The Road Less Taken - The History of Logos

The Road Less Taken - The History of Logos

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The Road Less Taken - The History of Logos

Page 2: The Road Less Taken - The History of Logos

Aston Martin cars have never failed to woo the car enthusiasts. Such is its popularity that the Bond 007 does not want to take any other car on his escapades. With history like no other, the brand’s logos have seen a major transformation over the years.

The first logo was launched in 1921 and the winged design replaced it in 1927. A wing is a traditional symbol of speed, freedom, dreams and exploring boundaries.

Aston Martin – An Exceptional Beauty

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1921-1926 1927 1930 1932

1939 1950 1971 1972

2003 - Till date

The Evolution of Wings

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BMW is the ‘world’s most sustainable automotive company’. From its headquarters to its logo history, everything about the brand is iconic.

The logo that many people think was inspired from an airplane propeller was, infact, an imitation of Rapp’s logo which BMW acquired. Rapp had a black horse as a symbol on its logo and BMW chose the Bavarian national colors as a symbol. Take a look at brand’s interesting logo transformation.

BMW - An ‘Ultimate Driving Machine’

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1917 1953 Till date

A Journey from Black Horse to Bavarian National Colors

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Popularly known as Britain’s favorite car, the first models of Mini got launched in 1959 under the brands Austin Se7en and Morris Mini-Minor. The first Mini Coopers - the Austin Mini Cooper and Morris Mini Cooper - hit the racetracks in 1961.

The brand name Mini was given after Austin and Morris’ success in the motor sport circuit including the Coupe des Dames at the 1962 Monte Carlo Rally. 1969 saw the introduction of the first Mini logo. A new logo was brought out in 2001. Take a look at Mini’s logo transformation.

MINI – You Don’t Need a Big One to be Happy!

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1959 1962

1969 2001

Where Austin Becomes MINI

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Volkswagen’s logo was first designed in 1938 and went through significant changes in 1970s and then in 2000s. Like the brand, the story of logo’s origin too is interesting.

There is still a confusion as to who designed the logo. Some believe that Franz Xaver Reimspiess, a Porsche employee, is the creator while others claim that it was Martin Freyer who came up with the design and consequently won a design competition. Though modified several times, the thing that remains common in all the logos was the placement of the letters. Checkout the transformation the brand logo has gone through.

Volkswagen – Built to Protect

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1939 1967 1978

1995 1999 2000


Who Says Colors Don’t Speak

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Well known as the brand that delivers ‘The Best or Nothing’, Mercedes-Benz has been delivering the best cars in the world. Named after Emil Jellinek’s daughter, the company logo has seen many changes over the period of time. The three-pointed star came in 1909 and symbolized brand’s domination of land, sea and water.

After the merger of Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft with Benz & Cie, a circle was added to commemorate this new collaboration. After the merger, it was decided that cars of this brand would carry the name Mercedes-Benz. Checkout the brand’s logo interesting transformation.

Mercedes-Benz – The Best or Nothing

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1902 1909 1916 2009- Till date

When Mercedes Turned Into A STAR

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Rings every girl and boy wants to possess, Audi always draws envious eyes when on road.Named after its creator, August Horch, the Audi logo hasn’t changed much.

Initially, the logo consisted of standard four rings with the surname which in Latin is translated to Audi and the other three companies’ name (Audiwerke GmbH, Dampf Kraft Wagen, August Horsch & Cie and Wanderer) imprinted on them. Adopting minimalistic approach, the logo has been made simple yet attractive. Check out the transformation.

Audi – Follow Your Own Rules

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From Complication to Simplicity

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Louis Renault after showing his friends that his car can perform well on rough roads and steep hills, began a company as he received 12 orders immediately after he won his bet. The company successfully established itself as the most reliable brand and an excellent performer.

In the year 1900 the company introduced its first logo featuring the initials of the three brothers: Louis, Marcel and Fernand. From its involvement in the war to its seizure and rebirth, the company logo tells its story. Learn the story through brand’s logo transformation.

Renault – Found Out of a Bet

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1902 1902 1902 1902 1902

1902 1902 1902 1902

Experiments Make The Brand Perfect

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We hope cruising through the interesting history of Logo's and their evolution was fun. This is just a miniscule part of the entire universe of automobile industry. We at Big Boy Toyz, though specialising on pre owned Luxury cars, believe that any exotic luxury is much more than just Horsepower. So stay tuned to keep grabbing bites of interesting facts around cars and then some.

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