Copyright 2014 Bryant Harper All Rights Reserved Reproduction or Redistribution of this material without written permission is Prohibited by Law Your Insider Secrets to Making $50 to $100 per Hour with Indiegogo Fundraisers Without Spending a Cent A step-by-step guide to setting up Indigogo fund raisers and how to market your fund raising services to others and make a small fortune in the process. Written & Published by: Bryant Harper Copyright © 2014 – Bryant Harper All rights are reserved. Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to make the “Insider Secrets to Making $50 to $100 per Hour with Indiegogo FundraiserseBook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on Internet Marketing only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide only – not as a definitive source of Internet Marketing information. The purpose of this eBook is to educate, and not to provide or imply such provision of any legal, accounting, or any other form of business advice. The authors and publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this eBook is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The authors and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this eBook.

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Copyright 2014 Bryant Harper – All Rights Reserved

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Your Insider Secrets to Making $50 to $100 per Hour with Indiegogo

Fundraisers Without Spending a Cent

A step-by-step guide to setting up Indigogo fund raisers and how to market your fund raising services to others and

make a small fortune in the process. Written & Published by: Bryant Harper Copyright © 2014 – Bryant Harper All rights are reserved. Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to make the “Insider Secrets to Making $50 to $100 per Hour with Indiegogo Fundraisers” eBook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on Internet Marketing only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide only – not as a definitive source of Internet Marketing information. The purpose of this eBook is to educate, and not to provide or imply such provision of any legal, accounting, or any other form of business advice. The authors and publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this eBook is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The authors and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this eBook.

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Contents: Introduction Overview Getting Started Setting Up Your First Fundraiser –

Selecting a Category

Setting Realistic Goals Selecting Fixed VS Flexible Funding

Step-by-Step Campaign Set Up How You Get Your Money Promotion Tips and Tricks

Social Media and Sharing Earn $50 to $100 an Hour Setting Up

Fund Raisers for Others

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Introduction: Who can raise funds? Anyone can set up a fund raiser for any reason. I have done fundraisers for children with cancer, dogs with medical problems, a woman who needed to bring an historic house up to code, a camp for special needs kids, an orphanage in India and many, many more. Do you need funds for a trip? A new business? Uniforms for your team? For developing an App? It doesn’t matter what you need money for you may be able to raise the funds easily with Indiegogo. Why Indiegogo rather than some of the other fund raising sites? Simple, Indiegogo is the best known platform for raising funds for any worthy cause. Indiegogo has hosted over 150,000 fundraisers since

2007 It’s Free and Immediate You can start creating your

campaign right now for free. There is no application process.

It’s Open to Any Campaign You can raise money for anything, including for-profit ventures, creative ideas or personal needs.

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Global Access No matter where you live, you can start your campaign and collect money from any country in the world as long as you have a valid bank account.

Some of the most successful fundraisers on Indiegogo have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and a few have raised over $1,000,000. Most fundraisers are over in 60 days or less with 45 days being very popular. You can get your money from the fundraiser immediately.

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Overview: Before we get started there are a few things you should consider before embarking on setting up your first fundraiser. Don’t try to fool anyone. If you are insincere or just out to try to take advantage of good hearted, generous people, you will fail! If that is your mindset, please stop now and ask us for a refund. We will gladly refund your purchase price and your Karma will continue to be positive. Do be sincere and believe in your cause. If you are going to do a fundraiser for yourself to help you accomplish something, anything, think about who would want to help you and why. If you were approached to help one of your friends or acquaintances with a donation for the same cause you want to raise funds for, would you give them anything? If your answer to that question is yes then you are ready to get started. If your answer is no, then you better think about whether you want to go ahead with your original idea of raising funds for yourself or not. If you are going to do a fundraiser for a cause that is near and dear to your heart that you truly believe in and it’s

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something you would, or have supported, you will probably be successful with what you are going to learn from this guide. So, let’s get started! Getting Started: Ok, the first thing you need to do is open an account at Indiegogo (https://www.indiegogo.com/accounts/sign_up) The sign up process is quick and easy. You can even sign up using your FaceBook account. If you have a FaceBook account then I recommend that you do sign up by just clicking the FaceBook button on the sign up page. More about why later. You will receive a confirmation email from Indiegogo. Be sure to click the verification link. It activates the “Verified” badge for everyone to see when they are looking at your Fundraisers (very important). Also be sure to complete your profile with accurate information and upload a photo of yourself so people can see who they are dealing with (also very important). Please don’t use a cartoon character or other nonsensical image in place of a photo of your face. If you’re hesitant or

