Subliminal images in watchtower publications (part 2)

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Page 1: Subliminal images in watchtower publications (part 2)


(PART 2)



Page 2: Subliminal images in watchtower publications (part 2)


"The Watchtower", ISSUE JANUARY 15, 1988 (PAGE 18):

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Coloque el espejo en el lado izquierdo del círculo amarillo y obtendrá la siguiente imagen reflejada (mirroring image):

Place the mirror on the left side of the yellow circle and you’ll get the following mirroring image:

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THE CRUCIFIXION The following image can be found in several Watchtower publications (e.g. page 32 of the AWAKE! Magazine, issue January 2012 // page 230 of the book “Draw Close to Jehovah”):

LA CRUCUFIXIÓN:la siguiente imagen puede ser encontrada en varias publicaciones (ejemplo: pagine 32 de la revista “Despertad!” de enero de 2012 // pagina 230 del libro “Acerquémonos a Jehová” // página 18 de la revista la atalaya del 15 de febrero de 2006): 

Page 230 of the book “Draw Close to Jehovah”

Pagina 230 del libro “Acerquémonos a Jehová”

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Place a mirror in the middle of the image and you’ll get a demon’s face in the Jesus’s body:

Coloque el espejo al costado del pecho de Jesús y obtendrá la imagen reflejada de un demonio: 

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Now, we’ll show the same piece of art as it appears on page 32 of the AWAKE! Magazine, issue January 2012:

Ahora, vamos a mostrar la misma pieza de arte tal como aparece en la página 32 de la revista ¡DESPERTAD!, edición de enero de 2012:

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If you follow the same procedure you’ll get the same result:

Siga el mismo procedimiento y obtendrá el mismo resultado.

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Now, on page 230 of the book “Draw Close to Jehovah”, place the mirror next to Jesus’s body and a terrible face will be exposed:

Ahora, en la página 230 del libro "Acerquémonos a Jehová", coloque el espejo junto al cuerpo de Jesús y un rostro terrible quedará expuesto:

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“THE WATCHTOWER”, ISSUE 1 AUGUST 2010 (COVER)The following image is on the cover of “The Watchtower” magazine, issue August 1, 2010:

IMAGEN REFLEJADA(MIRRORING IMAGE) DESCUBIERTA EN LA REVISTA ATALAYA (1 DE AGOSTO DE 2010): La siguiente imagen corresponde a la cubierta de la edición del 1 de agosto de 2010 de la revista “LA ATALAYA”: 

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Turn the cover 90° clockwise and place a mirror on the right side of the yellow square. You will get a dragon:

Gire la cubierta 90º hacia la derecha. Luego coloque un espejo en el lado derecho del cuadrado amarillo y obtendrá un dragón: 

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Can you see the dragon’s eyes?

¿Ve usted los ojos del dragón? 

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Now, if you look at the mirroring image carefully you will notice a gliding bat over the dragon’s head.

The bat is deeply related to witchcraft.

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BAT IN THE BOOK “LIFE—HOW DID IT GET HERE? BY EVOLUTION OR BY CREATION?” The following piece of art is on page 6 of the book "Life, How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?”:

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Turn the cover 180° clockwise and place a mirror on the right side of the red square. You will get a huge bat:

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The following image is on page 21 of the magazine “La Atalaya”, January 1st, 2008: 

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This piece of art represents Elijah, the prophet, asking God to send fire from heaven to consume an offering. God answered his prayer and sent fire from heaven. This picture, however, hides a scene related to worship the “horned god of the witches”. Turn right (a bit) the image and then place the mirror on the right side of the yellow square: 

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This piece of art appears again on page 10 of “The Watchtower” magazine, issue September 15th, 1997: 

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If you follow the same procedure you’ll get the same result: 

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The next image is on page 31 of the Watchtower magazine, issue April 2012: 

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With the help of a mirror a hidden mirroring image is evidenced in the middle of the piece of art; a pair of piercing eyes looking directly to the reader. 

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In the Greco-Roman mythology the werewolf play a key role.

 Mount Lykaion (Λύκαιον ὄρος) is a mountain in Arcadia where an altar of Zeus was located. Zeus Lykaios was said to have been born and brought up on it, and was the home of Pelasgus and his son Lycaon, who is said to have founded the ritual of Zeus practiced on its summit. This seems to have involved a human sacrifice, and a feast in which the man who received the portion of a human victim was changed to a wolf, as Lycaon had been after sacrificing a child.

