Day 2

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Chapter 6The United States Breaks Away

Review from last class…

• After 1763Britain was deeply in debt because of the Seven Years’ War

• Britain did not want to lose their influence in North America and therefore wanted to keep their troops stationed in the Thirteen Colonies

• To fund the troops Britain decided to raise the taxes in the Thirteen Colonies

“No taxation without


“No taxation without representation”

The colonists felt that Britain had no right to tax them, as Britain did not allow colonists to elect representatives to the British parliament

• In 1775 the protests in the colonies turned into rebellion

• George Washington took command of an army raised in the Thirteen Colonies to fight British rule

• In 1776 the Thirteen Colonies decided to break away from Britain and become an independent country….

The Thirteen Colonies declared

itself independe

nt of Britain

The Declaration of Independence

the American Revolution (which lasted from 1776-1783)

The American War of Independence

Did they support breaking away from or remaining under British rule?

The American Revolution pressured people in the Thirteen Colonies to choose sides

Patriots Loyalists

-supported the rebellion and desired to be free from British rule

-opposed the rebellion and wanted to remain united and loyal to Britain

• Before we carry on discussing the Loyalists further, it is important to note of the fact that…

the colonies of Quebec and Nova Scotia did not want to join this war against British rule


What do you think was the experience of the Loyalists who lived in the Thirteen


• During (and even after) the war, many people who supported British rule left the Thirteen Colonies (now called the United States) for the British colonies of Quebec and Nova Scotia

• They were refugees escaping to territories that remained under British rule

• Question: What is a refugee?

A refugee is a person who is outside their country of origin (or habitual residence) because they are a member of a persecuted social group.


Work with a partner to Think-Pair-Share the handout on modern-day refugees.



- In groups of 4 you will now work to create a list on chart-paper of the challenges that the Loyalists faced because of relocating.

- Use the profiles of the different Loyalists on pages 175-178 to guide you.



What impact do you think these settlers had on people who were already living in these


Major Fur Trading Routes

Lord Selkirk

Hudson’s Bay Company

• The HBC had another reason besides helping displaced Scottish farmers for establishing the Red River Colony

• The North West Company was competing with the HBC for the fur trade

- The Nor’Westers depended on the Métis of Red River to supply them with pemmican -Also, the Red River was an important part of the route that the Nor’Westers used for transporting their furs

The HBC hoped that the establishment of a colony in the region would stop the North West Company’s fur trading

Boundaries of the Selkirk Colony (Assiniboia) Why might the location and size of this new colony be a concern for the Métis?


Assignment Time