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shy just take a look at some of the other people’s pictures and you’ll get over it quickly. Be sure to add links to all of your social media sites in your profile, especially FaceBook and Twitter. If you don’t have both a FaceBook and a Twitter account you really should have them for your own credibility with the Indiegogo community. At this point and before you go any farther I would strongly recommend that you spend some time looking over the current fundraisers on Indiegogo. You can search or browse to find fundraisers that are similar to what you plan on doing. Look for similar fundraisers that are successful and also look for some that are not doing so well. You may have to dig deep to find the ones that are not doing well as Indiegogo gives prominence to those that are succeeding. Look at them critically. What are the successful ones doing that the others are not? Try to figure out what works and what doesn’t work. You don’t need to spend too much time on this evaluation step; we’re going to go over what makes a successful fundraiser later in this guide.

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If you can donate to any of the fundraisers you look at you should, even if it’s only a dollar. Being a donating member of the Indiegogo community will help you out a great deal later. Especially if you are planning on marketing your services to run fundraisers for others. If you do not have a PayPal account, get one now (paypal.com). You will need a Verified PayPal account to collect the money you raise immediately. If you cannot get a PayPal account, that’s OK. You will just have to let Indiegogo collect the funds for you and wait for them to transfer the money to your bank.

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Setting Up Your First Fundraiser – Selecting a Catagory: The first and most important step in setting up a fundraiser is to select the proper category. Put it in the wrong category and you are probably doomed. Selecting the right category is not as simple as it seems. Categories like Animals or Art are obvious but what if you need uniforms for a soccer team? What if you want to help a sick friend with needed medical expenses? What if you want to take a trip around the world and Blog about it? The proper category is suddenly not so obvious, is it? A “Community” Fund Raiser Here is a sample of a very simple but successful fund raiser. This man’s house burned while he was out of town and he lost everything he had. His girlfriend set up the fund raiser and they raised more than five times their goal. Click Here to see the fund raiser.

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You will notice that it contains only a single picture of the burned house and a single paragraph describing the situation and asking for help. The original goal was $500 and as I write this they have raised over $2,500 and there is still time left. By the time you read this the fund raiser may well be over but you will still be able to see it. Notice the number of contributors. A “Technology” Fund Raiser Now, here is an example of a wildly successful fund raiser for a product launch. The product is a GPS Watch for Kids. The Watch tracks the location of the child wearing the watch and the parents can check on them by looking up the location on an App or on the Web. Very cool product. As of this writing they have raised over $110,000 and there is still two weeks to go. Click Here to see this fund raiser. Take a good look at the quality of the production. Lots of info, pictures, technical information and videos. This is an excellent example of a professionally produced Indigogo fund raiser.

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Here you will also see the use of Perks. In this case the main Perk is the product, one of the GPS Watches, at a discount. They also use a $1 Perk (an “atta boy”) and a $25 Perk (T-shirt). Using Perks is a great way to reward your contributors and they can be as simple as a Thank You note or something bigger like a shirt or anything else your contributors might appreciate. The Most Amazing Fund Raiser Ever! And Here is one I just want you to look at and be amazed. Over $700,000 raised and you won’t believe what them money is for. Also pay special attention to the FaceBook, Twitter and Google+ shares. Never, ever underestimate the power of social networks when running a fund raiser on Indiegogo! Here is your take away from this lesson. Unless the fund raiser you are working on obviously belongs in a specific category, put it in Community.

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Community is the broadest and most popular category on Indiegogo. The other thing to be learned here is there is almost no limit to the amount of money you can raise. Hint, there is a fund raiser on Indiegogo that raised over $12,000,000 and that was only 40% of what they were looking for. There are a bunch more that have raised well over a Million Dollars. See if you can find them.

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Setting realistic goals Ok, I’ve showed you a fundraiser that raised a couple thousand dollars and one that raised over $110,000 and the amazing one that raised over $700,000. If you followed my suggestion and looked over some of the other fundraisers you probably saw some that raised little or no money at all. They’re there and there are a lot of them. I can’t guarantee that you’ll be successful with your fundraising efforts but I will point you in the right direction as much as possible. I highly recommend that you set a modest goal for your fundraising. If you do and the community likes what you are doing you will exceed your goal just like the man with the burned out house. If you try to “shoot the moon” and ask for an unreasonable amount of money relative to your need, you will fail and you may very well come away from the experience with a bitter taste in your mouth. Follow my recommendations and be realistic with your expectations and you will have a good chance of success with Indigogo.

