Evaluation of Practical Task In this presentation I will be looking at the similarities and differences that our re-created trailer and the original ‘Blair Witch Project’ trailer share


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Evaluation of Practical Task

In this presentation I will be looking at the similarities and differences that our re-

created trailer and the original ‘Blair Witch Project’ trailer share

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Throughout our trailer we used almost identical titles to the ones used in the original trailer. This is because titles are very conventional in a found footage trailer as it gives the film more of an authentic and personal feel. As well as this, the way the titles have

been laid out produces a diary style look, documenting their journey. The first set of titles show a positive review that has been made about the film, this is a prime

example of marketing and would encourage an audience to watch the film. The titles shown below open up the trailer and help to set the scene by stating the date of disappearance and by introducing us to our potential protagonists, three student


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We recreated many of the same scenes that were shown in the trailer, this being one of them. This opening scene shows the main protagonist introducing herself to the camera/audience. This is very effective in drawing an audience in because they are introduced to the main character right from the start. The image on the right shows our shot in which I am seen reenacting the original shot, displaying many similarities between the two. We wanted our shot to have a simple background so that not too much of the story is given away and so that all attention is on the female character.

Furthermore, I am seen wearing a burgundy jumper, very similar to the original characters top. Similarly to the original, this was taken at a mid shot displaying my

facial expression and body language effectively.

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From watching the original, we were inspired by the shots of strangers being interviewed regarding ‘The Blair Witch’. This is because it made the trailer feel even more realistic and builds tension. Considering our teacher also teaches drama, we asked her to play the role of the old lady shown in the original trailer. This was very

effective due to Ms Silver’s brilliant acting skills! Similarly to the original, we edited this scene to black and white, making it seem as if the clip is very dated therefore

suggsting that the ‘Blair Witch’ is something that has been around for a very long time.

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Similarly to the original, we used an establishing shot in our trailer to introduce our audience to the forest, where the majority of the film will be set. Forests are very conventional in horror therefore this shot builds suspense amongst an audience.

Likewise, we edited our shot to black and white, giving the shot a vintage and historic feel. Both shots show a road which conveys the idea that although they could follow

the road, there is no escape from the Blair Witch.

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The idea of being lost is very conventional in a horror film. Therefore, we thought it would be relevant to add this scene to our own remake. Our own familiarity with

Hampstead Heath meant that for us as a group we were able to find our way around efficiently and find good locations to film in. This shot is a mid shot, therefore body language and facial expressions are on full display, conveying the idea of horror. The

rucksack we used is very similar to the one shown in the original trailer, the bag is useful in suggesting that they have been travelling for a while.

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This extreme close up shot of the protagonist is very effective because the audience cannot see what is behind her, indicating fear of the unknown. As well as this, her terror is made very convincing through the tears in her eyes. Because we had to film our trailer in daytime, we shot this scene by placing our hand over the camera in order to block out the sunlight. We also shined the torch into my eyes, emphasizing the idea that she is in complete darkness.

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Both of the trailers end with the title of the film. This is very common in film trailers because you see it after you have watched the trailer, which means it is likely to stick with you. Similarly to the original, we wanted our end title to be

as minimal as possible, making the title of the film effective.

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