .·      학생증을  NFC단말기에 접촉시키면 M-Bus 티켓을 사용할 수 있습니다 .

 ‘YONSEI M-Bus’ Application Questionnaire

이 시스템에 만족하셨나요 ?(unsatisfactory) 1 to 7 (satisfactory) scale1 2 3 4 5 6 7

M-Bus를 예약하는데 이  Application이 효율적이라고 생각하십니까 ?(unefficient) 1 to 7 (Efficient) scale1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 M-Bus를 사용하는데 이  Application이  도움이 되나요 ?(unhelpful) 1 to 7 (helpful) scale1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 Application을 재 방문 하실 의사가 있으신가요 ? (NO) 1 to 7 (YES) scale1 2 3 4 5 6 7

처음 이  Application을 사용할 때   Instruction을 이해하기 편했나요 ? (poor understanding) 1 to 7 (good understanding)1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Prototype :Application










당신에게 준비된 명쾌한 해답

Solution과 함께하는






당신에게 준비된 명쾌한 해답

Solution과 함께하는






당신에게 준비된 명쾌한 해답

Solution과 함께하는

발급일자 만료일자 매수14.05.21 14.05.28 2

14.05.22 14.05.29 2

14.05.23 14.05.30 1

14.05.24 14.05.31 2

14.05.25 14.06.01 2

14.05.26 14.06.02 2



일 월 화 수 목 금 토27 28 29 30 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 311 2 3 4 5 6 7

날짜를 선택하세요 .


일 월 화 수 목 금 토27 28 29 30 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 311 2 3 4 5 6 7

발권할 매수를 선택하세요 .

1매 2매


발급일자 만료일자 매수14.05.21 14.05.28 2

14.05.22 14.05.29 2

14.05.23 14.05.30 1

14.05.24 14.05.31 2

14.05.25 14.06.01 2

14.05.26 14.06.02 2

14.05.27 14.06.03 2



Emotional Impact + HeuristicEvaluation Report

Name of system being evaluated: M-Bus E-ticket System


Prepared By:

Name : 박지현 , 송영웅 

Evaluation of:

Problem #1 : Clarity of Ads

Do you think that the contents of Ads were clear to understand? 1 (1~5)

Reason for reporting as negative or positive: The second Ad about Solution & Lenovo thinkpad was unclear to target users. They recognized the Ad as separate two Ads. (This was applied later in the prototype.)

Scope of problem: Solution & Lenovo thinkpad Ad page

Severity of problem (high/medium/low): high

Justification for severity rating: no justification. Change is needed in the Ad.

Suggestions to fix: put additional description in the Ad (such as “~과 함께하는” , “with”). Change the back-ground to the same color.

Possible trade-offs (why fix might not work): additional description might be also unclear. They can be

Problem #2 : Aesthetic view

Does the application have good design in Aesthetic view? 2

Reason for reporting as negative or positive: Weird Design, too many colors are used there. Aes-thetic view was so terrible that I think the inventor gave up the outlook of the application.

Scope of problem: Log in page

Severity of problem (high/medium/low): high

Justification for severity rating: Design is not that bad. If color is changed, I think it will greatly im-prove.

Possible trade-offs (why fix might not work): reduce the number of colors in the design



Problem #3 : Recognition of Ads

Can you remember the Ads in the application? 2

Reason for reporting as negative or positive: Ads did not have great impact on users.

Scope of problem: All the Ads in the Application

Severity of problem (high/medium/low): medium

Justification for severity rating: Ads do not have great impact because they are just banners.

Suggestions to fix: Remove the Ads.

Possible trade-offs (why fix might not work): Banners are part of the system; just removing it against the system.

Can you remember the Ads in the application? Not at all

Heuristic : Plain language

Does the prototype use the natural language that is familiar to the target user? 4

Reason for reporting as positive: All the phrases and sentences in the prototype were understood at once.



Heuristic : Time spended to do the task.

How much time did you spend on getting M-Bus E-ticket? 5

Reason for reporting as positive: It got less than a minute to get the ticket. This is really efficient because students do not have to go other places to get the M-Bus ticket.



Heuristic : Consistency

Are the locations of icons appropriate, efficient and consistent? 4

Reason for reporting as positive: It took less than a minute to get the ticket. It means the design is efficient. However, there were no logout button in the prototype. (This was applied later in the prototype.)