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This goes for fundraisers you may do for yourself and especially any fundraisers you do for others. More on that later in the “How to Earn $50 to $100 an Hour Setting Up Fundraisers for Others” section. One more thing; Don’t be afraid to experiment in the beginning. It doesn’t cost anything to set up and run a fundraiser on Indiegogo. They only get paid when you get contributions.

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Selecting Fixed VS Flexible Funding There are two options with Indiegogo when it comes to how you want to define your fundraising goal, fixed and flexible funding. You always want to use flexible funding and here’s why. If you want to raise $1,000 for Johnny’s soccer team to buy new uniforms and you choose to set it up as a Fixed Funding campaign, here’s what happens.

You must raise exactly $1,000 to get any of the money.

You have to wait until you raise the entire $1,000 to get the money.

Indiegogo gets to hold your money until you reach $1,000

If you don’t raise the entire $1,000 they send the contributions back to the contributors.

You get nothing. If you set up Johnny’s fundraiser as a Flexible Funding campaign here’s what happens. You get to keep everything you raise regardless how

much it is. You get the money in your PayPal account immediately

when it is contributed.

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If you raise more than your goal you get to keep all of it and buy some new soccer balls or whatever.

There is also a difference in how much Indiegogo gets based on whether you run a Fixed or Flexible campaign. Indiegogo gets 4% for Fixed Funding Campaigns if you reach your goal and nothing if you don’t reach your goal. Indiegogo gets 4% for Flexible Funding campaigns if you reach your goal. But, if you don’t reach your goal on a Flexible Funding campaign, they get 9%. This fee structure is designed to encourage you to set realistic goals and to work to promote your campaigns. I never run Fixed Funding campaigns and I recommend that you always run Flexible Funding campaigns as well.

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Step-by-Step Campaign Set Up Log into your Indiegogo account and click on “Create” in the top navigation bar. On the next screen you will select a category. After you choose a category there is an entry to set your fund raising goal on the same page. The default, and the minimum, is $500. You can enter your goal or leave it at $500 for now. You can change your goal to whatever you want up until the time your campaign goes live. Next, select who will receive the funds raised by your campaign. If your PayPal account is in your name select “An individual person or group of people”. If your PayPal account is in your business name select “A registered Business”. If you are setting up a fund raiser for another person or entity and they will be receiving the funds to their PayPal account select the appropriate designation.

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If you will be collecting the funds for your customer use your own designation as a person or business as you were instructed previously. Note: I do not recommend doing fund raisers for Non-Profits (501-c3) directly. The documentation requirements are a nightmare. If you want to run a campaign for a non-profit it is best to do it in your name and then donate the proceeds to them after the campaign completes. Click the green button at the bottom of the page that says “2. Set Up Your Campaign” to continue to the next step. Congratulations, you’re now ready for the nest step: letting people know why they should contribute to your campaign. Right now no one else can see your campaign until you finish editing it and setting up your funding method. When you arrive at this page Indiegogo will display a related campaign in the right hand column. Use it as an example of how to complete the entries for your campaign on this page. First, you will be entering some basic facts about your campaign. Everything marked with an * is required before you go live with your campaign.

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The first thing you see on this page is an “Upload Image” button. You will need to add an image here but if you’re not ready you can come back later. The image size is 220 X 194 pixels and it will also be used in a slightly smaller (90x90) format at the top of your main campaign page. You will be able to preview everything in the next step. Again, take a look at some successful campaigns to get an idea of what a good image is. Remember the burned out house? That is a compelling image for that fund raiser. Use the most compelling images you can for your campaign You can use an animated image here and I recommend that you do so if it’s appropriate. If you need to create an animation from a group of images you can use this free service to make one and resize it to fit Indiegogo’s requirement. I suggest you use a slow animation, 10 or 15 seconds between frames. You will also see that you can change your campaign category on this page if you want. Next is your campaign title. Be sure to use all 80 characters if you can.

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Use keywords in your title just like you would for the search engines. Indiegogo has its own search feature but the other search engines also crawl all of the Indiegogo campaigns so you may well get search engine traffic based on your campaign title and description. Next is the short description of your campaign. Again, be sure to use all 160 characters and keywords in your short description. The title and short description are the most important parts of your campaign when it comes to getting people to look at your fund raiser. If you look at any of the Indiegogo pages what you see displayed for other campaigns are the same elements you are adding to your campaign on this page. Image, title and a short description. Think of them as what is displayed on Google search results pages. Next you will choose a “short link” for your campaign. Enter something short but try to incorporate at least one keyword here.

