Web 3.0 - The Way Of The Future For Online Customer Engagement ?



Web 3.0, the third generation of the Web built upon tools like the 3DXplorer platform, enables corporations to finally bridge this gap, leveraging immersive 3D to directly engage prospects and customers in a personal and entertaining environment. Rather than relying on limited tools totrack anonymous web visitors, for the first time, Web 3.0 and 3DXplorer make immersive 3D available to every company. Web 3.0 extends the web to a personal, interactive environment, where individuals, both end-users and consumers and corporate representatives, can express themselves in a manner similar to the way they do in everyday life when conducting a face-tofacemeeting, attending a seminar or walking into a store.

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Web 3.0 - The Way Of The Future For Online Customer Engagement?

I spoke with Darius Lahoutifard today, the CEO of Altadyn. His company makes 3DXPlorer, an

application that lets companies deploy ‘out of the box’ virtual worlds. 3DXPlorer can be used for

such things as virtual meetings, but what interested me the most is how the technology can be

applied to online customer engagement.

From the Altadyn/3DXPlorer website:

Web 3.0 = web3D

Web 3.0, the third generation of the Web built upon tools like the 3DXplorer platform, enables

corporations to finally bridge this gap, leveraging immersive 3D to directly engage prospects and

customers in a personal and entertaining environment. Rather than relying on limited tools to

track anonymous web visitors, for the first time, Web 3.0 and 3DXplorer make immersive 3D

available to every company. Web 3.0 extends the web to a personal, interactive environment,

where individuals, both end-users and consumers and corporate representatives, can express

themselves in a manner similar to the way they do in everyday life when conducting a face-to-

face meeting, attending a seminar or walking into a store.

You can demo the 3DXPlorer technology here

Tim Peters

Call Center Outsourcing Consulting

