What is AB Testing and How to do It


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What is A/B Testing and How to Do It.


What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing AKA split testing or bucket testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better. By creating two different versions as A and B variant and testing them against each other. On regular intervals analysts can compare data, metrics & statistics to find out which one is better. This helps in to choose better design to improve Web or App conversion rates.

What Can You Test? Anything on Website or Application which

enhance user experience can be tested in A/B testing?

Most Common sections


Sub headlines

Paragraph Text


Call to Action text

Call to Action Button


Most Common sections


Awards/Winning and badges

Press/Media mentions

Social Media Presence



For Advanced Testing:

For Advanced Testing:

Pricing structures

Free or paid delivery

UX experiences

Navigation Menus

Free trial lengths

Sales promotions

A/B Testing Process

Collect Data

Identify Goals

Create Variations

Kick off your Experiment

Lastly Analyze Results

A/B Testing Process

Collect Data: Research where Web or App is having low conversion with Analytics. Begin with high priorities sections need to be changed.

Identify Goals: Goals can be anything from clicking a button, link to product purchases and e-mail signups. Track your current goals and set new goals to be achieved.

Create Variations: by changing the Colors, Position of a button, Rotate the Order of Elements on the Web or App etc... A/B testing tools like: Optimize have a visual editor that will make these changes easy.

Kick off your Experiment: Measure visitor’s experience & interaction and compare it with other page. A small ad campaign, even as low as $50, you can send hundreds of visitors to your landing pages to collect the desired data.

Lastly Analyze Results: It’s time to find out the results. If you find a positive result (increment in sales or user engagement) from A/B testing. Congratulations!! If not, count it as an Experience.

Recommended A/B Testing Ideas for industry based Website or App

For Media

• Email sign-up Form• Relative Content Links• Social sharing buttons- positions and icons

For Travel

• Booking Form• User enquiry Buttons • Information Presentations

Recommended A/B Testing Ideas for industry based Website or App

For E-commerce

• Category Elements• Cart, Wish list, enquiry - Buttons• Checkout Components

For B2B

• Lead form • Signup flow• Enquiry, Contact us and Call-to-action buttons

A/B Testing while keeping SEO in mind

All links work properly

Use 302s, not 301sNO Cloaking

NO Cloaking - Showing one set of content to humans, and a different set to Google bot. This can get your site demoted or removed from Google search results - I am sure this would not be the desired outcome of your test.

Use 302s, not 301s - Always use 302 Redirect while A/B testing. 302 is a temporary redirect. This to notify Bot that this is a temporary redirect. Do not pass my entire Juice or Ranking to this page until I use 301 redirect which is a permanent Redirect.

 All links work properly-While doing testing, if any link internal or external added. Make sure it worked properly and not generating any crawl errors.

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