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Complete this page by entering your country and city and state. They will both be displayed along with your title and short description. Click Save. When you click the save button it will open up the areas you need to complete to finalize the campaign for the public to see. Your campaign will not be available to the public until you finalize it and click the “Go Live” button after you have completed all of the required steps. Don’t worry; you can be done in a very short period of time if you have all of your information at hand. If you want to change your fund raising goal amount you can do it now. Remember, you can change it at anytime prior to going live. Select your Funding Type. Again, I highly recommend that you use Flexible Funding. Set your funding deadline. You can select a number of days, a date you need the funds by or a calendar date.

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45 days is recommended but you can go as long as 60 days. Click the Save button. Just a reminder, anything you do at this point can be edited and changed as many times as you want until you are happy with everything and ready to go live. The next section, “Your Story” is where you will make your “Pitch”. Think of it as your sales page because that is what you are doing here. You want your reader to understand what you need and why you need it so they will make a contribution to your cause. Remember; Little Johnny’s team needs new soccer equipment so they can be safe while playing in the tournament so make sure you get that point across in this section. The first thing you will see is a place to add your “Pitch Media”. This can be an image an animation or a video. The maximum size is 620 X 413 and I recommend you use images of that exact size for best results.

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If you have a video, by all means use it. Campaigns with videos raise 114% more than campaigns with just images. Next is the “Pitch Text” Section Here is where you go all out to tell your story and convince people to support your cause with a contribution, no matter how small. Remember, every Dollar is a step closer to your goal. Indiegogo has done an excellent job of defining and describing what you need to have in this section so I’ll let you read their instructions for your inspiration and formatting directions. Note: In the formatting bar at the top of the text input area there are buttons to insert additional images and videos. Use them if you have them. The more images and videos you have the more your potential contributors will engage with your cause. I will add a few suggestions for things I have found to help me set up successful campaigns.

1. Don’t hesitate to write a tear jerker but don’t go overboard. If a child needs help getting chemo therapy it’s a sad story so write it that way.

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2. Be real. Tell people about yourself and why you

deserve the help even if you do want to travel and Blog about it. Hey, a lot of people want to travel and Blog about it. Those people can relate and they just might be willing to help.

3. Make it clear that they will benefit from helping. Even if

they just get the satisfaction of helping a fellow human being, or a dog or a cat, they can feel good about it so tell them so.

4. Give them a Perk. Even if it’s just a thank you email

and a mention in your campaign comments section it means a great deal to them and you can be generous because it only costs a little of your time.

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Indiegogo, and I, recommend that you always end your pitch with an “Other Ways You Can Help” section. Here is my tried and true Other Ways to Help text.

“If a financial contribution isn't possible for you right now, you can still help. We welcome all the assistance we can get just spreading the word. You can email friends, post to Facebook, Twitter and any other social networks you use.......whatever you feel is appropriate to do. Indiegogo has some great share tools that make it easy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Use it just like it is. Click the Save Button and correct any errors if there are any. Now, click the “View Campaign” Button. You will see how your campaign will look when it goes live. Close the View Campaign window/tab and make any changes you want until your campaign looks just right. You can make changes later but this is a good time to make as many changes as you want to get things ready to go.

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Adding Perks When you are satisfied with your campaign, consider adding at least one Perk. Even if it’s just a thank you note it’s worth the little time it takes. You can add up to 20 Perks so add as many as you are comfortable with. The process and the entries are defined following the “Pitch Text” input area. Don’t forget to save your changes when ever you see the “Save” button! Now click the “Enhance Your Campaign” button. Now you are on step 3 of 4, you’re almost ready to launch your campaign. All of the options on this step are optional but you should use any of them that you can. First is the “Campaign Preview” option. Use it to share your campaign with anyone you would like to show it to before it goes live.

