Third Year Students of BA Photojournalism at Staffordshire University O2 Funding- Examples of Work being created

O2 funding examples of work

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Third Year Students of BA Photojournalism at Staffordshire University

O2 Funding- Examples of Work being created

Contact – Georgina Thompson: 07510142124Rachel McHaffie (Referee)- 07967007901

Dear 02 Think Big

We are all studying BA Photojournalism at Staffordshire University and in our final years. All 14 of us have individual photograph projects that relate and tackle problems in everyday life. To display our work we will be holding an exhibition on London at the Hoxton Arches (402 Cremer Street) on Monday the 23rd until 26th June and an exhibition at the University of Staffordshire (Stoke) on the 16th of June. The exhibitions are there to not only promote ourselves but also get people thinking about the messages our images and accompanied magazines and books portray. The work is there is get society to recognise changes, influences, and problems within the UK in a more visual, interesting, understanding and thought provoking manor as we cannot all fully comprehend and understand long length academic texts. Hopefully the work, exhibitions, newspapers and magazines will also inspire other young artists to study an Art and Design course at University or college and indicate that text book smart isn’t the only way to tackle world issues and you can make a difference in another way.

Below are the projects each of us are working on with a brief description of the projects themselves. Please view the PowerPoint included to see examples of the imagery that has already been produced.

Georgina ThompsonMain Contact for application – 07510142124

Life as a Naturist;

An in depth look to the lives of Naturists. With the prejudice surrounding individual lifestyles and especially naturism I wanted to make a project voicing the opinions of

naturists and why they choose to live such an alternative lifestyle. Negative press has restricted this growing culture especially younger and female generations. Therefore I would like to break bad pre concept ideas which have generated so outsiders could

create their own opinions. Not only will I produce images from a outsiders perspective but I will give naturists the chance to capture their own images through

provided disposal cameras and through text to create a side book.

Rachel Oakley

Eco-Living in Tipi Valley;

An insight in to the alternative lifestyles of residents of Tipi Valley. With the current state of the environment being something of serious concern, this photographic project documents the lives of people living sustainably at an eco-community in

Wales. Additionally, this project aims to dispel any assumptions about this lifestyle choice and will show that the residents are simply ordinary people that choose to live

alternatively; at one with nature.

Rachel Trump

Women in Sport;

The focus of my project is to document why it is assumed that women cannot compete equally in the male dominated world. As a woman myself I know how hard it can be to be taken seriously both within the sporting sphere and working life. My

reasoning’s behind this project is that I feel it is important to document that there is no significant real change within gender equality within the 21st century – despite the

countless campaigns for equal pay and responsibility for women. The project will document successful sporting women using interviews, text, still images, video and

audio. My aim is to alter the views of many people who still carry the assumption that gender plays a huge role in success.


Tony Bedford

Holding Signs;

Documenting the people behind the banners, the signs and the marches, this project aims to promote activism by photographing the communities of people who are

taking a stand for what they believe in by protesting their opinions very publically to the world..


Lucy Wordsworth

The Agency;

My project is looking at the ethics behind the modelling industry. I will be exploring the influences modelling agencies have on the fashion and beauty industry through

their choice of models and the images they choose to publish alongside each campaign.

Lily Hartley

The Pub Workers;

The people who serve us in our day-to-day lives are often no more than anonymous faces within their professions. Whether they are barmaids, shop assistants or

waitresses, we often don’t think twice about who those people are outside of their job roles. We carry on with our own lives and forget about them as soon as we walk

outside the pub, shop or restaurant. This project focuses on what is behind the uniform, documenting the private lives of those with very public faces.

Patryk Wojnarowski


This project focuses on the way people emigrate from different countries to the UK. I look into the culture and tradition that has been brought into the country and how that is influencing the culture with the UK. The people pictured in this project will be families or individuals that have come a long way from when they started. Most started out in the UK as ignore citizens on low incomes now they own their own businesses and are truly making a stamp in the UK.

Joseph Winn

Straight Edge Music;

With a keen interest in music photography and gaining a considerably amount of experience of photographing famous and popular music acts in the UK I wanted to

create a project which lies within my interests but could also portray a strong message of culture. My project focuses on Straight Edge culture and its relationship with Punk / Hardcore music. My aim is to co-operate this through portraiture, fans and musicians and the documentation of a live show. The purpose of the images is

to highlight political values of Straight Edge and its place in the music industry.

Hope Sewell


The conservation of animals has grown rapidly in the past ten years, yet the question that many people ask; are the animals really being protected? The main focus of my project is to portray animals in captivity and how things really function within a zoo

with the animal’s wellbeing being the forefront and driving force for this project. The project should hopefully tackle questions such as; Is it natural and right for animals

to be kept in space enclosed spaces for the joy of human public? Does captivity decrease the risk of extinction? By showcasing the pros and cons to each

Laura Mobbs

Interracial Couples;

With a growing multicultural population within the UK it seems only normal to see the increase of interracial couples. With our country promoting equal rights and no

to prejudice… why do some interracial couples get penalised and tormented with abuse? My project is documenting interracial marriages and families and the effects

the society and culture has upon their lives. It is with aim to explore prejudice they have experienced and portray this in an informative and sensitive manner. I hope my

imagery will help people understand different cultures and traditions in modern families today and appreciate the compromises these individuals will make for one





















Kate Bowmer


The work reflects the life of one the longest female MPs, Joan Walley. Focussing on her roles of a politician, a woman and a dedicated member of the Labour Party, we

explore her life in her constituency and The Houses Of Parliament. Shadowing every aspect of Joans career, the project uncovers the truth on what its like to be a

Member of Parliament, as well as Joans personality through photography.

Nicholas Hatton

Affected by War;

The foundation of my project is to gain an understanding to the adjustments people have undergone to create a life in the civilian world after War. Taking a

photojournalist approach, men and women who have themselves have firsthand experience of warfare will be able to showcase and communicate their individual and personal stories. Stories which normally go unheard of. I would like everyday

citizens to try to gage an understanding of these transitions and adjustments.

Samantha Todd

Working Mortuary;

Death is a topic never really discussed fully, what actually happens after death? I'm not talking strictly faith wise either. My project will follow and document the daily

life of a working mortuary. Most people don’t actually know what happens behind a mortuary and sometimes forget that there is process that has to be done before

burial or cremation because of grievance

If we would be lucky enough to be funded we would use the money to/on; The production of a newspaper created and designed by ourselves to supplement and promote the shows (We would include your logo)• Print of the logo at a professional newspaper printers who we are already in contact with• Travel costs down to London• Promotion and advert spaces• Leaflets, Business Cards• Exhibition costs Thank you for reviewing our application

Kind RegardsGeorgina Thompson and Co.