Working With What the McCutcheon Staff Gave You. By: Ashley Wain


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Working With What the Good McCutcheon Staff Gave You

Inside these booming walls of McCutcheon Hall are enough rooms to house over 750 Purdue students.

Picture taken by Royal Highlanders Club

With 8

floors per

side and

about 30

rooms per

floor it’s


that space


are limited.

In McCutcheon, the rooms are all the same size and the same shape.

But after taking pictures of different rooms on the same floor, I discovered how creative people can be with the same space.

McCutcheon Room Lay-out

It’s hard to believe that in one room, space can be manipulated in so many ways.

Backs of closet doors are even executed in clever ways…

whether they are used

for coats, shoes, posters,

or robes.

Go figure,

the messe


even come

in all sorts

of space


Closet spaces can be used in different ways also. Like using the closet space for just clothes, or utilizing the space with clothes, towels and shoes!

“I like that you can make

the dorm how you want

it, kind of like a home away from home.”-Suzie

Clark aka Roommate.

“I make best of

what space I am

given by making

sure that I always

put all of my

clothes away

immediately after

washing them.

The room stays so

much cleaner that


Sitting areas can also be done in all sorts of ways. The couch can be next to the refrigerator or by itself. The T.V. is normally across from the couch, but it can be next too it also.


Some people even choose to decorate the sides of their beds; from anywhere from lantern lights to purple boas.

There are some rooms that like to keep only the essentials on the vanity mirrors…

While other’s prefer to have everything at the ready on the surface of their vanity area.

Though most rooms tend to be occupied by one or more futons…

…There are some rooms that will bring small couches from home to occupy space rather than just a futon.

Thank you for coming along with me on a short tour of a few typical McCutcheon rooms. I hope you enjoyed seeing the variety a single room can have, and hopefully you will have a good idea of what you want your room to look like.