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Use this option/link to show the campaign to someone that is paying you to run a campaign for example. Next is your “Campaign Team”. Use this to add anyone you want to the campaign that are working with you on the campaign. You will always be the first Team Member and you should set your role as “Owner” or “Editor” if you are running the campaign for someone else. The next section is “Outside Links”. They are also self explanatory so use all of them that you can as long as they are related to your fund raising. Next, add your Google Analytics Tracking ID (UA-xxxxxx) code if you want to track all the activity on your campaign page. Finally, you can add additional video links and an image gallery if you wish. Use all of the available resources you can to improve the likelihood of running a successful campaign. OK! You’re ready to “Get Funded” so click that button! How You Get Your Money

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This is the final step to set up your collection information for the funds you raise. Again, I recommend using only PayPal for the reasons I talked about earlier in this guide. Enter your PayPal information in the fields as required. When you put the cursor in an input field a black text box will open to the right of the input field with instructions and requirements that you must meet. After you enter your PayPal information and click Save the system will verify it by running an immediate inquiry to the PayPal system. The PayPal Status will be displayed upon completion of the inquiry. Green and you’re good to go! Now you will have to provide some personal information so Indiegogo can verify your identity. This is for your protection and it only takes a few minutes. Once your funding and personal information is completed and verified the “Go Live – Get Funded” button will appear.

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Click it and go! If the button at the bottom of the Funding and Identity Verification page does not turn green it will be Gray and if you click it it will show you what you need to complete to turn it green and start your campaign.

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Promotion Tips and Tricks Congratulations! Your campaign is now live and you are ready to start collecting contributions for your cause. There is still more to do though. You need to let people know that you are running a fund raising campaign! The easiest way to promote your campaign is to share it with your friends and contacts on your social media account like FaceBook, Twitter, Google+, your Blog, etc. Use everything at your disposal to spread the word and ask everyone you tell to help you spread the word. Remember, yours is a worthy cause and people will want to help. Do not depend on your exposure from Indiegogo to make your campaign successful. It probably won’t happen. It will help but ultimately you need to be the force behind the promotion. Of course, if you are running a fund raiser for someone else they must be involved, and heavily, in spreading the word and promoting the campaign. Unless they are paying you for that too. Hint, hint…

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Here are some other suggestions for promoting your Indiegogo fund raiser: Add a link to your email signature Set up a FaceBook Page dedicated to your campaign Visit and post in forums that are dedicated to the issue

or cause you are raising funds for. Soccer forums for a soccer team fund raiser for example.

If you have an email list send them an email about your fund raiser. Consider using your campaign’s Pitch Text in the email. Believe me, it works.

If you don’t have a list email all your friends and family. You may be hesitant but they might just surprise you.

Fiverr. For $5 you can find people on Fiverr to promote just about anything and some of them do a darn good job.

GoGoRocket.com They say they will increase your “GO GO Factor” for a fee. Your “Go Go Factor” is Indiegogo speak for Campaign Popularity. The more popular your campaign is the higher is will display when your category is browsed. Fees range from about $80 to $290.

For me, nothing is more important than being number 1 in Indiegogo search for your main keyword, please remember that. Earn $50 to $100 an Hour Setting Up Fund Raisers for Others

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I know a lot of you skipped right down to this part because you’re in a hurry to make money. That’s cool but please, take the time to go through the complete guide and at least set up one fund raiser so you have a feel for what you’re proposing to do for your new customers. Setting up or even a couple of test fund raisers will do two things.

1. You will get comfortable with the process and be able to put up new fund raisers quickly for your customers.

2. You will have some samples of your high quality work to show them until you have a couple of successful campaigns under your belt.

OK, you’ve done a couple of test campaigns and now you’re ready to go. Back in 2012 I was charging a $50 one time set up fee and getting the campaigns set up and running in about an hour so you should be able to do the same or more. You may also want to consider working on a percentage basis or a combination of both. It’s up to you of course.

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You will have no problem finding people and organizations that will want you to set up their fund raisers. Start by advertising your services locally by word of mouth. Talk to the local little league teams, soccer teams, any other local sports teams. They always need to raise money for something and the local community will get behind them and you become a hero. Pretty soon people will be calling you to help them get funding things you can’t even imagine. Put a classified ad in your local paper. Hold classes to teach people how to set up their own fund raisers. When you are talking to people about what is possible with Indiegogo fund raisers show them the three I referred you to at the beginning of this guide. If that doesn’t convince them, move on to the next prospect. Advertise online. You most likely got this guide from some online source so you know how to promote yourself and products online.

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This is just one more product for you to promote. If you are going to promote online you better have some quality campaigns to show your prospects to close the deal. So there you have it. A complete business you can start with no out of pocket expense. And, if you want to travel the world and Blog about it, go for it. You now have a way to raise the funds you need to do just that. I hope you enjoy this guide and wish you a happy and prosperous future.

Bryant Harper [email protected]