Business Council of Mongolia www.bcmongolia.org Mongolia Strategic Trade Industry Outreach Seminar October 26 – 27, 2016 Best Western Premier Tuushin Hotel – Suld Room, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The two-day seminar was successfully organized by the Center for Policy Research, University at Albany, State University of New York, in partnership with Business Council of Mongolia (BCM), AmCham Mongolia, the Mongolia National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), and the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia. Guest speakers included experts from China, Korea, Japan, and the United States. Over 85 representatives from businesses in the oil & gas, mining, chemical, industrial manufacturing, electronics, software, logistics, finance, and trading sectors were registered and attended. Please see below seminar objectives, agenda and follow ups. Objective: 1. To provide fundamental knowledge on trade in high-technology, high-value “strategic” goods and technologies, and how they are regulated by the major exporters of the world and how this critical aspect of international commerce affects businesses in Mongolia. 2. To raise awareness and identify strategic trade exports, imports and re-exports on “dual use” strategic commodities that can create national military power.

2016.10.26 27 Strategic Trade Control Seminar

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Business Council of Mongolia


Mongolia Strategic Trade Industry Outreach Seminar October 26 – 27, 2016

Best Western Premier Tuushin Hotel – Suld Room, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia The two-day seminar was successfully organized by the Center for Policy Research, University at Albany, State University of New York, in partnership with Business Council of Mongolia (BCM), AmCham Mongolia, the Mongolia National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), and the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia.

Guest speakers included experts from China, Korea, Japan, and the United States. Over 85 representatives from businesses in the oil & gas, mining, chemical, industrial manufacturing, electronics, software, logistics, finance, and trading sectors were registered and attended. Please see below seminar objectives, agenda and follow ups. Objective:

1. To provide fundamental knowledge on trade in high-technology, high-value “strategic” goods and technologies, and how they are regulated by the major exporters of the world and how this critical aspect of international commerce affects businesses in Mongolia.

2. To raise awareness and identify strategic trade exports, imports and re-exports on “dual use” strategic commodities that can create national military power.

Business Council of Mongolia


Key Points:

1. There is potential synergy between the goals and outcomes that the business organizations and their members are striving for in terms of Mongolia's trade and economic growth.

2. Identifying the Strategic Trade Items-exports, imports and re-exports on “dual use” strategic commodities that can be used both as commercial civilian use /toothpaste, shampoo, etc./ and national military power /chemical & biological weapon, missile fuselage, etc./ is essential.

3. Having a solid national strategic trade control system and industry compliance culture is necessary; the following Main Strategic Control systems need to be adopted and enforced:

a. Law, Regulation b. Special Licensing c. Enforcement control mechanism d. National sector involvement e. International involvement

4. The seminar was useful and informative for all the companies looking to gain access to new technologies and foreign investment, as well as those looking to expand their overseas markets.

5. Interesting and practical case studies from China, Japan, Korea, and the United States were presented.

Here is the link for the soft copies of all the seminar materials, which are also posted on the BCM website for your reference: http://bcmongolia.org/knowledge-base/presentations/mongolia-strategic-trade-industry-outreach-seminar-26-27-oct-2016

Business Council of Mongolia


BCM’s Logistics Working Group is changing into Trade and Logistics to advocate for improved export, import, transport and customs issues in Mongolia. With this change, BCM was co-organizing this strategic trade industry seminar advocating for improved trade and business environment through all of our activities. You are welcome to join our WGs which have over 420 experts in 8 sectorial WGs. For more information about possible partnership and how to get involved in our Trade and

Logistics WG, please contact Baljaa, WG Coordinator via [email protected]


DAY 1, Wednesday, October 26 09:00 Registration and Tea/Coffee 09:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Mr. John McDaniel, Chief, Economic Section, Embassy of the United States Ms. Adiya Oyungerel, Director of Policy and Advocacy, American Chamber of Commerce

(AmCham) Mongolia Mr. Mergen Chuluun, Executive Director, Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) Mrs. Adyasuren Dandii, Senior Officer, Export Promotion Department, Mongolia National

Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) Mr. Jay P. Nash, Research Fellow, Center for Policy Research, University at Albany-SUNY

(CPR/UAlbany/SUNY) 09:45 What is Strategic Trade Control and Why Is It Important to Industry in Mongolia? (Part I)

Mr. Jay P. Nash, Research Fellow, CPR/UAlbany/SUNY Basic introduction to “strategic trade control” International obligations, standards, and trends in strategic trade control Mongolian industry sectors impacted by strategic trade control Mongolia’s current and future strategic trade control system

10:45 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00 What is Strategic Trade Control and Why Is It Important to Industry in Mongolia? (Part II)

Mr. Lino Arboleda, Export Control Specialist – Asia, General Electric (GE) Corporate Multinational conglomerate perspective on the importance of strategic trade control The importance and impacts (including benefits) of strategic trade compliance How industry can help influence and improve strategic trade controls

12:00 Lunch 13:00 Strategic Trade Control and Doing Business with China, Mr. Johnny Xie, Managing Director,

Questoud Trade Consulting Overview of China’s strategic trade control system How Chinese companies manage strategic trade control

Business Council of Mongolia


The commercial benefits of strategic trade control awareness and compliance

14:00 Tea/Coffee Break 14:15 Strategic Trade Control and Doing Business with Korea, Mr. Jaerim Ku, Senior Specialist,

Compliance Support Team, Korea Strategic Trade Institute (KOSTI) Korea’s approach to strategic trade controls How Korea’s strategic trade controls impact business with Mongolia Identifying transactions and activities subject to strategic trade control

15:15 Strategic Trade Control and Doing Business with Japan, Mr. Osamu Fujimoto, General Manager,

Research Department, Japan Center for Information on Security Trade Control (CISTEC) Overview of Japan’s strategic trade control system The application of Japan’s export controls to overseas subsidiaries Japan’s approach to strategic trade control compliance

16:15 Review of Day 1 and Preview of Day 2 16:30 Conclusion of Day 1 DAY 2, Thursday, October 27 09:00 Introduction to Internal Compliance Programs (ICPs) for Strategic Trade, The Key to Compliance

Success!, Mr. Jaerim Ku, Compliance Support Team, Korea KOSTI Fundamental elements of ICPs Government tools that can help company ICPs ICP examples and case studies from companies in Korea

10:00 Tea/Coffee Break 10:15 Effective Implementation of ICPs for Strategic Trade Control, Mr. Johnny Xie, Questoud

Strategizing and tailoring your ICP to maximize business benefits Keys to screening business transctions for strategic trade compliance ICP examples and case studies from companies in China

11:15 Strategic Trade Control Compliance at GE, Mr. Lino Arboleda, Export Control Specialist – Asia,

General Electric (GE) Corporate GE’s strategic trade control compliance program How GE complies with strategic trade control laws Constructive engagement with government on strategic trade controls

12:15 Concluding Session

Seminar summary review Closing remarks

12:30 Conclusion of Seminar and Luncheon