


Robbie Deng's presentation for Precedent's social media week open house event.

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Robbie Deng – International Consultant

15 February 2012

meaningful ideas,meaningful ideas,intelligently deliveredintelligently delivered

• Introduction •Examples of Weibo accounts•Generic Weibo user behaviours•Conclusion•Any questions

Chinese hybrid of Twitter & Facebook


Things Twitter doesn’t have

Comments Rich media – video,

audio Private groups Enterprise pages – looks

like Facebook brand pages

Platforms (mobile)

# 阿玛尼情人节 48小时#2012情人节将至,城市上空弥漫着浓浓爱的气息。你的爱情中可有让你刻骨铭心的记忆 ...是一个眼神、一句蜜语亦或是一个爱称? 2月 13 日 0 点 -14 日 24点,关注阿玛尼,转发本微博,并与我们分享专属于你的爱之印记,也可@ 你故事中的那位主角,更有机会获得 ARMANI CODE 3ml随行装

#Armani Valentine's Day 48 hours# is arriving. Thick sense of love permeates the whole city. Do you have unforgettable love memories? A look? A romantic utterance? Or a loving nickname? 13 Feb 12am - 14 Feb 12am, follow Armani, retweet our tweets, and share a love memory only belongs to you, or @ the one in your story, you'll have the chance of receiving a ARMANI CODE 3ml travel kit.

Why Weibo?

Over 250 million Chinese users

Over 140 million Sina Weibo users

10,000 verified local government Weibo accounts

Sina Weibo

User ratio of Weibo channels

Netease WeiboTencent WeiboSohu Weibo

iFeng Weibo

139 Weibo

“Facebook may seem global, but in Brazil most people are on Orkut; in Japan, it’s Mixi.” In China, it’s Weibo.


China Everbright Bank

Weibo and International Users



Personal users•Socialise•Reflections of the day•Opinions (WoM)•Latest news

Business users•One to one service•HR•Customer service•E-commerce•Campaigns


Any questions