What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why


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What kind of institution might distribute your

media product and why?

The Type Of Distributer

  A distributer helps by backing films and helping them with things such as finance

  The major and biggest distributers are known as the big 5. They are; 20th century fox, RKO pictures, Paramount pictures, Warner Bros and MGM. They are all very well known in the industry and have distriputed such titles as; Harry Potter, The A-Team and

  Within the same category as these there is also the little 3; Universal pictures, United artists, Columbia pictures.

Type Of Distributer (Cont.)

  As well as these major distributers there are also small indie film distributers who often gain fame when one of their titles is a success, however are not very well known before

  This type of distributer will normally deal with independent films like ours

Distributer for our product

  I feel that our product would do well if it were distributed by small indie distributers. Because it is an independent film with a small budget there is more chance of it failing than a Hollywood blockbuster.

  This chance means that the distributer has to take more of a risk in taking on our film

  Major film distributers would normally not take this risk because they have a lot to loose as apposed to an indie film distributer who has less to loose and is therefore more likely to take the chance

DogWoof Films

  DogWoof Films is the name of a small distributer of independent films

  Because they are so small they have little to loose from distributing our films and so are more likely to

  Although small, they are technologically advanced and make use of the internet for the majority of their distributions. This keeps up with modern times and makes it more easily accessible for the audience

Entertainment Film Distributers

  Entertainment Film Distributers are an English based distribution company of small indie films

  They have worked on English films like The Inbetweeners Movie