The epithet Lykaios ("wolf-Zeus") is assumed by Zeus only in connection with the Lykaia, which was the main Arcadian festival. In the founding myth, of Lycaon's banquet for the gods that included the flesh of a human sacrifice, perhaps one of his sons, Nyctimus or his grandson, Arcas, Zeus overturned the table and struck the house of Lycaon with a thunderbolt; his patronage at the Lykaia can have been little more than a formula. Long afterward, in the late 3rd century CE, the philosopher Porphyry reported that Theophrastus had compared the sacrifice "at the Lykaia in Arcadia" with Carthaginian sacrifices to Moloch. 

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Place a mirror on the left side of the yellow square and you will get an unbelievable werewolf.

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Place a mirror in the middle of the original piece of art and you will get this warewolf.

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The following picture is on page 28 of the book "Learn From the Great Teacher": 

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Now place the mirror in the fire and you will get this mirroring image: 

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Here we have magnified the image a Little bit: 

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This image appears again on page 18 of The Watchtower magazine, issue March 15th, 2005: 

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Follow the same procedure and you’ll get the same result: 

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The following piece of art is on page 16 of the "The Watchtower" magazine, issue August 15th, 2007: 


la siguiente pieza de arte se encuentra en la página 16 de la revista "La Atalaya" del 15 de agosto de 2007:

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Place a mirror in the middle of this piece of art and you will get this beheaded man: 

Coloque el espejo en medio del cuadro y obtendrá este hombre decapitado: 

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This mirroring image is very clear. This man has just been decapitated. He is struggling for breath (a common reaction of a human body that has just been decapitated).

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The following image is on page 9 of "The Watchtower" magazine, issue July 1st, 2012: 

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Place a mirror in the middle of this piece of art and you will get this headless man: 

The headless man is one of the main characters of Halloween. Take a look at the headless man of the movie "Sleepy Hollow", directed by Tim Burton: 

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“LEARN FROM THE GREAT TEACHER”, PAGE 91:  The following image is on page 91 of the "Learn From the Great Teacher“ book.

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Stag Stag-headed demon According to the anthropologist Margaret Murray, the appearance of the "horned god of the witches" could be like a ram, a goat, a stag, a bull or a deer. The costume sometimes worn by the chief or the witches (main sorcerer) when he officiated at th ceremonies or rituals (in medieval times) resembled these animals. 

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Engravings that show the chief of the witches (wearing a horned mask) presiding a coven in ancient times.

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La siguiente imagen se encuentra en la cubierta de la revista "La Atalaya" del 15 de diciembre de 1990: 

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Observen ahora cómo, al colocar un espejo en el borde derecho de la pieza de arte se forma el rostro de un diablo: 

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EL ROSTRO DEL DIABLO La siguiente imagen se encuentra en la página 35 del libro "¿Qué Enseña Realmente la Biblia?": 

THE DEVIL’S FACE The following picture is on page 35 of the book "What does the Bible Really Teach?"

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Place a mirror on the right side of the yellow square and you’ll get a demon’s face with fungs:Observen ahora cómo, al girar esta imagen (y con la ayuda de un espejo) se forma el rostro de un diablo con colmillos: 

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Esta es una imagen reflejada (mirroring image) de tipo Foto-mosaico. Es decir, se utiliza diferentes elementos de la pintura original (ej. ropas, ramas, hojas, et.) para formar los ojos, la nariz, los colmillos, el cuello, las cejas, etc. 

This is a Photomosaic mirroring image. That is, different elements of the original painting are used (e.g. Clothes, branches, leaves, et.) To form the eyes, nose, teeth, neck, eyebrows and shoulders of the resulting mirroring image demon’s face:

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This image appears again on page 30 of “The Watchtower” magazine, issue December 1st, 2009: 

Esta imagen vuelve a aparecer en blanco y negro en la página 30 de la revista “La Atalya” del 1 de diciembre de 2009:

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The following image is on page 27 of “THE WATCHTOWER” magazine, issue JULY 1, 2012

La siguiente imagen se encuentra en la página 27 de la revista LA ATALAYA, del 1 de Julio de 2012

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Coloque un espejo en el borde izquierdo del cuadrado rojo y obtendrá la cabeza de un buitre monstruoso el cual se conoce con el nombre de Akbaba. Se puede encontrar referencias de este demonio en la pagina 12 en el Dictionnaire Infernal, escrito por Collin de Plancy, publicado en Paris en 1863.

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Es evidente que esta imagen reflejada (mirroring image) es una versión monstruosa del buitre rey.