Writing quick and beautiful automation code




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  • 1. Introduction to Hamcrest and LambdaJ Cristian Cooi
  • 2. 1. BDD (Agile) 2. Ce este hamcrest 3. Ce este lambdaj 4. Beneficii
  • 3. Ce este BDD Stories & Scenarios As a [X] I want [Y] So that [Z]
  • 4. Acceptance Testing Driven Development Atenia business Scrise de ntreaga echip pentru toat echipa Testele pic pn este implementat story-ul Test Driven Development Atenia partea tehnic Scrise de developeri pentru developeri Testele pic pn este implementat funcionalitatea
  • 5. Ambele sunt scrise naintea codului aplicaiei Arat foarte similar ... Dar nu se pot substiti una pe cealalt
  • 6. Story Title: Customer pays bills through internet banking As a customer, I want to pay bills through internet banking, So that I dont have to make a trip to each supplier. Scenario 1 Scenario 1: There is enough credit Given the account is in credit And the user is properly authenticated When the customer attempts to make a payment to a supplier And he inputs the correct bill details Then ensure the transaction is recorded And ensure the amount of money is debited
  • 7. HAMCREST http://hamcrest.org Hamcrest it is not a testing library: it just happens that matchers are very useful for testing. Permite scrierea codului ntr-un limbaj aproape natural Anagram de la matchers LAMBDAJ http://code.google.com/p/l ambdaj/ Acceseaz colecii fr bucle (for, while etc.) Operaii: filtrare, conversie, sortare, i nvocare de metode etc.
  • 8. JUnit Clarity assertEquals(a, 3); assertThat(a, is(3)); Hamcrest Speed Not necessarily applicable for isNull() or isNotNull() assertThat(list, hasItems(banana, minion, unicorn));
  • 9. Core is Logical allOf - like Java && anyOf - like Java || not Object equalTo - test object equality using Object.equals notNullValue, nullValue - test for null
  • 10. Collections hasEntry, hasKey, hasValue - test a map contains an entry, key or value hasItem, hasItems - test a collection contains elements Number closeTo - test floating point values are close to a given value greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo - test ordering Text equalToIgnoringCase containsString, endsWith, startsWith - test string matching
  • 11. Imports
  • 12. hasItem, hasItems Varianta clasic
  • 13. hasItem, hasItems Folosind hamcrest
  • 14. hasItems (cnd verificarea pic)
  • 15. hasEntry, hasValue, hasKey
  • 16. Numbers
  • 17. Tiny automation code
  • 18. ntrebri?
  • 19. Imports
  • 20. Este conceput pentru manipularea coleciilor Poate folosi Hamcrest pentru matching
  • 21. Lizibilitate Coleciile sunt foarte comune Iteraiile nu sunt extraordinar de simple ...i sunt greu de citit Operaii lambdaj: conversie, filtrare, sortare, extragere etc.
  • 22. Comparaii matematice (cu hamcrest) Sume
  • 23. Invocarea unei metode Varianta clasic Folosind LambdaJ
  • 24. Select
  • 25. Select
  • 26. Cel mai tnr Papoi
  • 27. Colecii Null sau goale n forEach Clase finale Very large collections
  • 28. ntrebri?
  • 29. Integrare cu metodologiile Agile (BDD) Claritate Vitez Curb de nvare rapid Aplicaii numeroase
  • 30. Cristian Cooi SDET cotoic@amazon.com
  • 31. Hamcrest http://code.google.com/p/hamcrest/wiki/Tutorial http://edgibbs.com/junit-4-with-hamcrest/ http://rafaelnaufal.com/blog/2010/03/15/using-hamcrest-and-junit/ writing your own matchers LambdaJ http://code.google.com/p/lambdaj/ http://code.google.com/p/lambdaj/wiki/LambdajFeatures
