Evaluation question 1

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Front Cover

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Masthead Tagline

Main image


Anchor text

Cover lines

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Tagline I have used the convention of the tagline to clearly show the audience what the magazine is about making it an informative tagline.The font I have used (black) also contrasts the background (white) as well as the masthead (red) making it stand out more.


Other magazines with taglines:

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Masthead The masthead is very Large and bold, Placed across the top in the middle making it easy to identify what the magazine is, which is a common convention. As well as it being eye catching grabbing the readers attention and being more likely to buy the magazine.

Other magazines with similar mastheads :

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Main Image The image I used was a medium close up of one person covering the majority of the magazine, which is clearly a common conventionFurthermore another common convention is the direct mode of address being used in most front covers, this is because it gives a relationship between the reader and the image, enticing the reader to buy the magazine. Direct mode of address also gains the readers attention.

Other magazines with similar images:

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Anchor text ‘MV Vince’ anchors the image and the main story together. Making it bold and as big as the masthead. With the white fitting in with the colour scheme but making it stand out against the black/grey coat.

Magazines with similar anchor text

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Cover lines Main convention is to contrast the image and anchor text which is what I have done making it stand out more, catching the readers attention. The world which are in Bold text within the cover lines make it obvious what else is inside the magazine and what else they can look for in the magazine

Magazines with similar cover lines:

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Features The features on the right hand side is a common convention as it gives an insight as to who will be in the magazine for more entertainment, providing more selling points for the magazine, making it a common convention to have features on the front page. My features have a colour difference to separate and contrast the background colour also making it stand out more.

Magazines with similar features:

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House Style The colour scheme to my magazine s red/white/black. I chose these colours because they all contrast well and are commonly used on many different magazines such as VIBE. I suited the mise en scene of the model to black and white to match my colour scheme making this a common convention (using black and white plus another colour)

Magazines with similar house style:

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Main image





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Features cvdsv


Magazines with similar features:

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Masthead As you can see the masthead is used on the contents page, this is for brand awareness, with the same colour as my front cover masthead which make it recognisable with a different font to match the text in order to stand out.Consistent use of this (like on my double page spread) will reinforce my brand making it more professional,

Magazines with similar masthead:

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I ensured my numbers were bold and easily identified in order for the reader to quickly find what they were looking for. Furthermore I have enlarged one of the page numbers to draw the readers attention this will get the main image on my front cover noticed

Magazines with similar numbering:

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Layout Magazines with similar layout:

Enlarged image to draw attention to the main story with feature columns down the opposite side, with one piece of text over the top of the image with slightly bigger font size in order to be the main focus of the contents page.

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Main Image Magazines with similar images:

The main image covers just over half the page to draw the readers attention with him looking serious and directly at the reader, this creates a personal relationship between the reader and the magazine enticing them to read the rest of the magazine.

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Double Page Spread

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Anchor Text



Pull Quote

Page Numbers with Masthead

CD Cover


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Layout The image is placed to the left whilst the text is placed on the right, this is a common convention in a double page spread. The anchor text catches your eye and draws your attention to that particular page. The image used is seen across the whole page for continuity.


Magazines with similar layout:

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Pull Quote

Page Numbers With Masthead

The pull also gives an indication as to what the person Is like and providing a personal connection to the reader. The quote also makes you curious as to what he is talking about and who doubted him.

Magazines with similar pull out quotes :

The page numbers are located at the bottom corners of the page which is a common place to have the numbers as it is easy to navigate and easily distinguished. Putting my masthead next to the page makes my magazine more memorable s they will have to look at the page numbers and therefore my masthead

Magazines with similar page numbers with masthead:

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Image The background matches the overall house style of black, white and red/blueWhich corresponds to the text to the image. A medium long shot was used to show his body language and how the image stereotypically relates to the target audience of young black males.

Magazines with similar image:

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Text The main text is to the bottom right of the page with the font being the same but the font colour changing in order to make it easy to follow the interview. Moreover the text at the top of the page contrasts the background of the page with this being the introduction to the interview to get the reader interested.

Magazines with similar text:

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Anchor text Magazines with similar anchor text:

The anchor text creates engagement with the audiences with it being informative about who and what the rest of the text is about, encouraging the reader to read on. This is a common convention as it makes it clear to the reader what the article is about.

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CD Cover The CD cover isn’t Conventionally within magazines however it does give the magazine a unique selling point which provides an exclusive insight to the album. The CD colours and font also coincide with my house style

Magazines with similar CD Cover: